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"Quem é você" + 1 teste!


"You are most like Gandalf. You are very smart for your age, but don't get too proud. With that great brain of yours, you have a tendency to over-analyze stuff. Life isn't as difficult as you think it is. You have a great sense of responsibility to care for others, and that's good! Just make sure you don't neglect yourself in the process."
You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!
eu tbm!!!
"You are most like Elrond. Although you are very serious, you're not above having a good time. It's just that your definition of a good time is pretty different from other people's. You're very smart, so use your knowledge to help others! At least your not so pessimistic. People may think you're hard nosed, but all your friends know better."

No outro deu q....

Voce e o Gimli !!! Voce adora festas, cervejas e comida! Alem disso, voce tambem tem uma quedinha pelo leg"olas, ou seja, voce e um anao gay"

(Eu sou um anão gay????:eek:-Coitado do Gimli)
Última edição:
You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!

Sempre que eu faço estes teste calha-me sempre o Aragorn ou o Legolas.

You are most like Elrond. Although you are very serious, you're not above having a good time. It's just that your definition of a good time is pretty different from other people's. You're very smart, so use your knowledge to help others! At least your not so pessimistic. People may think you're hard nosed, but all your friends know better
Eu sou Aragorn...amei..adoro ele...axo q combino msm...rsrsrs.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!

Eu sou aragorn. Engraçado porque eu fiz um teste desses a uns anos atrás e eu fui o Frodo. Nada aver um com o outro.
You are most like Elrond. Although you are very serious, you're not above having a good time. It's just that your definition of a good time is pretty different from other people's. You're very smart, so use your knowledge to help others! At least your not so pessimistic. People may think you're hard nosed, but all your friends know better.
You are most like Gandalf. You are very smart for your age, but don't get too proud. With that great brain of yours, you have a tendency to over-analyze stuff. Life isn't as difficult as you think it is. You have a great sense of responsibility to care for others, and that's good! Just make sure you don't neglect yourself in the process.

Que interessante, não?
You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!

Aragorn! uhu!
<p align="center"><table border="1" bgcolor="#000000"><tr><td><img src="tr_galadriel.jpg"></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="http://geocities.com/mydigitalview/lotr_person.html">What LoTR Character Are You?</a></td></tr></table>


"You are most like Galadriel.There's just something about you that people like.A sort of aura.You're very kind to people,and you like to help others succeed.You're not as candid as most people would like.You don't have to share your deepest darkest secrets,but be more honest about things! You're more mature than most people your age,so don't worry!"
You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!

Mandar em Arnor vem no pacote? :think:
Sabia... Não podia ser outro... ARAGORN

Mas até o último momento eu penseiq ue por ventua pudesse vir a dar Samwise Gamgi
Largo Cavafundo disse:
Gente, deu o Frodo. Mas tb nao sei o q fazer: num outro deu Gandalf, e em dois outros Celeborn. Teve um q falou q eu sou Gimli, outro Legolas... to perdido

"Somos os Valinórelië"
-papai Smurf, quer dizer, Largo Cavafundo

Se você voasse, diria que era um o.v.n.i xD

Bemm, o meu deu Aragorn, e da outra vez deu...
O aragorn de novo! :blah:

Eis o resultado:
You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!

É né...rasoavelmente parecido ^^
Calimbadil o fiel disse:
You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!

Que legal! :mrpurple:
Putz, agora que eu li direito percebi que isso aí sou eu mesmo, :oops: faltou um pouquinho de humildade agora...

Valinor 2023

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