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[HBO MAX] Smiling Friends



A série acompanha o dia-a-dia e as desventuras de uma empresa dedicada a fazer seus clientes sorrirem. Dois funcionários, o cínico Charlie e o alegre e otimista Pim, tentam ajudar as pessoas problemáticas que ligam para a empresa, embora essa tarefa geralmente se mostre mais desafiadora do que o previsto devido à natureza muitas vezes profunda dos problemas de seus clientes.
O episódio piloto foi ao ar em 1º de abril de 2020 sem aviso prévio como parte do evento anual do Dia da Mentira do Adult Swim, juntamente com a estreia da outra série de Cusack, YOLO: Crystal Fantasy . Em 19 de maio de 2021, Adult Swim encomendou uma temporada completa que foi inicialmente programada para estrear no final de 2021. Um painel dedicado à série foi realizado durante o Adult Swim Festival em 12 de novembro de 2021, onde o co-criador Zach Hadel mencionou que o show vai estrear "dentro de alguns meses", empurrando o cronograma de lançamento para 2022. A primeira temporada contém 9 episódios, incluindo o piloto e um especial de 11 minutos. A primeira temporada finalmente estreou em 10 de janeiro de 2022, com o Adult Swim exibindo todos os episódios da temporada, exceto o especial, em uma noite, apesar dos planos iniciais de um lançamento semanal.
Smiling Friends foi um sucesso de crítica e comercial, recebendo aclamação universal por sua escrita, humor, personagens e integração de mídia mista, incluindo animação 2D, animação 3D , stop motion e ação ao vivo . A série foi renovada para uma segunda temporada em 9 de fevereiro de 2022.

Apesar da série abordar alguns temas controversos, não existe uma atenção tão grande a essas críticas.
Em parte por parecer, e de fato o é, uma animação descompromissada, com piadas internas e situações surrealistas para gerar incomodo.
Não que isso represente uma perspectiva real, eu mesmo me incomodei muito com o primeiro episódio, mas ao decorrer da temporada, percebemos que a série lembra muito a internet dos anos 2000: toxica

"To be sure, much of Smiling Friends’ darkness, and humor, comes from the internet. Animators Zach Hadel and Michael Cusack say that the show, and that joke specifically, are throwbacks to a time when the web felt unfiltered—when it felt scary and chaotic and thrilling. Smiling Friends is steeped in early and mid-aughts internet animation and humor, a time when colorful cartoons about bopping badgers spread like wildfire and kids had to install the latest version of Flash Player to keep up. When being 12 years old, says Hadel, meant going to your friend’s house and having them show you the worst video they could possibly find. When kids crowded around a computer and beat up a digital George W. Bush, and braved shock sites like Meatspin, Lemon Party, and Rotten.com, the gore site that hosted pictures of dead people. “Rotten.com was the first website I went on,” Cusack says over Zoom. “I must have been seven years old or something—that’s fucked. It’s not good. Or is it? Maybe it is?” "
Both Cusack and Hadel grew up in this era, and it’s also when they learned to animate. Cusack, the younger of the two, started making cartoons as a kid, but in his early twenties he began watching YouTube tutorials on animation and uploading shorts to the site; he’s produced his own show, YOLO Crystal Fantasy, and a parody episode of Rick and Morty. Meanwhile, Hadel, known online as Psychicpebbles (and the world’s strongest gamer), was building a following with viral Skyrim animations, the web cartoon Hellbenders, and video game Let’s Plays.
“He’d been animating for much longer than me and was a bigger personality on YouTube for animation,” Cusack says. “But we both had a similar goal to do TV. So we just teamed up and would work together and come up with projects, and Smiling Friends was one of them.”
LIKE SO MANY artists, Hadel got started on Newgrounds, a haven for games and animation. For occasional visitors, Newgrounds was infamous for animated celebrity deaths and violent stick figures, but insiders knew where to find the good stuff. If the internet back then was a Wild West, Flash Player was the six-shooter, and Newgrounds the saloon. “At some point, I started seeing stuff get uploaded there that was on par with what was on television and even better in terms of the quality,” Hadel says. This friendly “cold war” between animators was inspiring. It was incredible to see whole cartoons—the music, voicing, writing, and animation—completed by one person. “I remember being as excited for a Tomorrow’s Nobodies episode as I was for Family Guy episodes,” says Cusack. What excited him was that both were equally important in his 14-year-old mind, but “one cost millions of dollars and one cost literally zero!” "


O personagem em questão passa o episodio todo com uma arma na cabeça declarando que vai se matar.
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