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Let's Practice! =D

Ristow disse:
Rousoku disse:
Oh, ok.

Curious thing: "OK" comes from OLL KORRECT, a slang for ALL CORRECT.
It makes sense, but I heared a different story. Obviously it's just a legend, but you may think it interesting:

In a past war (I don't remember witch nations were fighting to each other), when an army won a battle, the soldiers wrote in a huge wall this: "O.K", that meaned "ZERO KILL". It was a message from the winner army proclaiming victory, declaring it was all right. Later, people started to use this expression for everything, even to say "Yes".

Cool, huh? :lol:

I knew that I´ve read about this somewhere! Here it is:

De onde surgiu a expressão o.k.?

De "tudo certo", em inglês. A frase nasceu da expressão all (tudo) correct (correto). Só que, em vez de a.c., os habitantes de Boston, no começo do século passado, preferiam o.k., de oll korrect, uma gíria usada para dizer a mesma coisa. Segundo John Milton, professor de Língua Inglesa da Universidade de São Paulo, "a intenção era não confundir com a sigla AC, de alternating current (corrente alternada)." A expressão popularizou-se nos Estados Unidos em 1840, durante a campanha eleitoral do presidente Martin Van Buren, um dos fundadores do Partido Democrata. Ele adotou as duas letrinhas como slogan. Hoje ela é provavelmente a mais conhecida expressão de origem americana que percorre o mundo. O.k.?

(Superinteressante, out. 1998.)
Opiniático élfico disse:
I knew that I´ve read about this somewhere! Here it is:

De onde surgiu a expressão o.k.?

De "tudo certo", em inglês. A frase nasceu da esxpressão all (tudo) correct (correto). Só que, em vez de a.c., os habitantes de Boston, no começo do século passado, preferiam o.k., de oll korrect, uma gíria usada para dizer a mesma coisa. Segundo John Milton, professor de Língua Inglesa da Universidade de São Paulo, "a intenção era não confundir com a sigla AC, de alternating current (corrente alternada)." A expressão popularizou-se nos Estados Unidos em 1840, durante a campanha eleitoral do presidente Martin Van Buren, um dos fundadores do Partido Democrata. Ele adotou as duas letrinhas como slogan. Hoje ela é provavelmente a mais conhecida expressão de origem americana que percorre o mundo. O.k.?

(Superinteressante, out. 1998.)

No portuguese! :lol:
how did u guys learn english?
i lived in st. louis for 3 years (but it was a long long time ago). soh i was forced to learn. after 3 months i was speaking almost everything.

how about you? was it easy to learn? how long did it take?
Cibele disse:
Kementari disse:
i learned english in the old way: English Course 8-)

:lol: So did I... 7 years... a lifetime! And now... I am a teacher!! Now I eat kids in my breakfast... :twisted:

Did you study at CCAA?
I learned English for 7 years too but nowadays I'm a lot out of practice.
CCAA is a good school, but very expensive and it takes too long. I gave classes there for six months, than I quit. (hated givind classes to those fuc**** teenagers! hahaha)
Do you give classes to children or teenagers?
Why did ya decided to learn english?
Well, I used to play Video Games a lot, but as you know, there wasnt any games in portuguese. RPG games, in my time, Like Maniac Mansion needed some knowledge of the language, sooo, dictionary and suffering till I decided to make a course. This hpnd about 11 years ago.
About the accents, you should listen (and try to understand) the japanese speaking english...

Hey Inominavell, I think that videogames are the best teachers in the world, they don´t explain anything and you end up learning everything!!!
I learn english in my school. I have been my whole life in that american school... and as I always say to people: I study english for 12 yaers. :mrgreen:

Like Taura said, videogames encourage many people to learn english or other language. Videogames rules! :obiggraz:
Tauraherion disse:
About the accents, you should listen (and try to understand) the japanese speaking english...

Hey Inominavell, I think that videogames are the best teachers in the world, they don´t explain anything and you end up learning everything!!!

I learned half of what I know today through videogames...
When I say that to americans they think I'm a nerd :puke:
Inominavell disse:
Why did ya decided to learn english?
Well, I used to play Video Games a lot, but as you know, there wasnt any games in portuguese. RPG games, in my time, Like Maniac Mansion needed some knowledge of the language, sooo, dictionary and suffering till I decided to make a course. This hpnd about 11 years ago.

In fact, before going to an English school, I understood English texts very well. But, I didn't speak almost any word in English. So, I decided to take a course and improve my fluency.
Hobbit_de_Cueca disse:
Inominavell disse:
Why did ya decided to learn english?
Well, I used to play Video Games a lot, but as you know, there wasnt any games in portuguese. RPG games, in my time, Like Maniac Mansion needed some knowledge of the language, sooo, dictionary and suffering till I decided to make a course. This hpnd about 11 years ago.

In fact, before going to an English school, I understood English texts very well. But, I didn't speak almost any word in English. So, I decided to take a course and improve my fluency.
It seems the course's worked! :wink:
Well, I have been studying English for about ten years... When I was 14, I started playing RPG's and I read AD&D Players Guide in English to learn and play with my friends... After that, I read about Magic-The Gathering, Vampire and Werewolf, in English too! Also video games and songs were good teachers to me!
Until I was 18 I had never studied English in a language instutute... Then I began the Air Traffic Control course! There I had good teachers, very good labs and a nice set of books! Today I study English at UFPR and I intend to teach in the future!

By the way, Bombadil... I'm not sure, but I think that "give classes" is, like my English teacher says, "Portuinglês". What I mean is that you may be thinking in Portuguese to talk in English... It's a natural kind of mistake! You can say just "teach"... It's ok!
My mother used to be an english teacher. She started teaching me the basic stuff when I was about 7.

I did take a six-year course, but I wouldn't say it was too much of a challenge. :roll:

What I know, I learned mostly from watching movies. :lily:

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