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Star Wars: Rogue One (2016)

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Não seria mais fácil eles já fazerem um test screening com o público? Mas não, os executivos tão confiando demais que entendem o que o público quer. Bom, pelo menos com um corte antecipado dá pra ir ajustando até lá.
June 2, 2016
by Jason Ward (editor-in-chief)

Since the weekend, there was a lot of dust kicked up on Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. By late Sunday night, the news began to hit the gossip sites and the trades alike. I reached out to several sources to find out exactly what was going on with Rogue One. When I asked a few crew members what was being reshot they laughed and said “everything.” Of course they were kidding but from the sound of it, the shooting will be extensive.

Here are the common themes in what people behind the scenes are saying:

  • Some crew initially heard J.J. Abrams was supervising the reshoots.
  • Gareth Edwards is doing the reshoots himself but with a partner, Christopher McQuarrie.
  • Christopher McQuarrie, the final writer on Rogue One will be working extensively with Edwards onset to make sure they’re on the “same page” with the most recent draft of the film.
  • Christopher McQuarrie’s draft of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was considered superior to the film they shot previously.
  • It was not Edwards’ fault as McQuarrie’s draft wasn’t completed when much of the film was shot and revisions kept coming in that made the film feel uneven.
  • 32 sets have been recreated for the reshoot.
  • The crew expects they are reshooting 40% of the film.
  • They are working 6 days a week for 8 weeks.
So that’s the word on the reshoots going down. The vibe doesn’t seem bad. It seems like they’re making the movie right. When the movie began filming there was a lot of talk that the budget had been greatly reduced slightly before shooting meaning more CGI would be needed. Now it looks like the movie is going to cost what it was supposed to cost from the start. The quality of the film wasn’t bad, it just needs to be better and all involved are happy to make that happen.

It is important to remember that this movie doesn’t come out until December. If it were September and people were saying the movie was awful we would be screwed and stuck with a bad film. That’s not the case here. The reshoots were always part of the plan but they’re way more shots to be redone than they initially thought.

I’m not that crazy about execs saying what works for films. They tend to turn out the same crap over and over again. It doesn’t sound like the situation is exactly like that here. It sounds like its a pretty good situation where everyone wants to make the film better than it was. As a Star Warsfan, I’m pretty happy they care enough to make sure it is right.

Fonte: http://makingstarwars.net/2016/06/how-extensive-will-the-rogue-one-reshoots-be/
One of the Writers Behind Jason Bourne Is Now Helping With Rogue One
Katharine Trendacosta
Friday 6:30pm
Image: Screenshot of Mon Mothma from the Rogue One trailer

In the latest entry in Rogue One reshootgate, anonymous sources from the production and Lucasfilm have spoken up. Along with an attempt to calm the waters, there was also the revelation that Jason Bourne series veteran Tony Gilroy has been brought on board.

The story appears in Entertainment Weekly, where sources say that Gilroy is trusted by Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy and has been hired to consult on multiple Star Wars projects. In Rogue One, his job is reportedly to give notes on the first cut and write some new material—something he also did on director Gareth Edwards’ Godzilla. It’s Gilroy and not, as had been rumored, Christopher McQuarrie (The Usual Suspects) who has been brought in late.

Gilroy was one of the writers behind The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy,and The Bourne Ultimatum. He was also the writer-director of Michael Claytonand The Bourne Legacy. His background is suited to a darker action thriller, and would seem to contradict earlier reports that the studio wants the reshoots to “lighten” the tone.

EW’s sources say that the film is still very different in tone to The Force Awakens and that the reshoots can’t be the result of poor test screenings, because the studio isn’t doing any.

The EW story mostly contradicts the somewhat panicked versions of the reshoot stories that we’ve been hearing all week. Even from the first reports, there have been insistences that the reshoots were always planned. Which is probably true, since every giant movie has done this recently. EW’s got a source saying that all the reshoots are about character development and “all take place [as inserts] within scenes we’ve already shot.”

They also deny the rumor that 40 percent of the film is being redone. The timeline, according to those sources, just doesn’t support such a massive change. If that much was changing, the release date would also be pushed back. If it is, be prepared for this statement to bite the movie in the ass. The length of reshoots is supposedly to accommodate the busy schedules of the cast.

Now, this could all just be the company line. Everyone speaking everywhere has an agenda of some kind. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle: there are things the executives want to change, but it’s nothing nearly as major as the early reports indicate. Either way, we’ve got ages to go before we see Rogue One and know for sure.

