• Caro Visitante, por que não gastar alguns segundos e criar uma Conta no Fórum Valinor? Desta forma, além de não ver este aviso novamente, poderá participar de nossa comunidade, inserir suas opiniões e sugestões, fazendo parte deste que é um maiores Fóruns de Discussão do Brasil! Aproveite e cadastre-se já!

"Quem é você" + 1 teste!

Eu sou a pessoa que eu menos esperava:

"You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!"

Bem até que combina comigo.
Own,eu sou Aragorn xD,antes de ler a resposta,achei que não tinha muito a ver,mas depois...acho que esta certo mesmo hehehhe

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!"
Hahahaha.....eu sou Aragorn...será que um dia vou encontrar minhe Arwen???rsrsrs
Test Results - Gimli

You are most like Gimli. Most people think you're pretty rough, but you're actually rather sophisticated. Unlike others, you don't need everything to be perfect. You're flexible. When problems come your way, you face them head-on and get whatever help you need. You also stick to your morals very closely, and you are unlikely to compromise. You are very loyal to your friends, but don't be so controlling!


Ahhhhhhhhhhhh AMEI XD

You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!

Adorei! :joy:
"You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!"
Aragorn!! *.*
<p align="center"><table border="1" bgcolor="#000000"><tr><td><img src="tr_aragorn.jpg"></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="http://geocities.com/mydigitalview/lotr_person.html">What LoTR Character Are You?</a></td></tr></table>

Sou como o Aragorn. Fortes convicções e as stick to them. E embora eu seja uma reclusa, sou extremamente leal aos meus amigos - como sou reclusa tenho poucos, hihihihih! Sou bastante séria - depende no que! kakakakak!- Viu, eu me divirto por pouca coisa!.. Fama e fortuna significam pouco pra mim! (Bom, desse é difícil), e não me preocupo em ser popular! Não mesmo, puxa-saco e "achismos" não é comigo mesmo!

Good for you!

You are most like Gimli. Most people think you're pretty rough, but you're actually rather sophisticated. Unlike others, you don't need everything to be perfect. You're flexible. When problems come your way, you face them head-on and get whatever help you need. You also stick to your morals very closely, and you are unlikely to compromise. You are very loyal to your friends, but don't be so controlling!
You are most like Arwen. Calm and reserved, you are not given to sudden outbursts. You conduct yourself with dignity...most of the time. The rest of the time you cut loose are are totally cool. You don't really think of yourself as popular, but plenty of people like you. You are not given to needless flirting. The right person will come along some day, and you are content to wait.

Eu sou uma elfa???? uhsahusauhasuhahuhusa

Valinor 2023

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