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Kill Bill - Volume 1 & 2 (idem, 2003)

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VihVs_ disse:
Acho isso muito melhor q um filme todo picotado...
A gente soh ganha com isso.

Mas o q me preocupa eh aki no Brasil... nos US eu sei q eles vaum levar a serio e deixar no maximo 6 meses d diferença do primeiro pro segundo filme. Agora aki eles podem botar ateh um ano! Sei lah... vai sair soh em janeiro o primeiro... o segundo eles botam no final do ano...
Eu tenho medo disso.

Não, nada disso.

A diferença entre os dois filmes vai ser de 1 mês e meio.
VihVs_ disse:
Aki no Brasil? Tah confirmado?

Não, nos EUA. Mas seria ridículo se eles aumentassem o tempo aqui no Brasil. Ninguém ia fazer uma cagada dessas, já basta o atraso do próprio filme em relação a estréia original.
Folco disse:
Não, nos EUA. Mas seria ridículo se eles aumentassem o tempo aqui no Brasil. Ninguém ia fazer uma cagada dessas, já basta o atraso do próprio filme em relação a estréia original.

Você quer apostar?No Brasil vai ter cagada se não já teria sido divulgado uma data exata para o lançamento dos dois por aqui.
Mullets Bundeta disse:
Folco disse:
Não, nos EUA. Mas seria ridículo se eles aumentassem o tempo aqui no Brasil. Ninguém ia fazer uma cagada dessas, já basta o atraso do próprio filme em relação a estréia original.

Você quer apostar?No Brasil vai ter cagada se não já teria sido divulgado uma data exata para o lançamento dos dois por aqui.

Mas eles não divulgaram o da segunda parte nem nos EUA. Quando eles divulgarem lá, eles divulgam aqui.

E eu aposto que não vai ser mais de 2 meses, tanto nos EUA quanto aqui.
Eu acho q aki eles botam mais d um mes de diferença....
Eh uma maldade mas acontece esse falta d respeito no Brasil... tanto q o filme vai estrear soh em janeiro aki.
Os subtítulos das duas partes de Kill Bill já foram decididos: Volume 1 e Volume 2, como especulado. Elas devem ser lançadas nos cinemas com aproximadamente dois meses de intervalo, segundo o site Screen Daily.

Os envolvidos no negócio só têm a lucrar: será como pagar o preço de um filme lucrando por dois. Até no mercado de DVDs, pois cada volume deve ser lançado separadamente e, após o lançamento dos dois, haverá uma caixa com a versão completa do filme. Negociar com canais de televisão também será mais vantagem.

Mas, não satisfeitos com essa jogada, Tarantino e a Miramax decidiram fazer uma versão diferente a ser exibida no mercado asiático, mais longa e com mais cenas de lutas, como uma espécie de homenagem aos filmes de Hong Kong e Japão que inspiraram o diretor a fazer Kill Bill. De acordo com a fonte, essa versão terá mais carnificina, mais violência gráfica.

Como os atores da produção assinaram contrato para apenas um filme, eles ainda ganham um valor adicional. E o melhor (para eles): não precisarão gravar cenas adicionais, já que o material já está pronto. Uma Thurman e Lucy Liu já têm prometida uma parte da arrecadação.

Também segundo o site, a velocidade de distribuição para o mundo será sem precedentes, visando driblar os piratas que costumam lucrar antes mesmo de o filme ser exibido.

Fonte: Cinema em Cena
Os subtítulos das duas partes de Kill Bill já foram decididos: Volume 1 e Volume 2, como especulado. Elas devem ser lançadas nos cinemas com aproximadamente dois meses de intervalo, segundo o site Screen Daily.

O que eu falei? :mrgreen:

Os envolvidos no negócio só têm a lucrar: será como pagar o preço de um filme lucrando por dois. Até no mercado de DVDs, pois cada volume deve ser lançado separadamente e, após o lançamento dos dois, haverá uma caixa com a versão completa do filme. Negociar com canais de televisão também será mais vantagem.

Dúvido muito. Acho que os dois vão ser lançados juntos desde o começo.

Também segundo o site, a velocidade de distribuição para o mundo será sem precedentes, visando driblar os piratas que costumam lucrar antes mesmo de o filme ser exibido.

Notícia boaaaaaaa :mrgreen:

Mas e nós aqui no Tupiniquim?Será que os dois meses de diferença também teremos?

