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Ana, podendo, dê uma lida no Mago de Terramar e nas Tumbas de Atuan da Le Guin e diversos paralelos interessantes surgirão.22Read by Julie Phillips, Stephanie Burt’s (Harvard University, United States) paper, titled “Le Guin’s mutants, Le Guin’s gods: X-Men comics, The Lathe of Heaven, and the paradoxical essence of a superhero story,” was about Le Guin’s treatment of the possibility of super or better humans and compared it with how the X-Men comics use superheroes. The main point was the problem of forcing change to the world by some “quick easy fix,” such as we find in The Lathe of Heaven or Chris Claremont’s X-Men: Asgardian Wars, which quotes and discusses Le Guin’s book. Both show how collective problems cannot be resolved only by individual answers, or superheroes easily become supervillains. Both explore the issues of power and responsibility.