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V de Vingança (V for Vendetta, 2005)

Folco disse:
Não importa o quanto estão "estragando" a HQ, fazer um filme do ponto de vista de um terrorista nessa época é uma idéia totalmente genial. Além disso, Natalie Portman careca = sexy.

A questão é: vão fazer do V de fato um terrorista mesmo ou só alguém em busca de vingança? Manja aquela história de "Esse governo do mal matou meus filhinhos e agora vou me vingar"? Pode parecer a mesma coisa, mas não é. Se tiverem culhões de mostrá-lo como terrorista mesmo, aí concordo com vc: não importa o quanto estraguem a HQ, o filme vale a pena.

Mas a Portman não é sexy careca, não. Prefiro a peruquinha rosa :obiggraz:
aqui deu erro no trailer, mas até onde eu vi (uns 70% dele), não gostei muito e tal. Até pq pareceu algo mais focado em vingança pessoal, e não nos ideais do V. Enfim, não deu pra passar muito mais que isso no trailer. não me empolgou, nem me fez perder a fé de uma vez por todas.
*Spoilers, spoilers*

Sobre o trailer, eu não gostei. Por motivos diversos, como por exemplo, aparecer a Evey na cadeia. Quando li a HQ, essa parte foi muito impressionante, e eu não estava de forma alguma esperando por ela. Acho que se tivessem mantido essa sequência como uma surpresa, teria um efeito bem maior. Isso, claro, partindo do pressuposto que o filme tente causar as mesmas sensações e questionamentos da HQ.

E, bom, eu não gostei da voz do Hugo Weaving como a voz do V. É bem difícil expressar, mas eu tinha pra mim a voz do V como uma voz imponente, firme, "sólida". A voz do Weaving tem um quê de sussurada, de maleável, insidiosa.
Inclusive, eu penso que alguém que veja o trailer sem ter tido qualquer contato anterior com V, o que provavelmente vai ser o caso da maioria esmagadora, vai ver na tela uma aberração á la Jason. E o que eu disse acima sobre a voz do Heaving cabe bem aqui. É completamente distante da história original, mas deu a impressão de ser um filme de terror/suspense com um assassino maluco. Sério, eu teria medo da máscara que fizeram para o filme.

Ana Lovejoy disse:
A questão é: vão fazer do V de fato um terrorista mesmo ou só alguém em busca de vingança? Manja aquela história de "Esse governo do mal matou meus filhinhos e agora vou me vingar"?
Knolex disse:
Até pq pareceu algo mais focado em vingança pessoal, e não nos ideais do V.

Eu não achei isso não. Porque tem todo o blábláblá sobre ter medo, e o líder sendo malvadão. Aliás, até a frase que foi usada no poster parece estar alí pra deixar bem claro que ele está se revoltando contra o governo pelo povo.
poisé, o líder malvadão. centrar a coisa numa pessoa (ou em poucas pessoas) que fez mal para alguns e não em um sistema todo: ou seja, vingança, e não terrorismo.
oh, my... será que alguém avisou os responsáveis que usando bullet time hoje em dia o filme vira comédia quase que automaticamente? Não que V não apreciasse esse gênero...
Se seria Mel Brooks dirigindo, então Gene Wilder como V?

Se o negócio ficar na vingança pessoal, blergh. E se resolveram desviar o filme pra isso por causa dos atentados? Apesar das filmagens já terem encerrado e dos caras falarem que nada mudaria, eles podem querer mudar coisas via montagem para "suavizar" o personagem.


Eu não acho tão grave aparecer no trailer a Evey na cadeia, pois o spoiler bravo é quem a prendeu. E ela já apareceu na imprensa com a cabeça raspada, ou seja, este visual dela não é segredo.
Engethor disse:

Eu não acho tão grave aparecer no trailer a Evey na cadeia, pois o spoiler bravo é quem a prendeu. E ela já apareceu na imprensa com a cabeça raspada, ou seja, este visual dela não é segredo.