O ruim é que falta muito tempo para estreiar por aqui :disgusti:
Mas, não satisfeitos com essa jogada, Tarantino e a Miramax decidiram fazer uma versão diferente a ser exibida no mercado asiático, mais longa e com mais cenas de lutas, como uma espécie de homenagem aos filmes de Hong Kong e Japão que inspiraram o diretor a fazer Kill Bill. De acordo com a fonte, essa versão terá mais carnificina, mais violência gráfica.

não gostei muito disso, quem é fã de tarantino e de cenas de luta que não puder ver essa versão asiática vai ficar na vontade, talvez lançem completo em vídeo, vamos ver...
Waters disse:
Mas, não satisfeitos com essa jogada, Tarantino e a Miramax decidiram fazer uma versão diferente a ser exibida no mercado asiático, mais longa e com mais cenas de lutas, como uma espécie de homenagem aos filmes de Hong Kong e Japão que inspiraram o diretor a fazer Kill Bill. De acordo com a fonte, essa versão terá mais carnificina, mais violência gráfica.

não gostei muito disso, quem é fã de tarantino e de cenas de luta que não puder ver essa versão asiática vai ficar na vontade, talvez lançem completo em vídeo, vamos ver...

Por mim isso é balela ou interpretação errada de informação.
Waters disse:
tomara, tomara...

Eles não iam lançar uma versão SÓ para o mercado asiático. Acho que tem mais a ver com uma possível edição especial de DVD com cenas extras. Acho que interpretaram errado mesmo.
Mithrellas disse:
Senhor dos Anéis, alguém? eehehehehe


In the upcoming August issue of Cinescape, Quentin Tarantino sits down for an exclusive interview and talks, among other things, about the recently announced spilt of KILL BILL into two movies. The concept has been met with heated debate since it was announced so maybe Quentin's explanation will be enough to soothe the savage beasts among you. I think it's a great idea and I see it more as a creative choice than a monetary one, but that's just me. Here's an excerpt from the Cinescape interview:

CINESCAPE: When will the second one come out?

TARANTINO: The first one will come out at the beginning of October and we're looking at the schedule [to determine] exactly when to bring out the next one. The idea is at a certain point both movies will be playing in theaters.

CINESCAPE: You also run the risk of, "What if the movie fails? You have Volume 2 and no one wants to see it." Have you worried about that?

TARANTINO: Not really. It's not like it's this four-hour movie. There was an aspect of it where I was like, "This is a grindhouse movie; it can't be three hours. That's just too pretentious. Instead it's two 90-minute movies. That's the deal." It also became less and less an issue of length and more and more an issue of intensity. I don't know if the average moviegoer could handle it from beginning to end in one sitting. At the end of the first one, you want to go home, have a drink and go and eat pie and talk about it.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
We weren’t planning on attending the Con on its final day, Sunday, because there wasn’t much for us to cover, but when the word dropped that none other than Quentin Tarantino himself would be showing up for a Q&A session about his upcoming fourth and much-ballyhooed movie, KILL BILL, it didn’t take long for me to crush my hangover, thank the lord oh mighty and appreciate the fact that I would seeing the 2nd of my two biggest cinematic inspirations over a period of two days (Kevin Smith being the other, he cracked an audience of 5,000 up Saturday).

Needless to say, Quentin was as energetic as ever, looking a little pudgy around the waist, but still motoring at the mouth with the best of them. He received a standing O when he came out on stage and then introduced his long-time producing partner, Lawrence Bender, as well as one of the leads in his film, Daryl Hannah aka Elle Driver in the film (aka California Mountain Snake). Quentin said that Hannah had a rough night in Tijuana the night before. The two others sat down but Quentin said that he “would remain standing” and basically walked around the stage with a mike, like a MC at a wedding for the better portion of the time that he spent with us. This panel was the one that I personally enjoyed the most.

NOTE: Below is my best paraphrased version of the Q&A. I didn’t record this session, so the questions and responses below were taken from my own personal notes and recollection, and should NOT be taken as direct quotes from anyone. They are, on the other hand, a very good representation of the overall panel.

QT: I used to come down to the San Diego Comic Con with my friends from Video Archives every year in the old days. We used to save up all our money, get like the cheapest hotel room and drive down. If I had $300, I felt like a millionaire. Eventually, I would end up spending $70 or so on a poster and blow it all in one afternoon (audience laughs) I haven't been here in about 4 years, so it's nice to be back.

Q: Will the VEGA BROTHERS be your next movie? (the rumored prequel film which would feature Madsen as Vic Vega (aka Mr. Blonde) and John Travolta as Vincent Vega (from PULP FICTION)

I might write it still, but I’m not sure if I can do it as a movie anymore. I think the time might’ve passed it by and Michael and John would be too old for their parts. I mean, it’s supposed to be a prequel and RESERVOIR DOGS was over 10 years ago already.

Q: Being a major comic book fan yourself, have you ever thought about making a comic book movie, and if so, which one?

