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Let's Practice! =D

Well, he might find a lot of things in our planet strange.

But I wonder if we went to his planet, if we wouldn't find a lot of things there strange. It's difficult to imagine what sort of things, but why do aliens always have to be perfect? Don't you think it would be more realistic if aliens also had their faults, like we humans have?
I think if I was the little alien I would just call my little alien friends with their little alien super guns and detonate planet earth... it would more productive than keep thinking about how inferior and stupid the human beings are... :D
I would study the humans just like they do with the inferior animals, locking them into cages and then lead a lot of experiments to test their DNA, and some other interesting features about the human race in general, during some days of experiment i should see how weird all of them are and put them in some kind of place to die, afterwords they are no more than mice to me.

now you need to realize that we (the human kind) are just starting our evolution, thats why we are so brute and stupid, so we shall (shall ownz) not blame ourselves, for in a few more centuries we'll be really in better conditions.

forgive my sucking english, no, dont forgive it because i can speak english better than the most part of americans speak portuguese
now correct all my mistakes ^^
Erling Fossador disse:
Look, no have any people witch my age... I must pratice my english because: i like english, I need english today... Let's talk about any thing

OK then.
You wrote witch, that means "bruxa", instead of with, but this kind of thing is common when you type so fast. :wink:
This topic reminded me "Arc, o marciano" that character on Veja magazine.

(and yes, I trying to help Ana to put some content in this topic shit-chat... no offense, pals)

Most of "what he would think about us" is well developed there (though I don't feel like buying that magazine)

In fact, I feel like an alien in this world. Some things I value few people give a shit. And more scaring is that people say somethings and do the opposite. Justice for example. Well... who do not like to take advantage when chance appears? Even at the price of somebody else being wronged. But even so, everybody claims for justice.

I always felt like an alien... and that's why I DID NOT LIKE the end of Dreamcatcher-movie. I was so pissed off with that "easy answer" for Duddits powers. In the book there were none of that bullshit! "Oh man... Duddits is so special... that sometimes I feel he is not from our world" Come on!

Speaking about that movie, I do not understand how can a person spoil something that was doing good in less than half the movie. I wanted to cry and to take back my money!

But then, I guess the marginal are cool, and the right guy is boring. That is what Hollywood wants to sell for us. Action does not need thinking (though Uglúk would quite angrily disagree with me, I suppose) so let's put some muscles and no brain in the movie...except you are willing to win the Oscar or Cannes of course. (But then... Cannes do not mean a good budget)

Valinor 2023

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