Continuação do SPOILER

Na verdade, conversando com o V ( ususrio aqui do forum ) eu vi tb, que foi genial eles começarem o trailer dessa forma, por que ja da aquele "Olé!" na propria intepretação, por que de ante mão ja sabemos que ela tem uma relação com o personagem totulo, e quem não sabe do spoiler, ja pensa automaticamente que ela esta sendo torturada pelo governo pra saber do V, e isso e coloca de uma forma tão natural que fica empregnado e vc ja espera isso... ou seja, no dia do filme, o choque sera algo realmente de impacto como "PUTA Q O PARIL, o V É FODA!!", ou coisa do genero que é a reviravolta mais interessante de toda estoria, sem duvida... eles aproveitaram bem isso no trailer.
Engethor disse:
Se seria Mel Brooks dirigindo, então Gene Wilder como V?

ia ser foda... :twisted: (principalmente se ele usar o recurso usado em Seven, onde colocaram nome do ator que interpreta o vilão só no final)

Se o negócio ficar na vingança pessoal, blergh. E se resolveram desviar o filme pra isso por causa dos atentados? Apesar das filmagens já terem encerrado e dos caras falarem que nada mudaria, eles podem querer mudar coisas via montagem para "suavizar" o personagem.


Eu não acho tão grave aparecer no trailer a Evey na cadeia, pois o spoiler bravo é quem a prendeu. E ela já apareceu na imprensa com a cabeça raspada, ou seja, este visual dela não é segredo.

Se mantiverem o autor das torturas, há uma certa esperança de que não seja vingança pessoal "eu vou acabar com quem matou minha família, sou Rambo, etc"
Ei. Vocês não percebem que mesmo com aviso de spoiler os posts acima são perigosos. Não percebem que tão tipo revelando algo que é tipo o maior twist de todos os tempos. Será que dava pra colocar avisos maiores ou então não comentar mais sobre o assunto (o que seria melhor, IMO). Obrigado.
Yes, sir. A gente fica quietinho, principalmente o orc... :mentira:

Há um rumor publicado semana passada sobre o adiamento do lançamento do filme. Uma fonte anônima de dentro da Warner disse que o filme seria adiado para 17 de março de 2006 (e com isso se perderia a coincidência com o dia de Guy Fawkes). A justificativa oficial é que precisam de mais tempo para a pós-produção. Já que houve até troca de protagonista durante as filmagens, é possível que os atrasos tenham comprometido o cronograma. Claro que ninguém iria admitir que os atentados influíram na decisão.

Eu não acho que necessitariam de mais tempo pra pós-produção... enfim. Perderam a chance da data,como o Ugluk comentou comigo.

Vi o trailer esse fim de semana e gostei :D Sou um completo leigo e não conheço a história mas ele me empolgou :timido:

V For Vendetta

V For Vendetta was not just the single greatest film experience I had at BNAT. Rather, it is the Single Greatest Film I’ve seen all year. It is an utterly perfect, flawless film, ripe for debate and ready to be argued. It is a comic book adaptation of material now 23 years old, and yet, it could not have been made at a better, more relevant, more appropriate time. This is a film about revolution, a film about police states and terrorism. It is a film about what happens when people are afraid and let those that offer safety at the expense of freedom reign. It is a film about one man pushed over the edge, completely destroyed and ready to get revenge. But more important than revenge, this man wants revolution. This man wants not to cut the chains of slavery off of himself, but rather off of his people. And this man, this V, is a terrorist.

And that’s gonna piss a lot of people off. And it should. V For Vendetta is far from your run of the mill sci-fi. It is an important work of fiction that has more truth to it than is comfortable to most. In this country we have this conceit about terrorism in which we like to forget that we invented the ideals of modern “terrorism”. Despite being taught all about it in grade school, we forget that we won our independence through it. Sure, some will immediately fire back “The Boston Tea Party was not an act of terrorism, it was an act of vandalism.” And they’d be right. Of course those people don’t like to talk about our tactics during the revolutionary war in which brave British soldiers wore bright red coats, marched into fields and lined up to fight a “civilized” war. And those men were cut down by American men, hiding in the trees wearing street clothes that were indistinguishable from any other citizen. The Brits called us cowards. Uncivilized. But for over two hundred years we have operated under aegis of the motto “Desperate times call for desperate measures.” Now the tables are turned. We call men cowards for dressing in street clothes and taking shots at an occupying army. What was once our proud methods of liberation, what was once our revolution against not only tyranny, but outdated methods of warfare, has now become our burden. And now we as a people have fallen into desperate times, times when instead of standing up, we chose the path of least resistance. We chose safety over freedom. And we’re paying for that mistake. And deep down, many of us are waiting for a V.