Hmmmm, good question. KILL BILL is actually pretty close to being a comic book movie. I would actually be afraid of making a movie based on an actual comic book because you guys are just so exacting (crowd laughs) I mean, it’s like every little detail counts…I’d be like, “fuck ya!” (crowd laughs) If I were to do one, it would be about a new character that I would create myself.

Q: Why did you use the yellow jumpsuit from Bruce Lee’s GAME OF DEATH in KILL BILL?

I just thought it looked cool, especially with Uma’s blonde hair. The whole film has a lot of yellow in it. The one in GAME OF DEATH was actually a one-piece, while the one in this film is a two-piece.

At this point of the Q&A, a voice sounding a lot like actor Michael Madsen, was heard over one of the microphones…

Michael Madsen: So what was it that you said about the VEGA BROTHERS?

Looking around, we all noticed the ultra-cool Madsen standing at one of the mike stands, cool black leather draped over his shoulders, staring Quent on the stage. The crowd went ballistic, with me at the head of the ballist. A very cool moment. Everyone applauded, Quentin called Madsen to the stage, as he joined his fellow KILL BILL’ers in front of everyone. Quentin then started to back-track somewhat, but stuck to his guns in terms of the VEGA BROTHERS movie…

Quentin: It’s nothing against you, Michael…I think you look great. Doesn’t he look great everyone? (the audience claps in agreement) But I was watching RESERVOIR DOGS again recently and we were all so fuckin’ young! You were so much younger and so was I. I’m telling you, it’s nothing against you now, man...it’s just that we were so much younger then.

Q: I asked Michael this question yesterday and he told me to ask you, so here it is: what’s in the briefcase in PULP FICTION?

(audience laughs and applauds) Yeah, let’s get that one out of the way right now. It’s what YOU THINK is in the briefcase. I mean, most of you have some sort of theory about it, right? What do you think is in the briefcase?

Q: A yellow light?

Yeah, exactly…it’s a white light with a golden tint over it… But like I said, it’s really whatever you think it is. If you think it’s a light, that’s cool. I don’t want to tell you what I think because it would affect what you think of it. Also, if I wanted to let you know…I’d have told you in the first place! I’m more about what YOU think...not what I think.

Q: Now that KILL BILL has been split into two parts, will “Yuki’s Revenge” make its way back into the film?

No. I already shot 155 days and that’s my limit. I don’t want to shoot any more scenes.

Q: What films influenced KILL BILL?

Actually, I don’t think they’d want me to tell you this now, but after VOLUME II of KILL BILL comes out, we are thinking of putting together some kind of small version of the Quentin Tarantino Film Festival, a mini-QT fest, of films which influenced me for KILL. We’re thinking of moving it around the country on weekends, little shows in art-house theaters. The films would include roadhouse stuff, spaghetti westerns, Italian Giallos, Asian Kung-Fu flicks, etc…

Q: Was it difficult to cut KILL BILL into two parts?

No, it was actually pretty easy. The script is about 222 pages or something and obviously my tribute to the “grindhouse” pictures, but when I looked at it as a 3-hour film, it started to feel a tad pretentious. The whole point is that it’s this exploitative drive-in type movie and it’s three hours?!? Didn’t make sense. Basically, during the last month of shooting, Harvey Weinstein (head of Miramax Films) came down to visit the set and suggested it to me while we were shooting. I said that I’d think about it, but within an hour, I had already figured out how to cut it into two parts. It was actually pretty obvious.

I was already planning on cutting two different versions of the film anyway. One for American audiences and the other for the Asian, the Japanese version, I say. You see, I make movies for the whole world, not just America. I know there’s different kinds of audiences who like my stuff.

The film is actually cut up into 10 chapters and if serials were still around today, they would be shown before a movie every week for 10 weeks, at which point, you’d have seen the entire movie. Some chapters would only last 10 minutes, while others would last for 40 minutes.

Q: We know that VOLUME I of KILL BILL is set for release on October 10th, but when is VOLUME II going to come out?

At the latest, VOLUME II will come out 3 months after VOLUME I. At the latest!

Q: Any truth to the rumor that you're dating Britney Spears?

(laughs) Not as of yet.

Michael Madsen: But he’s trying!

Q: Daryl, I just want to thank you for being so gorgeous and for helping me “get through” my most formidable years…

Daryl Hannah covers her face, embarrassed. Crowd laughs.

Q: I also want to point out how this Comic Con is also for networking, so would it be okay if I came up there and gave you my business card, Quentin?

Sure, dude. Come on up.

As the dude tries to get to the front of the stage, the “security guards” from the Con stop him (guess they weren’t listening to the guy on stage??) Quentin once again repeats himself for them, so they finally let him through. When the guy gets to the stage and hands QT his card, Quentin falls over the table on stage and pretends that the guy tried to stab him or something. Funny stuff. He then gets up and says "Travis Bickle...suck on this!" and points guns with his fingers. The crowd eats it up (yes, guilty as charged).