[Entertainment Weekly]
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Hum, então podemos ficar mais aliviados.
Meet the Heroes, Villains, and Badass Droid of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Germain Lussier
21 minutes ago
Despite rumors, we can now officially say this Rogue One character is Director Orson Krennic. Image: Lucasfilm

While the first Rogue One trailer revealed Felicity Jones was playing a character named Jyn Erso, all the other characters remained nameless, forcing us to refer to them by their actors’ names. No longer!

We now know the names of the action figures we’re going to be buying for the next year, the main characters of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Entertainment Weekly has all the reveals, hot on the heels of their earlier coverage. Here goes:

  • Jyn Erso, played by Felicity Jones. She’s the one character we already knew and Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy calls her “ a kind of Joan of Arc in the story.
  • Captain Cassian Andor, played by Diego Luna. He’s a “by the book” Rebel officer who is teamed up with Erso to ground her a bit.
  • Chirrut Imwe played by Donnie Yen. Imwe is a “warrior monk” type who is blind and, while he can’t use the Force, believes in it.
  • Baze Malbus played by Jiang Wen. He’s the close friend of Chirrut Imwe who doesn’t quite share his spiritual beliefs.
  • Bodhi Rook played by Riz Ahmed. More than just a potential Point Breakreference, Rook is “the Rebel’s lead pilot.”
  • K-2SO played by Alan Tudyk. Referred to as K-2, this droid is described by director Gareth Edwards as “Chewbacca’s personality in a droid’s body. He doesn’t give a shit about what you think.”
  • Galen Erso played by Mads Mikkelsen. Galen is Jyn’s father who is a scientist with work desired by the Rebels and Empire.
  • Director Orson Krennic played by Ben Mendelsohn. An “ambitious” Imperial officer, he’s hoping to catch the favor of the Emperor while not pissing off Darth Vader. Not an easy task.

Update: As promised, we now also know the identity of Forest Whitaker’s character.

He’s Saw Gerrera, an character first seen in the fifth season of The Clone Warsfighting with the Jedi against the Separatist Army. He was semi-trained by Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and even Ashoka Tano. He’s also referenced in Claudia Gray’s latest book, Bloodline. Here’s some more from theEW piece.

By the time Rogue One takes place, just before the events of 1977’s originalStar Wars, more than two decades have passed since the events of Revenge of the Sith. As played by The Last King of Scotland Oscar-winner, Whitaker’s Saw Gerrera is bulkier, more battle-hardened with the years, and maybe a little shellshocked. He has continued to fight; and, as he suggested in the trailer, he has become something — and it’s not quite a hero. Rather, he’s a man who has tried to do the right thing by occasionally doing questionable things.

“Consider him kind of a battered veteran who leads a band of Rebel extremists,” Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy tells EW. “He’s on the fringe of the Rebel Alliance. Even [they] are a little concerned about him.”

There’s more at this link and on the official Star Wars site.

[Entertainment Weekly]
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We've Finally Got Some Solid Details on Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
James Whitbrook
Today 9:55am

Sure, we’ve seen a whole trailer for the first Star Wars spinoff already, but there are far more rumors floating around the film (and its reshoots) than there is actual information at the moment. But that’s about to change.

Entertainment Weekly has revealed Rogue One as its latest cover story, promising all sorts of tidbits about the film. Check out the cover below, as well as a rundown of the information that’s just been confirmed:


  • First of, yes, finally some official confirmation after months of rumors:Darth Vader is indeed in the film. As had been rumored, his role is apparently quite large—Ben Mendehlson’s villainous Imperial is described as both “eager to earn the favor of the Emperor” and “avoid the wrath of his black-masked enforcer.” So it seems like Vader will be (loudly) breathing down Mendehlson’s neck for much of the film.
  • This one was already leaked thanks to Mads Mikkelsen himself, but he is indeed playing Jyn Erso’s father. But now we know a little more about the character: he’s a scientist who’s work is wanted by both Empire and Alliance alike.
  • The cover of the magazine reveals both the new TIE Fighter, the TIE Striker that was recently leaked, and our best look yet at the droid played by Alan Tudyk through motion capture (you could briefly see him obscured in the trailer)—reportedly an Imperial droid co-opted by the Alliance.
The magazine also promises “candid” details about the film’s upcoming reshoots, which have been the source of heated debate over the last month. Specifically, they will include what story elements these reshoots will be adding to the film. We’ll keep you posted.


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Gareth Edwards says those Rogue Onereshoots are no big deal
By Danette Chavez
Jun 24, 2016 12:13 PM

It’s Star Wars week over at Entertainment Weekly, where all kinds of tasty tidbitsand sonorous stories have rolled out ahead of the new, all-Star Wars issue. Darth Vader has been confirmed to make an appearance, though his influence will be felt long before he appears onscreen. In addition to providing sneak peeks at all the cool new stuff—mostly, capes—the filmmakers are also dispelling rumors that production on the standalone film has been rocky enough to require reshoots.