But V isn’t some action film glorifying a terrorist waging war against a “Right Wing” regime. It is a film about ideas, about the monstrosity on both sides, about discussing what exactly terrorism is while similarly showing the loss of freedom through control by the media. And while the Wachowskis have made a few changes to the original story, they haven’t changed it very much. The theme still remains, only having been slightly tweaked here and there to update the material and enhance its relevance.

This film is extraordinarily powerful. It is a genre fisted gutpunch that uses Science Fiction in the way it was originally intended – as an allegory for high-minded ideals. And while it is busy dissecting terrorism, it is also careful to illustrate the importance of simply showing up over the power of violence. Ultimately V For Vendetta is not a piece glorifying terrorism, but rather one that demands a catalyst to encourage the people.

Hugo Weaving owns this film. His ability to showcase the soul of V, despite the fact that he is a singularly expressionless character is amazing (insert Paul Walker joke here.) This is the single greatest masked character on film since Darth Vader, and while that seems like a bold statement, Hugo Weaving is there to back it up every step of the way. Natalie Portman gives her best, perfectly layered performance since The Professional (Leon), and Stephen Rea, Stephen Fry and John Hurt all deliver with the oomph we’ve come to expect from this trio of masters.

I cannot fully express the love I have for this film. It is strong, brash, unflinching science fiction that goes for the throat and never lets go. And it’s going to get attacked – in a big way. Fox News, particularly Bill “then I’m gonna massage your pussy with a falafel” O’Reilly (who gets beat up pretty bad in this), are gonna jump on this like nobodies business. They’re gonna highlight the terrorist hero, preach about a pro-gay message, roll out stories about sex change operations and just go all sorts of nutso on this. And God, I cannot wait for it. If Warner Brothers has someone with a big old hairy pair of balls sitting on high, they’d hold a screening just for O’Reilly and Fox news, then blatantly refuse to ask for an embargo. This is a film that will live and breathe controversy. The worst thing that could happen to it is that news stations decide not to talk about it. Because anyone who slams this, anyone who calls it un-American and a defense of terrorism, will lose all credibility with anyone that watches this. And to their credit, these holier-than-thou chuckleheads can’t resist talking about a movie like this. They can’t stop themselves. This is everything they find unholy, everything they stand against. And it’s so fucking cool, it’s going to make scads of money if WB advertises it right. The Re-Re right won’t be able to contain themselves. Terrorism, homosexuality, violence, attacks on the media – all rolled up in a nice little package and delivered through Satan’s medium “film”. They’re gonna shit themselves as their brains leak out their ears.

I loved this film. With all my heart I loved this film. As it came to it’s resounding end and unveiled its final shots, tears actually began to stream down my face. Now I don’t cry often – hardly at all. Not even when Kong died. But this – this made me weep. The climax is so perfect, the final shots so beautiful, that I couldn’t contain myself. I was weeping for the film and weeping for my dream, my dream of what this country was and could be again. That’s exactly what this film is about. The dream of freedom and those that would fight and die for it. When this film ends, it proves not to be about terrorism at all. It proves to be about patriotism. It proves to be about what you are willing to do to your very soul for the sake of your country. Sure the hero is a terrorist – he’s also the single greatest patriot put to film in decades.

V For Vendetta is an instant classic – a work of true genius. And the only thing that pisses me off about it is that I have to wait another three months to see it again. I hope Warner Brothers is taking this time to print up Guy Faulks masks to hand out at every press screening of this film. There’s nothing that makes me smile more than the idea of seeing five hundred people walk out of this film wearing the masks. You want Press Warners? You want to hype this? Do that. And watch Fox simply shit themselves.

Well, it was another great weekend, and I’m beat. Time to catch up on some more sleep.

Until next time, friends, smoke ‘em if ya got ‘em. I know I will.


Fonte: http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=22020
Nos EUA em março, no Brasil em Abril.
Rolou um pré organizada pelo Harry do AICN.


EDIT: Dois reviews que revelam algumas coisas que mais gosto na história e que estão no filme (é fato que eles viram o filme). E algumas possíveis futuras questões.

Hey all.