Q: If you could remake any movie ever made, which one would you redo?

I’d be afraid to fuck any of them up, really. I don’t have any on my mind right now…(thinks)…but maybe later on down the line. I guess it would be some cool spaghetti western or Giallo horror, or maybe I’d do my own version of them or something. There’s no 1 movie though. I also wouldn’t mind finding an unproduced script from one of those guys and shooting that movie…a film that was never made.

I know that I’m in the minority on this one, but I really liked Gus Van Sant’s PSYCHO remake (at this point, Quentin goes into this 5-minute discussion about the strength of Van Sant’s version and how it differed from the original—basically, he claimed that Van Sant wasn’t trying to scare/surprise anyone in his version since everyone already knew that Norman Bates was his mother, but that rather, he tried to develop it as a character study, etc… He also said that he wasn’t even sure if Van Sant liked the original film, something he didn’t get out of his version) After seeing his PSYCHO, I was thinking “What classic movie could I terribly fuck up myself?” (crowd laughs) RIO BRAVO? CITIZEN KANE? But I would change like one thing in the film, like in CITIZEN KANE, “Rosebud” would be the name of the man’s pussy (crowd laughs).


With little time left, and many questions left unanswered, Quentin was very cool, thanked everyone for coming and said that he also had a little “surprise” for all of us. Despite showing us the teaser trailer for KILL BILL before he came out (you can check it out here), he said that they had recently finished up the full TRAILER for the movie, and that we would get the world premiere. He then went on to explain the story behind the trailer that he was going to show us, since it was really a “bootleg” trailer and not the final one that would be used by Miramax.

Quentin has got a huge collection of 70s movie trailers at his home and loves them all. He wanted to make something very similar for the trailer of KILL BILL, and approached the trailer creators about it. Once they made the trailer, they showed it to Harvey Weinstein, who despite liking it, said that “no one” would really want to see the film after this trailer, except for his own fans. Quentin then said that he had always misunderstood that trailers were made for people who didn’t want to see the movie and not those who ALREADY did.

Having said that, Miramax will be creating their own version of the new TRAILER, but Quentin was cool enough to give us a glimpse of his own 70s homage version. Here’s my half-assed description of the trailer below. Overall, the entire Q&A was a blast, QT was almost out of breath by the end and the trailer was just a good ol’ time at your 70s exploitation center. I, for one, am looking even more forward to this movie than ever. QT = one cool dude. On a personal note, I was able to get a copy of my own book over to a person who knew a person who knew QT, so hopefully, he might actually get to check it out one day as well, especially since many of the films in the book (THE 50 COOLEST MOVIES OF ALL-TIME) have his name somewhere in the credits.


The trailer starts off in black & white, a small chapel in which about a dozen people are sitting around, waiting for the happy couple to get married. Then, insert cards tell us that the lucky day isn’t going to be as happy as we thought because someone didn’t want the wedding to succeed. At that point, we see four characters walk up to the outside of the chapel (they appeared to be Hannah, Lucy Liu, Madsen and Vivica A. Fox from the back), and the next scene featured a colored scene of cops talking, after the fact, about the “massacre” at the chapel. The camera switches back over into B&W and shows the mowed up bodies in the church and the woman who survived it all…THE BRIDE! (the word pops up on your screen like the 70s movies did, next to a close-up of Uma Thurman’s face)

The next few moments are all about Thurman’s obvious attempts at exacting revenge upon her wrong-doer (the BILL from the title), which includes an animated sequence (in color) of her shooting shit up. We then see Thurman speaking in Japanese (subtitled in English) to an Asian martial arts master, to whom she is basically recounting her desire to kill and avenge. This gets a laugh from the audience. She trains and the rest of the trailer (I can’t remember all the details, sorry) features more cuts between B&W and color scenes, plenty of pop-ups credits (including a very cool “Kill Bill” that pops up in the end—over a fight scene), animated sequences, fights, swords, lots of baddies surrounding goodies, grainy stuff, clear stuff and a definite overall feel of exploitation, kung-fu and rock ‘n roll badass. The whole thing only lasted about 1-2 minutes, but it was quite slick, at least in my eyes. The audience lapped it up as well.

I could see how the Weinsteins would be worried about this trailer though, since it really doesn’t offer much of a “sell” in terms of mass appeal or commerciality (although I have yet to see any sign of this excess of blood that many have spoken about regarding the film). In the end, to me, the flick looked like a friggin’ blast and I can’t wait to see it all. Great job, Quentin, hope you got my book and thanks a lot of coming down to Diego to give your fans this special treat. You da man!

Valinor 2023

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