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PVP 9 - Angel

Ele é nosso !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :abraco::joy::ahhh::mario:

Default 2013/07/15 - A message regarding PvP Season 9 Adamantium Reward
A message from the M:AA Development team:

Many of you noticed that we ran into an issue with PVP Tournament 9. Some players were accidentally given the reward hero: Angel. We will not revoke rewards which were given to players in error and have decided that all players who received Angel can keep him. We appreciate the hard work of the players who made it to the top of the leaderboards A fix will be in place before the next Tournament. We are also working to release the Archangel costume very soon so all players who received the hero can enjoy. Sorry for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused.

Thanks for playing!
M:AA Development Team

classificaão 709, rank adamantium e todos os premios recebi. É bom, bela surpresa, agora me animei de continuar jogando. heheh
Quem jogou mais de 50 partidas ganhou tudo. Eles deram os prêmios conforme os requerimentos de partidas mínimas para cada liga.

Valinor 2023

Total arrecadado
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