Earlier this summer, there were reports that Rogue One was in trouble over the “darker turn” Edwards was making with the material. The movie was described as having the “feel of a war movie,” which is definitely not in the Star Warsoeuvre. But in an interview with EW, the director waved off those concerns: “It’s funny, making a film stops you believing anything you’ve ever read on the Internet.” Edwards also said the reshoots were part of his plan all along:

“I mean it was always part of the plan to do reshoots. We always knew we were coming back somewhere to do stuff. We just didn’t know what it would be until we started sculpting the film in the edit.”

Lucasfilm president and Rogue One producer Kathleen Kennedy echoed Edwards’ sentiments, clarifying that “there’s nothing about the story that’s changing, with a few things that we’re picking up in additional photography.” But because she knows how much the kids love their wars of stars, she noted that “the most important thing” is to “reassure fans that it’s the movie we intended to make.”

But it sounds like that could still be the “war film” earlier reports hinted at—and that visual effects supervisor John Knoll pitched—as Kennedy goes on to say that “one of the things we’re doing with these Star Wars stories is embracing the uniqueness of the different genres, and we’re very deliberately leaning into the various styles of directors that we’re approaching so that each of these movies will very intentionally have a very different tone and style from the saga films.”

The reshoots are now underway, Edwards tells EW, but they involve all of the “little things within the preexisting footage.” The process is being slowed down a bit by the film’s large cast, whose schedules are proving harder to wrangle than a bunch of drunken bantha.

Fonte: http://www.avclub.com/article/gareth-edwards-says-those-rogue-one-reshoots-are-n-238747
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Rogue One: Uma História Star Wars | James Earl Jones fará novamente a voz de Darth Vader
Vilão do Império foi confirmado em derivado da saga
23/06/2016 - 11:41 - CAMILA SOUSA

Depois de anunciar Darth Vader em Rogue One: Uma História Star Wars, aEW confirmou que James Earl Jones, que fez a voz do vilão nos filmes anteriores, estará de volta na nova produção.

A publicação também entrevistou Kathleen Kennedy, presidente daLucasfilm, que afirmou: “Ele [Vader] estará no filme de forma moderada. Mas em um momento chave e estratégico, ele terá uma grande participação”.

Vários rumores surgiram nas últimas semanas sobre refilmagens da produção. Algumas fontes afirmaram que até 40% do filme seria refeito e que executivos da Disney não estariam satisfeitos com o primeiro corte. Outros lugares divulgaram que a maior mudança seria no tom da história, já que Rogue One terminaria pouco antes de Star Wars: Episódio IV - Uma Nova Esperança, mas parece um filme de guerra - veja tudo aqui.

No universo de Star Wars, Rogue 1, ou Líder dos Rogues, era o piloto mais habilidoso do Esquadrão Rogue (também chamado Esquadrão Desordeiro no Brasil), a equipe de elite de pilotos da Aliança Rebelde. Ao longo dos anos, vários personagens ocuparam o posto de Rogue 1; os mais famosos são os dois primeiros, Luke Skywalker e Wedge Antilles (piloto que deu o disparo que destruiu a segunda Estrela da Morte). Antilles é celebre por ser o único piloto da Aliança a sobreviver aos ataques às duas Estrelas da Morte.

O longa chega aos cinemas em 15 de dezembro.

Fonte: https://omelete.uol.com.br/filmes/n...rl-jones-fara-novamente-a-voz-de-darth-vader/
As imagens do trailer parecem bem com SW. AT-ATs, troopers, pilotos rogue, a DS 1, cruzadores Victory class, o templo Massassi em Yavin IV, Mon Mothma, são de deixar qualquer fã louco pra ver o filme.
Primeiro pôster:

Opinião pessoal: preferia que fosse fake.
Opinião pessoal 2: mas uma cena de batalha em Star Wars em uma praia? Essa eu quero ver.

Mais tarde posto o trailer, anunciado pra hoje.
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Vídeo dos bastidores:

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Primeira imagem do Hannibal, aka o pai da protagonista, Jyn Erso

São chamados de shoretroopers.
Esse pôster tá mais pra game que filme... Acho que poderiam fazer coisa bem melhor que isso. As imagens dos bastidores ainda mostram um filme de guerra, vamos ver se a versão final será mesmo essa, depois das refilmagens. .
Director Gareth Edwards Explains His (New) Hope for Rogue One
Germain Lussier
Today 6:30pm

When Rogue One hits theaters in December, Gareth Edwards has a tall order: Make a movie that fits in with the events of A New Hope and is undeniably Star Wars, but is still new and tells its own story. But Edwards knows in order to do the former you have to focus on the latter first.

