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4ª edição do melhor RPG do mundo.


Louvemos a nova edição do Dungeons & Dragons!
Seja bem-vinda e que nos traga muita felicidade e bons momentos!



Note: all Wizards threads have been locked down. Look for them again in about 19 hours and 26 minutes. Or earlier. Check the clock.

4th Edition is Coming
* The big announcement will be made at GenCon shortly.
* Specific 4e forums have been created at the Wizards site: http://forums.gleemax.com/forumdisplay.php?f=686
* Yes, there will be a "Player's Handbook", "Dungeon Master's Guide" and "Monster Manual" in 4e. (Source: http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=905789)
* There will be at least 7 books of D&D 4 on 2008. (source: this post)
* Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 4e (this post by thormagni) in August 2008.
* "One new campaign setting per year"... vague plan. Dragonlance? Ravenloft? Greyhawk?(this post by thormagni)

From theminiaturespage.net:
August 16, 2007 (Renton, WA) – Whether you storm a mad wizard's tower every week or haven't delved into a dungeon since you had a mullet and a mean pair of parachute pants, one thing is certain - millions of D&D players worldwide have anticipated the coming of 4th Edition for many years. Today, Wizards of the Coast confirms that the new edition will launch in May 2008 with the release of the D&D Player's Handbook. A pop culture icon, Dungeons & Dragons is the #1 tabletop roleplaying game in the world, and is revered by legions of gamers of all ages.

The 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons game includes elements familiar to current D&D players, including illustrated rulebooks and pre-painted plastic miniatures. Also releasing next year will be new web-based tools and online community forums through the brand-new Dungeons & Dragons Insider (D&D Insider) digital offering. D&D Insider lowers the barriers of entry for new players while simultaneously offering the depth of play that appeals to veteran players.

The 4th Edition rules emphasize faster game play, offer exciting new character options, and reduce the amount of "prep time" needed to run the game. D&D Insider includes a character creator that lets players design and equip their D&D characters, dungeon- and adventure-building tools for Dungeon Masters, online magazine content, and a digital game table that lets you play 24/7 on the internet — the perfect option for anyone who can't find time to get together.

"We've been gathering player feedback for eight years," said Bill Slavicsek, R&D Director of Roleplaying and Miniatures Games at Wizards of the Coast. "Fourth Edition streamlines parts of the D&D game that are too complex, while enhancing the overall play experience. At its heart, it's still a tabletop game experience. However, D&D Insider makes it easier for players to create characters, run their games, and interact with the rest of the D&D community."

Wizards of the Coast will release two 4th Edition preview books in December and January — Wizards Presents: Classes and Races and Wizards Presents: Worlds and Monsters. The first live demos of 4th Edition will happen at the D&D Experience gaming convention in Washington D.C. in February 2008. The full scope of 4th Edition books, miniatures, and adventures will be available in the spring and summer of 2008.

Since its first release in 1974, the fantasy roleplaying game Dungeons & Dragons has taken millions of players on imaginary adventures of epic scale. Today, D&D is universally regarded as the original game that created the roleplaying game category, and the inspiration for generations of game designers. D&D is enjoyed by millions of players worldwide, while countless more remember it with fond nostalgia.

Player's Handbook 4e
* May 2008 (source: this post)

Dungeon Master's Guide 4e
* June 2008 (source: this post)

Monster Manual 4e
* July 2008 (source: this post)

D&D Insider
* This is the "D&D Online" section of Gleemax
* It contains a "Dungeon Master's Kit" that includes the following:
- dungeon builder (map tool)
- adventure builder
- PC generator
- other things (Source: Wizards forum post)
* "Character Generator"
- character sheets
- character visualizer (Source: Wizards forum post)
* "My Campaign"
* "My Character" (source: http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=905809)
* "D&D Game Table" (source: http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=905805)
* "Dungeon & Dragon Magazines" (source: http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=905804)

The Dungeons & Dragons Insider Package

Become a Dungeons & Dragons Insider and gain access to exclusive content designed specifically with D&D players in mind. As part of your monthly subscription, you gain access to features designed to enhance your D&D experience, including:

D&D Insider Magazine, online magazine with new content updated daily, including:

-Product Previews (articles showcasing upcoming D&D products)
-Class Features (articles expanding existing character class options and debuting new character and prestige classes)
-Strategy and Tactics (articles relating to D&D roleplaying combat and spellcasting, and to D&D Miniatures Skirmish play)
-Design and Development (articles and columns exploring the many facets of the D&D experience, written by game designers in D&D R&D)
-D&D Humor (comic strips devoted to the D&D experience)

D&D Product Enhancements (expanded content for D&D products you bought, including interactive content such as searchable indexes, extra features, behind the scenes articles, game designer and developer commentary, and more)

Exclusive Content that expands your favorite campaign world

-Eberron and Forgotten Realms ongoing content
-Interactive maps
-World events and adventure hooks

D&D University

-Rolling six-week course to help make you a better D&D player
-Course message boards
-Player tip of the week from D&D R&D

- MyCharacter.Com pages that you can design and populate, with a Premium Customization Kit that includes D&D art, frames, and icons
- Private Message Boards that give you a direct line to D&D R&D
- Premium RPGA Membership Card mailed to you
- Fast Lane Registration at all RPGA events (online and in the real world)
- The Magic Shop, a virtual shop where you can outfit your D&D character

D&D Character Builder, a program that helps you create and manage your D&D characters. This program allows you to create a character for any D&D game, walking you through the process of rolling the dice and assigning your game statistics, as well as creating a visual version of your character using "paper doll" models and "drag and click" selections of armor and weapons. At the end, you can save your character and print out a character sheet, as well as go to any D&D tournament and call up your character for use, or use the character at the Virtual Gaming Table (see below). With this package, you get to create and store up to 10 different characters or up to 10 different versions of one character (your character at different levels), or some combination of the two.