This review will assume that you have read the graphic novel. I really don't know how else to write it. If you have not read Alan Moore's graphic novel, I urge you to read it before reading this review. If you want to be unspoiled about the film and the story, I'll say this: I think this is an extraordinarily important film, but the ad campaign that the WB is presenting at this time will make the film really hated by a lot of people. It's not THE MATRIX. Strictly speaking, V FOR VENDETTA isn't even an action film in the strictest sence. The action scenes it does have are few and only last a couple of minutes. For those having not read the book, V FOR VENDETTA is a brave film that tries to find the truth in our confusing times - what is our role in our government? And how much can we stand up to oppression before it becomes terrorism? It's a film that definitely needs to be seen and discussed, especially in America and Britain, and I hope everyone that has a chance to see it does so and joins the great conversation about what freedom really means. From here out, stop reading, if you haven't read the graphic novel.

I realize I've written some about V FOR VENDETTA already in my BNAT 7 review, but it's been more than 24 hours now, and the film simply will not leave my mind. I'm an optimist. I generally think that good things always happen and that if you wait around long enough the world will eventually right itself if things are bad. I'm not sure how this has anything to do with V FOR VENDETTA, but when that film was over I had such a feeling of satisfaction and of karma wheeling around again. I think that if people let it, V FOR VENDETTA could change lives. And at the same time, I am afraid of how wildly misinterpreted it will be.

For Alan Moore fans, let me say this: you're going to be happy. The film is extraordinarily close, in spirit and in text, to his graphic novel. The Wachowski Brothers do not spare any punches when necessary, and many of the sequences that fans hold to heart are there. I'm going to flat out say it - V never takes the mask off. You never see his face. I am so impressed with Hugo Weaving for taking a pretty much thankless role without any great actory moments to show off and making a full-fledged character. Weaving has a moment in the beginning of the film as he lets the world know his point of view, with V words strewn throughout his monologue, that under any lesser actor would have been embarrassingly bad. He pulls it off so well that towards the end of it people were applauding in the theater. I'm not sure if Weaving is actually the actor in many of the scenes (I believe he replaced another actor during production, although I may be wrong about that) but I have to give him marks for bravery for even attempting it. Which brings me to Natalie Portman.

It is easily Natalie Portman's best performance. I'm not a fan of hers. Say whatever you want about Lucas, but the actor also shares responsibility if they can't sell their part to the audience and I thought she was terrible in most of the Prequel trilogy. Frankly the only part before this that I thought she was terrific in was THE PROFESSIONAL, and to a lesser degree, BEAUTIFUL GIRLS. But in this Portman completely comes to her own as an actress. She breaks your heart, and at one point in the film, as she is being imprisoned, she really makes you feel her terror and sadness. There isn't a bad performance in the film, frankly, although John Hurt as the High Chancellor could get on the hammy side. But Stephen Rea and Stephen Fry are great as well. Fry, especially, gives his character a great moral weight.

This is James McTeigue's first film. Rumors have it that the Wachowskis actually directed the film, and I don't know how true that is. But I will say that I thought V was very well directed. The actors are given much room to make their roles their own, and I fully believed in the world that the filmmakers were trying to present.

Alright. We're going to get into it. V FOR VENDETTA's subject matter will be very uncomfortable for a lot of people. I get the idea that Fox News will have a thing or two to say about it. Let's start with the word "terrorist." How does one define a terrorist? Does their motive have anything to do with it, and are their motives for violence an excuse for their actions? It really depends on how the viewer feels what is justified in the name of what is right. For me, violence is never justified, and that makes the ending for V FOR VENDETTA that much more unconfortable. And at the same time, I completely understand how they got there. As a person, I can never see myself in a situation where violence is worth the preservation of your ideals. If I or my family are personally threatened I would fight for their liives and mine. But I have no idea what would bring me to the point of violence against a society. V and Evey can be seen as freedom fighters to some, and terrorists to others, and personally my jury is still out on what they are. But they have been driven to the point that justifies their violent acts. Which brings me to a section of the film that will be heavily debated. Heavy spoilers follow.

At one point, Evey is captured by the government and forced to endure torture and solitude to give up the location of V. She is there for months, as her captor tries to break her spirit. At one point, Evey discovers in her cell a note written by a woman named Valerie, who was killed because she was a lesbian. Her story provoked much of the tears in this screening. Through Valerie's tale, Evey summons the courage to face her captor and she discovers her own political awakening. And at the end, she discovers that V was her captor all along. She is rightfully stunned and angry, but V insists that this was the only way for her to find out the truth about herself. Filmgoers will come away from this sequence troubled. Did V program her? Or did she really discover her own truth? The answer lies within the filmgoer, and I would like to think the Wachowskis wanted this discussion to happen, because they never answer that question. Evey becomes politically aware and helps V in his quest for revenge and justice, but it really is left up to the viewer to decide what really happened to her. I personally don't know what to think. Before this point in the film I was completely on V's side, and afterwards there was some moral ambiguity in his actions that painted a new color over the rest of the film. I loved that about V FOR VENDETTA. There are no easy answers to the political and the moral position that you find yourself in, and it's extremely important that you find them out.