“I got pulled into making the film through my love of the original films,” Edwards said. “But then what was a clear conversation that happened early on at Lucasfilm that we’re doing new things here. This is not a karaoke number or just pure winks and fan service. That’s not going to make a good film. This has got to be characters that you care about and there’s an opportunity to create new people and events that pull you in, so hopefully the goal is that you come to the film for all the reasons that we love Star Wars and you get sucked in and start to care about the new people and when you’re in the midst of all that and that’s going on, familiar things start to pass you by, you start to remember ‘Oh yeah, oh yeah’ but the film should exist on its own terms.”

Darth Vader is the perfect example of balancing new and old in Rogue One. “He’s got such a gravitational pull, the second he shows up you just get sucked into Darth Vader,” said Edwards. “So it was a process to try and figure out how to pepper that in in a way that felt right.”

But Edwards feels if he can successfully achieve this balance, he’ll be honoring the legacy of George Lucas himself.

“If all these films are ever just, ‘And here’s that character you love, Yay! Here’s that other character you love, Yay!’ all the time, that’s all they’re doing. They’re not really doing what George did, which is he tried to find stories that were about something, that were saying something. [Stories] that you keep in your pocket 40 years later, that stay in your head and are still affecting you.”
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Sounds Like Rogue One and All the Other Star Wars Stories Will Skip the Opening Crawl
Rob Bricken
Today 4:30pm

Just last month, Lucasfilm and Disney executives were trying to decide whether Rogue One, as a stand-alone tale in the Star Wars universe, would begin with the franchise’s iconic open crawl. Now it appears that they’ve found their answer: No.

Entertainment Tonight actually got the info:

“You know, we’re in the midst of talking about it, but I don’t think these films will have an opening crawl,” Kennedy said of the possibility thatRogue One would include the familiar Star Wars trope. “I think that’s what we kind of telegraphed at the beginning of the event today.”

Edwards left the question a bit more up in the air. “I think basically there’s a lot of things that I probably can’t talk about, is probably the safest way to answer that,” he joked. “The idea is this film is supposed to be different than the saga films...the whole crawl of it all — it’s funny people are fascinated on that.”

People are fascinated by everything Star Wars, Gareth. That’s why you just went to a three-day convention devoted solely to the franchise.

The lack of the crawl makes sense, though, and I like the idea that these films will stand apart from the main saga. But it’s still going to be very weird to see a Star Wars film that doesn’t begin like all seven movies before it.
Saiu o trailer. Tem muitas cenas. Aparece o general Jan Dodonna. Eu achei que os imperial troopers ficaram melhores do que em Ep VII. No tempo de RO o Império estava a toda e no Ep VII estava se recuperando da perda total.
Cara, eu acho que pode ser um bom filme. Olhei os vídeos tentando ser imparcial, mas me empolgou um pouco afinal. Eu entendo que os diretores queiram fazer algo diferente como luta na praia, afinal querem trazer algo novo ou não tão recorrente nos outros filmes. E é Star Wars, tem que ter uma batalha. [emoji3]

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Tony Gilroy Reportedly Directed The ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ Reshoots, Not Gareth Edwards
Kevin Jagernauth

August 2, 2016 3:58 pm

Last month, you could probably hear the Earth tilt on its axis as Disney maneuvered at Star Wars Celebration Europe to reshape the rumors that were spreading like wildfire about the extensive reshoots on “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.” Not only did they bring the entire cast of the film to the carefully choreographed publicity event, but also Gareth Edwards, giving the impression that all was hunky dory between the studio and the director. But there were two significant faces who didn’t drop by: Tony Gilroy and Simon Crane, who were reported in June to be “assisting” on the reshoots, with Gilroy also doing rewrites. However, it looks like he’s been doing even more.

We’ve heard rumblings of this ourselves, but according to Deadline, Gilroy has actually been taking the lead on the reshoots, not Edwards.

“… they keep news about ‘Star Wars’ locked up like Fort Knox, but I heard on those ‘Rogue One’ re-shoots, it was Tony Gilroy behind the camera and not Gareth Edwards,” Mike Fleming said in a talk with Peter Bart.

Indeed, it has been hard to suss out just how much input Edwards has had as ‘Rogue One’ has clearly been reworked, with weeks worth of new shooting. Certainly, Disney and Lucasfilm want to present him as the single voice behind the camera, but clearly there were more people involved. But in fairness to Disney and the filmmakers, ‘Rogue One’ still looks kinda awesome, no matter what the behind-the-scenes wrangling.

Fonte: http://theplaylist.net/tony-gilroy-reportedly-directed-rogue-one-star-wars-story-reshoots-20160802/

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