-Exclusive D&D-related novels and short stories written by your favorite authors
-Real-World D&D Search Engines (find D&D gamers, game stores, tournaments, and events in your area)
-In-Game D&D Search Engines (find feats, spells, magic items, and other D&D-related topics)

Digital Gaming Table, a program that allows you to play D&D using the Internet as your kitchen table, with a viewable play surface, dice rolling, virtual miniatures, and voice chat. Now you don't have to wait for your home gaming group to get together to play a game of D&D. You can still play your weekly face-to-face game, but now you can also play two or three more times a week by finding a game at the virtual table. Or, you might want to reconnect with your old gaming pals who long ago moved away-now you can all play together again on a regular basis! With this package, you get to play at the table 3 times per month.

Source: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.p...referrerid=4046

Open Gaming Licence
* 4th Edition will fall under the OGL, and there'll be a new SRD (this post by thormagni)
* Wizards wants 3rd party publishers to produce 4e-compatible material. (this post by thormagni)
* 3rd party publishers will be able to get licenses to create 4e material from Wizards. (??)(source: jgbrowning This post)
* Fans will be able to publish material on Gleemax under (free) license from Wizards. (This material will be available to Wizards to republish; see discussion on Gleemax TOS).
* The OGL/SRD/d20 Licenses will still exist - details still to come (source: this post)
Se isso for verdade... pqq....

Bem que o D3 falou que o D&D4 ia sair e que não ia demorar...

Não creio que há necessidade de uma 4ª edição. Pode ser que seja bom e eu até compre, mas....

Aqui no Brasil a situação é mto diferente de lá fora. Já nem, temos material direito do 3.5, e aí solta essa bomba do 4ª edição. Quero ver como é que nós aqui vamos ficar. Mesmo que a Devir se concerte e consiga lançar com frequencia alguns livros, a chegada do 4ª edição vai complicar ainda mais nossas vidas. Se ocorrer de maneira similar ao 3.5, ele iriam lançar o 4ªE e atroplelar o 3.5, deixando mta gente de mãos abanando....

Por mais que eu fique curioso em relação a novo material, para mim, para valer mesmo uma nova edição, tem mesmo que ser algo bem diferente, não apenas uma revisada do 3.5.

Então, será que realmente o Star Wars SAGA serviu para testar um possíver D&D4??

SE fosse ter uma nova edição, ela deveria demorar ainda uns bons anos para lançar.... é mto pouco tempo de 3ªE, ao menos se compara com a 2ª.

Oq vcs acham disso????

Ser conservador e ser contra, ou ser liberal e aceitar???

Eu pessoalmente acho cedo d+. Não ligo em olhar coisa nova, mas é mta sakanagem conosco.
Vocês realmente acham que reclamar vai mudar algo? Eles vão lançar uma 4ª, 5ª, 6ª...

Eu vou esperar sair e dar uma olhada. Se for realmente melhor, vou abraçar a causa. Até lá, meu 3.0 fica em uso all the time.
Eu não sei... :think: Parece muito precipitado esse lançamento, não sei se vai realmente mudar o bastante para ser "uma nova edição" ou se vai ser "um novo caça-níqueis". Mas ainda é cedo para julgarmos se isso é bom ou ruim, o jogo só vai sair em maio e ainda não vimos nem um preview. Os grandes problemas são: como a Devir vai lidar com isso (abandonar a 3ª Edição? Esperar uns 2 anos para ver se faz sucesso? Fazer a mesma bagunça que fizeram com a edição 3.5?) e o que fazer com os livros antigos. Se apegar a eles e ignorar os novos? Tentar conectar os dois? Esquecer os antigos? (Felizmente eu não tenho nenhum livro de D&D, então não vou ter esse problema... :roll: )

Outra coisa, esse D&D Insider vai ser pago? Putz, daqui a pouco vão criar um FAQ premium... :blah:
Sabe, não sei porquê... isso não tá me cheirando bem.

Essa 4E já foi mentida e desmentida um bilhão de vezes que nem sei mais no que acreditar. Mas, se for verdade, vai ser igual ao Star Wars Saga Edition. Que eu gosto cada dia mais.
É uma grande campanha de marketing pra divulgar um troço chamado 4D Venture. Uma nova Venture

E, claro, o site da Wizards não abre.

Todos os nerds do mundo devem estar tentando entrar. :uhu:
Eu tô lá, firme e forte, dando F5

Nerds do mundo, uni-vos! Nenhum servidor de web nos resistirá :g:
Eu não manjo nada de D&D, mas fui dar uma futucada lá no site da Wizards e abriu aqui normal, mas depois dei F5 e já tinha caído. :dente:
Poxa! Mal recebo a notícia de que tem um grupo de tradutores traduzindo o SW Saga edition e agora vem o 4ª edição! 8-O

As coisas estão interessantes quanto á essa estonteante notícia, mas até que se dê o devido "preview" eu estou de braços cruzados.
Anyway, acho que não vou mais comprar o Lords of the Abyss...

Editando: caiu uma ficha aqui

4DVENTURE = ADVENTURE na língua internética atual, no estilo p4wned.
Última edição:
pior q a devir eh: será q eu compro ou espero um 4.5...

De qqer forma tomara q peguem as alterações q acelerem um pouco o jogo, ou que fique com menos modificadores... mas qqer coisa nesse sentido eh mera especulação, talvez o obvio eh ver as alterações do SWSE, mais que isso eh tiro no escuro. Só nos resta esperar... e guardar grana pelo menos pro PHB.

Valinor 2023

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