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Let's Practice! =D

This is true... While I was playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time I learned a lot...

And slang is an word that are used in talking by some peoples like "surfistas" speak... --> "gíria"
Oh, ok.

Curious thing: "OK" comes from OLL KORRECT, a slang for ALL CORRECT.

To my own*, i think british english very better, comparing to american. Don't you agree ?

* "To my own" is a joke translating an Linharensis old "slang".

PS: I liked the "slang" word. Sounds nice =P
Rousoku disse:
Oh, ok.

Curious thing: "OK" comes from OLL KORRECT, a slang for ALL CORRECT.

To my own*, i think british english very better, comparing to american. Don't you agree ?

* "To my own" is a joke translating an Linharensis old "slang".

PS: I liked the "slang" word. Sounds nice =P

Yeah... I prefer British English than American English, but I don´t know why...
Rousoku disse:
Oh, ok.

Curious thing: "OK" comes from OLL KORRECT, a slang for ALL CORRECT.
It makes sense, but I heared a different story. Obviously it's just a legend, but you may think it interesting:

In a past war (I don't remember witch nations were fighting to each other), when an army won a battle, the soldiers wrote in a huge wall this: "O.K", that meaned "ZERO KILL". It was a message from the winner army proclaiming victory, declaring it was all right. Later, people started to use this expression for everything, even to say "Yes".

Cool, huh? :lol:

tolkien-onering disse:
Yeah... I prefer British English than American English, but I don´t know why...
I agree with you, for two reasons: Britsh English doesn't have all these expressions like American English, witch just serves to complicate. :roll: And also because it's cute to hear. :mrgreen:
I like both...
Some might say Brit' English is too formal, or cute; some, that Yankee have turned english into crap.
I dont mind, since there's the same prob. Here, just inside Brazil. I'll create one topic for that..
American english is dynamic, while british english is so formal, the words must be pronounced "correctly", letter by letter, syllabe by syllabe... I guess I choose american :mrgreen:

*Perhaps* british english is more poetic!

"OK", i really don´t know the its origin... There are lots of stories, but who can tell the true one? :lol:
Eönwë disse:
Letisgu disse:
Didn't knew that... I tought that the word could be used in any situation... :obiggraz:

Didn't know. If the auxiliar verb is in the past tense, you must use the other verb in the present tense...

You have to improve your english... :mrgreen:

Yeah... But I have seen this detail now... At the time, I was, er..., sleepy! :mrgreen:
::::Oromë84 disse:
someone once told me that americans usually accept slang in their grammar. after using it wrong for a while.. it becomes right. its much easier that way.

here we arent so open to new linguistic experiences. lol

(my english is veeeeeeery rusty. :disgusti: :( )

Well.. not just in English, but it happens with every language. Where do u think "você" came from? It happens with every language. :wink:
The British Englsih sounds much better for my ears, but the american has a much easier pronounce... At least to me because of my english education that has always been with the american one. :|
USA is the most powerfull country in the world.
England isn't the world power...
Bush's dog has a special name: Blair. Tony Blair.

What's my point?

Talk the American English is better than talk the British English. At least for me...
Ristow disse:
Rousoku disse:
Oh, ok.

Curious thing: "OK" comes from OLL KORRECT, a slang for ALL CORRECT.
It makes sense, but I heared a different story. Obviously it's just a legend, but you may think it interesting:

In a past war (I don't remember witch nations were fighting to each other), when an army won a battle, the soldiers wrote in a huge wall this: "O.K", that meaned "ZERO KILL". It was a message from the winner army proclaiming victory, declaring it was all right. Later, people started to use this expression for everything, even to say "Yes".

Cool, huh? :lol:

No nations were fighting each other, Ristow. :roll:

The code was created in the United States Civil War. :lily:
Clarice Starling disse:
Talk the American English is better than talk the British English. At least for me...

I agree. Not only to talk but also to listen (sometimes).

By the way, Italians and Arabians usually speak English with a strong accent, very hard to understand. It's funny to see them on CNN. :mrgreen:
Hobbit_de_Cueca disse:
Clarice Starling disse:
Talk the American English is better than talk the British English. At least for me...

I agree. Not only to talk but also to listen (sometimes).

By the way, Italians and Arabians usually speak English with a strong accent, very hard to understand. It's funny to see them on CNN. :mrgreen:
Italians-a always-a put-a an "A" after-a the words-a they speak-a. It's-a very funny-a.
Tírion Extraordinaire disse:
Hobbit_de_Cueca disse:
Clarice Starling disse:
Talk the American English is better than talk the British English. At least for me...

I agree. Not only to talk but also to listen (sometimes).

By the way, Italians and Arabians usually speak English with a strong accent, very hard to understand. It's funny to see them on CNN. :mrgreen:
Italians-a always-a put-a an "A" after-a the words-a they speak-a. It's-a very funny-a.

The greeks have a very funny accent! They pronunciate the "R" very different! I have noticed this after seeing "My big, fat, greek wedding" ("Casamento Grego").
It's quite strange listening to a Eastern European talking in English!
You can see it in a very funny way in a Jim Carrey movie called Man on the Moon! In portuguese, O Mundo de Andy... Great movie!!!

Valinor 2023

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