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Qual a frase mais memorável dita nos filmes do SDA?

Depois de ver o trailer (e me arrepiar todas as vezes que eu vi) cheguei a conclusão que a frase mais memoravel vai ser realmente a do aragorn, que com certeza alguem jah mencionou, mas num custa nd falar de novo né??:
- I see in your eyes the same fear the would take the heart of me!! A day may come when the courage of man fails; and we forsake our friends; and break all the bounds of fellowship!! But this is not the day!! This day we fight!!!!
e aquele exército enorme:
- ehhhhhhhhh!!!!

memorável...... :mrgreen:
Concordo, esse discursso vai ser emocionante, sempre que vejo o trailer fico louco, aquela música e tudo. Imagina num telão com um p... som.
Tudo bem, tudo bem, a frase do Aragorn é bem poética e coisa e tal, mas prefiro as frases cheias de sssssssss do Smáegol. Quem não lembra do "My preciousssss"? :roll:
Boromir morrendo e falando:
Acho q eh assim:
"I would have followed you, my brother, my captain, my king."

acho q eh isso, kra chorei mto nesse final, eh super emocionante o boromir falando isso pro aragorn, duvido q tenha alguem q nao tenha chorado.
legendary Knight disse:
- I see in your eyes the same fear the would take the heart of me!! A day may come when the courage of man fails; and we forsake our friends; and break all the bounds of fellowship!! But this is not the day!! This day we fight!!!!

Ah,memorável mesmo esse discurso....

Gosto tb da frase que o Merry fala p/ Pippin que eles voltaram a ver o Condado...

Arrepiante... :P
†Elendae† disse:
legendary Knight disse:
- I see in your eyes the same fear the would take the heart of me!! A day may come when the courage of man fails; and we forsake our friends; and break all the bounds of fellowship!! But this is not the day!! This day we fight!!!!

Ah,memorável mesmo esse discurso....

Gosto tb da frase que o Merry fala p/ Pippin que eles voltaram a ver o Condado...

Arrepiante... :P
We shall see the shire again
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us" - Gandalf

"You shall not pass", no filme, arrepiou meus cabelos!...
legendary Knight disse:
Depois de ver o trailer (e me arrepiar todas as vezes que eu vi) cheguei a conclusão que a frase mais memoravel vai ser realmente a do aragorn, que com certeza alguem jah mencionou, mas num custa nd falar de novo né??:
- I see in your eyes the same fear the would take the heart of me!! A day may come when the courage of man fails; and we forsake our friends; and break all the bounds of fellowship!! But this is not the day!! This day we fight!!!!
e aquele exército enorme:
- ehhhhhhhhh!!!!

memorável...... :mrgreen:

eu havia esquecido do trailer... tbm toda vez que vejo me arrepio toda... (já estou me arrepiando só de lembrar) essa frase do Aragorn é ótima também...
gosto mto de uma fala do legolas para o gimli, no abismo de helm:
" do you want me to describe it to you, or do you want me to find you a box?" :mrgreen:
Gandalf no trailer: The ring must be destroyed.

Theonden para rohirrim: "Agora pelo ódio, pela ruina e pela alvorada vermelha. Em frente Eorlingas!"
Inwitári disse:
legendary Knight disse:
Depois de ver o trailer (e me arrepiar todas as vezes que eu vi) cheguei a conclusão que a frase mais memoravel vai ser realmente a do aragorn, que com certeza alguem jah mencionou, mas num custa nd falar de novo né??:
- I see in your eyes the same fear the would take the heart of me!! A day may come when the courage of man fails; and we forsake our friends; and break all the bounds of fellowship!! But this is not the day!! This day we fight!!!!
e aquele exército enorme:
- ehhhhhhhhh!!!!

memorável...... :mrgreen:

eu havia esquecido do trailer... tbm toda vez que vejo me arrepio toda... (já estou me arrepiando só de lembrar) essa frase do Aragorn é ótima também...
nao eh soh vc q c arrepia, eh a melhor parte de todos os trailers dos sda.
halfling disse:
gosto mto de uma fala do legolas para o gimli, no abismo de helm:
" do you want me to describe it to you, or do you want me to find you a box?" :mrgreen:

Essa cena é o máximo!! :lol:

Aquela do trailer:
"Became who you're born to be"

Arrepiou até a alma!!!!