I heard that Alan Moore was upset at this adaptation of his work, and really, he has no right to be. I think of all the films based on his comics, this one is the absolute closest possible. Harry wants to see the Wachowskis do WATCHMEN and I couldn't agree more. If they approach that great work with the reverence shown here that one will be a genuine classic. As for V FOR VENDETTA it deserves respect and discussion, and in the coming months we will read all sorts of pundits opining its value and the controversy it makes. I just hope that people will judge the film honestly and try to open their minds to alternate viewpoints, instead of yelling at each other from their trenches. See V FOR VENDETTA, and join in the conversation.

Nordling, out.


V for VENDETTA (2006)::

"People shouldn't be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."

Indeed. I'm only marginally familiar with the Alan Moore graphic novel, so I cannot compare, but I think it's fair to whip out the phrase TOUR-DE-FORCE for this complete and utter masterpiece. This film literally had me shaking in my seat. The moment early on in which V 'conducts' a symphony of protest towards that blasted crescendo on a London rooftop completely set the stage for what was to come, and caught me completely off guard. I thought the trailer was fantastic, but I really never expected the film to go so far or hit so hard. Rest assured, punches are not pulled. James McTeigue's direction is deft and graceful, and I'll be watching this guy from now on. I had lost faith in the Wachowski's after the utter fiasco of "those other two movies", and again I don't know the graphic novel well -- but they wrote a damn fine script that skillfully balanced character and plot, while feeling totally complete as a film.

The dialogue given to Hugo Weaving and the voice he gives back to it are a match made in cinema heaven, truly a thing to behold. His voice is the soundtrack, the velvet music that drives the film forward. Portman is also in top form, as is Stephen Rea, a frothing John Hurt, and just about everyone else onscreen. That we never see the face of V is completely and beautifully faithful to the core theme that while fragile human beings may die, IDEAS can live forever.

Never has a comic book looked or felt so elegant on celluloid. I'd love to have a DVD commentary track by the current Western world leaders, and another one from Bill O'Reilly for kicks--- (just because I'd like to know what he thinks of the part where he gets killed in the shower).

The section of the film dealing with Evey Hammond imprisoned and the letter that keeps her going - it's devastating, and it hits all the harder having recently watched the news as our own country engaged in actual debate on whether or not torture was an acceptable part of policy. This isn't just some lame Left vs. Right thing, to clarify, but it'll be easily painted as a monumental piece of liberal "terrorist" propaganda. I suppose, unfortunatly, that by current definitions you could actually call it that.

This is a look down the path we're on, and a fantasy vision of what one person can do to bring the country and the land he loves back from the dire brink of 1984. It's a magnificent fucking superhero saga about massive social and political revolution, not to mention unconditional love, and it doesn't end trying to set up a sequel with a different villain.

V has more important things to do than bother with that.

The release date isn't until MARCH, but she looked finished to me, and no one better cut a goddamned frame. I'm so afraid that some cowering suit is going to butcher this thing before release. RELEASE THIS MOVIE EXACTLY HOW IT IS. Release it next week. Fight the good fight on the press junket and in the media shitstorm, not behind the closed doors of studio offices. FREEDOM! FOREVER!


Última edição:
É, estava bom demais.


Esse cara parece ser meio histérico ou interpretou muito mal, principalmente pelo que o cara do aintitcool escreveu ("For Alan Moore fans, let me say this: you're going to be happy. The film is extraordinarily close, in spirit and in text, to his graphic novel" ),. ou sou eu que não quer acreditar? (estou meio confuso).
Última edição:
A questão é que, calaramente, essa opinião é uma punhetação de seguidores do governo que acham que o filme foi feito para ataque direto ao governo atual norte-americano e também daquele tipo de gente que vai surgir aos bandos em fevereiro e março.
Última edição:

Valinor 2023

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