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Consegui 5 estrelas em todas missões da Spec Ops 2 (e todas armas das roletas também):


Para quem tem interesse em desbloquear tudo no jogo, quando se completa 5 estrelas nas 3 missões, desbloqueia 2 arquivos no Marvel XP. Um é a ficha do Hellfire Club, outro é um resumo da Spec Ops feito pela SHIELD. Para quem gosta de ler (eu adoro o Marvel XP :p) segue uma cópia dos textos.

Hellfire Club

The origins of the Hellfire Club date back to 18th century London. It has since grown to include chapters in most of the world’s leading cities, including New York, Paris, and Hong Kong. Some memberships are hereditary while other new members are invited to join if their resources or connections are deemed to be potential assets. Its primary reason for existence is to amass power and influence. Public members with S.H.I.E.L.D. associations—either as ally or adversary—include Tony Stark, Norman Osborn, and the Braddock siblings known as Psylocke and Captain Britain.

The Hellfire Club maintains a public face as a society of the wealthy and influential, but within it is a more secretive inner circle whose members are given coded monikers derived from the names of chess pieces: White and Black Kings, Queens, Rooks, Bishops, and Knights.
Membership in this inner circle is violently contested at times. Currently the organization is controlled by mutants but the identities of all the members of the inner circle are not known. Only Sebastian Shaw as Black King and Selene as Black Queen are certain. Recent events indicate that Mystique may have made a play for the role of White Queen, but it is also possible that Emma Frost retains that title.

Other possible members are numerous and extremely difficult to confirm. At one time Daimon Hellstrom made a claim to be White King, as did Magneto. The current status of these claims is not known. Given the mutant predominance in the Hellfire Club’s existing makeup, S.H.I.E.L.D. considers it unlikely that Hellstrom remains White King.

Intelligence about the Hellfire Club is scarce and difficult to gather owing both to its traditional secrecy and the mistrust felt by organized mutant groups toward S.H.I.E.L.D. and other non-mutant authorities. It should be considered an enemy organization at all times, even if certain of its members are not individually engaged in hostile acts.

Spec Ops 2

Mission recap and briefing — S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives only

Professor Charles Xavier notified S.H.I.E.L.D. that he had received a telepathic distress call from Emma Frost and believed her to be in New York. S.H.I.E.L.D. persuaded Wolverine to perform informal field interrogations of Hellfire Club members. He discovered and penetrated the Club’s current facility, where Emma Frost was observed in the position of White Queen. She fought Wolverine before he was able to discover that his opponent was Mystique in the guise of Emma Frost.

Other S.H.I.E.L.D. assets located and entered another Hellfire facility protected by Sentinels and the Fixer. Emma Frost was located and extracted. At initial debrief she revealed that she had been telepathically overcome and used to wipe the minds of a new generation of Test Subjects. She and Mockingbird then located and destroyed the main Hellfire Club laboratory where the Test Subjects were being created. Mystique and Avalanche were engaged and overcome.

It is a matter of great concern that a telepath of Emma Frost’s power was subverted. What role Iso-8 (or its Unstable sub-isotope) played in this maneuver is unknown but clearly a powerful force is working with the The Hellfire Club.

It is S.H.I.E.L.D. command’s strong suspicion that this force is in fact the Brotherhood of Mutants. The use of modified Sentinels, the presence of Mystique and the subversion of Emma Frost suggest this (although the Fixer’s involvement suggests that AIM remains at least peripherally active in this area). How this likelihood bears on the nature and activities of the Circle of 8 has yet to be determined.
A search of Hellfire Club materials at all three locations reveals several mentions of the group known as the Circle of 8. It appears that the Club is concerned about this group. Investigation into the Circle of 8 is ongoing but little is known at this point.
Consegui 5 estrelas em todas missões da Spec Ops 2 (e todas armas das roletas também):

Ver anexo 46268

Para quem tem interesse em desbloquear tudo no jogo, quando se completa 5 estrelas nas 3 missões, desbloqueia 2 arquivos no Marvel XP. Um é a ficha do Hellfire Club, outro é um resumo da Spec Ops feito pela SHIELD. Para quem gosta de ler (eu adoro o Marvel XP :p) segue uma cópia dos textos.


Cara, sério, tô pensando como você conseguiu essas 5 estrelas em todas 3. Haja instable iso 8.
Rolou um ouro pesado, não?

E mais, conseguiu todas as armas das roletas!
Ou deu muuuita sorte ou jogou suficiente para conseguir 10 estrelas...
De toda forma, parabéns. Até porque o prêmio por fechar é bem inusitado.
Eu conseguir empatar numa luta, infelizmente foi inesperado demais para eu dar Print Screen, inesperado de certo modo, enquanto não sai o 9º capítulo, eu estou refazendo as fases anteriores, e eu estava enfrentando aqueles caras que se explodem, e eu vi que no meu time todos estavam com energia baixa e do outro lado também, aí eu vejo aparecer o nome do ataque deles: Vazamento, aí eu pensei: como vai ser isso? e puf! todo mundo morreu.

Nunca mais vou conseguir isso, devia ter dado Print Screen.
Não sei se consigo chegar entre os 10 primeiros, então já deixo registrado:


Cheguei no 10º, só não sei quanto tempo duro lá :lol:


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