Haldir disse:
"Agora pelo ódio,pela ruina e pela alvorada vermelha!Em frente Eorlingas!"
Amei essa frase!! :grinlove:
"Já matei dois, mestre Legolas!"
"E eu dezessete!"
:lol: :lol: :lol:

"Por que não falam numa lingua que todos entendam?"
"Elfos e anões não se entendem há muito tempo!"
"Então talvez entenda ISTO: $%#%¨&¨$#@$%(palavrõs de anão)"
Versão estendida
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Let this be the hour when we draw swords together. Fell deeds awake. Now for wrath! Now for ruin! And a red dawn! Forth Eorlingas!
Become you are born to be

duas excelentes frases tb!

o discurso sobre o bem do sam no final de adt, tb eh mto bom.
Sam: It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened. But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn’t. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something.
Frodo: What are we holding on to, Sam?
Sam: That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for.

e depois:

"I wonder if we'll ever be put into songs or tales."
"I wonder if people will ever say, 'let's hear about Frodo and the Ring.' And they'll say 'yes, that's one of my favorite stories. Frodo was really courageous, wasn't he, Dad?' 'Yes, my boy, the most famousest of hobbits. And that's saying alot.'"
"You left out one of the chief characters - Samwise the Brave. I want to hear more about Sam. Frodo wouldn't got far without Sam.'"
"Now Mr. Frodo, you shouldn't make fun; I was being serious."
"So was I."

tb gosto da outra do elrond pra arwen:

"He is not coming back. Why do you linger here when there is no hope?"
"There is still hope."
"If Aragorn survives this war, you will still be parted. If Sauron is defeated and Aragorn made king and all that you hope for comes true you will still have to taste the bitterness of mortality. Whether by the sword or the slow decay of time, Aragorn will die. And there will be no comfort for you, no comfort to ease the pain of his passing. He will come to death an image of the splendor of the kings of Men in glory undimmed before the breaking of the world. But you, my daughter, you will linger on in darkness and in doubt as nightfall in winter that comes without a star. Here you will dwell bond to your grief under the fading trees until all the world is changed and the long years of your life are utterly spent."
Gosto muito do discurso do Aragorn para o Grande Exército no trailer do RdR :clap: e também do discurso, no AdT do Saruman para os 10 mil orcs e Gríma:
"A new power is rising!" :twisted:
E no SdA:SdA O comecinho da Galadriel falando "The world is changing. I can feel it in the water. I can smell it in the air." Tem mais coisa aí mas isso é o que eu me lembro. :D
tem uma foda no trailer tb....o gollum falando:
"come master" aí aparece o anel do frodo pendurado, a expressão do gollum muda e ele fala:
"come to Smeagol".....irado....

"I would cut off your head, dwarf, if stood but a little higher from the ground"
detalhe para a pausa em q ele fala dwarf, eh como se ele estivesse menosprezando a raça, muito esculachante :twisted:

tem outra q alguem lá atrás mencionou, o grima:
But master, there is no such force..... 8O 8O 8O
Tem a clássica do Gandalf:

- You shall not pass!!!!!

Tem aquela muuuuuuuito irada do Aragorn no trailer:

- I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fail. When we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. This day we fight!

Tem todas aqueles "preciousssssssss" do Gollum, o diálogo dele c/ o Smeagol é super legal!

Tem uma que o Gandalf fala p/ o Aragorn que eu não me lembro direito,é mais ou menos assim:

- Sauron is not too strong that he doesn't have fear. He fears you, Aragorn. He fears what you may become.

Eu AMO essa última! :grinlove: Se ela tiver errada, por favor me corrijam, eu realmente não me lembro se ela é exatamente assim, embora tenha certeza do contexto.

1. My precious... (Gollum)
2. You shall not pass (Gandalf)
3. It's the ring. It's getting heavy! (Frodo)
4. Welcome, Frodo Baggins of the Shire, the only who saw the Eye!! (Galadriel)
5. Tatos, what's tatos, precious? (Gollum)
6. Shire... (Espectro)
7. Baggins... (Espectro)
8. Ouça minha voz, sáia da escuridão (Arwen)
9. Prefiro partilhar uma vida com vc, do q passar todas as eras sozinha (Arwen)
10. Muitos que vivem merecem viver e muitos esão mortos merecem viver (Gandalf)
Ágata disse:
Aquela do trailer:
"Became who you're born to be"

C/ certeza é de arrepiar :mrgreen:

Outra tb que eu acho legal é uma(acho que já postei essa aki :think: ) que a Galadriel fala na introdução no SDA

"The world is changing" :D

Valinor 2023

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