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Letters of note - Blog de correspondências

Tava dando uma olhada por aí e achei esse blog, que posta todo o tipo de carta de artista e outras personalidades.
Tem coisas do Whitman, do Keats e até do Tim Burton e da Madonna!


Que site bacana!
Um texto de carta (ou bilhete e até currículo) melhor do que outro!

Não se trata de alimentar seu lado bisbilhoteiro (bom, talvez um pouquinho vai... :timido: ) mas estou achando incrível que, com a leitura de apenas duas páginas de posts minha curiosidade foi despertada e quero, por exemplo, saber mais sobre Michael Shermer e Richard Dawkins (e seu artigo sobre o fictício "Gerin Oil") só por causa de uma carta escrita por um leitor cristão (e extremamente mal educado) para a revista na qual o artigo foi publicado.

Most sincerely yours
[Do not read if easily offended]

In December of 2003, an article written by Richard Dawkins appeared in Free Inquiry magazine. In it, he wrote of a dangerous drug named Gerin Oil and the many millions of deaths around the globe attributed to its existence. Said Dawkins:

"The four doomed flights of September 11th 2001 were Gerin Oil trips: all nineteen of the hijackers were high on the drug at the time. Historically, Geriniolism was responsible for atrocities such as the Salem Witch Hunts and the massacres of Native South Americans by Conquistadores. Gerin Oil fuelled most of the wars of the European Middle Ages and, in more recent times, the carnage that attended the partitioning of the Indian subcontinent and of Ireland."

The whole article can be read here, and in fact the drug is fictional; its name being an anagram of the word 'religion'. Unsurprisingly, angry letters soon appeared, and below is just one stunningly coarse example; angrily written in 2008 by a Mr. Peter Colley.

Again: do not read if easily offended.



Sept. 6, 2008


You are a filthy, motherfucking, pigshit cunt of an arsehole British pig and bastard to cheat, deceive, and hoodwink readers with your rotten Free Inquiry article (which shit I enclose so that you can read your own drivel!). No one but an arrogant, putrid, verminous burke would resort to such a cheap, pigsty trick (unless, of course, he is Michael Shermer, who is as much of a stinking cunt and skunk as you are). Wallow well in your Oxford pigsty, elitist British oaf and vermin!!! I spit on shit like you, especially if they are British elitist turds!!!

Most sincerely yours,

(Signed, 'Peter Colley')

Peter Colley

P.S. Fuck you, stinking son of a British whore!!!

E o que dizer da carta de um apaixonado Marlon Brando escrita à uma aeromoça que cuidava de um passageiro em um voo de Nova York a Londres?

Essa merece até reprodução da carta:


© Christie's Images Limited 2011

E o texto do post:

Friday, 11 February 2011
You have something graceful and tender and feminine

When he wrote the following letter in 1966, Marlon Brando was above the Atlantic Ocean flying from New York to London. Also on that plane was the letter's recipient: a senior air stewardess who, due to her taking care of another passenger following a sudden downturn in health mid-flight, had spent much of the journey sitting directly in front of the enigmatic actor. He was clearly enamoured by her, and handed over the note as he left the aircraft. (...)
Texto completo aqui.


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