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Notícias Spielberg levará para a telinha o grande projeto de Kubrick


Who will define me?
BBC disse:
Steven Spielberg is to give life to a screenplay by Stanley Kubrick about Napoleon, which was scrapped by the late film maker in the 1970s.

He told French TV network Canal+ he would make a TV miniseries - not a film - about the life of the French Emperor.

The Lincoln director previously collaborated with Kubrick on 2001's A.I. Artificial Intelligence.

The science fiction drama was conceived by Kubrick in the 1970s and later written and directed by Spielberg.

Regarded as one of the greatest filmmakers of all time, Kubrick directed groundbreaking films including 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Shining, Dr Strangelove and Eyes Wide Shut, his last film before his death in 1999.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, he was "devoted" to the research involved in the biopic about Napoleon, spending years exploring the French emperor's life in detail.

A Los Angeles County Museum of Art exhibit highlighting Kubrick's work displayed a 1971 draft letter to studio executives, telling them: "It's impossible to tell you what I'm going to do except to say that I expect to make the best movie ever made."

It also highlighted an offer letter he wrote to Austrian actor Oskar Werner for the title role in the film and a "very polite hand-written inability letter" from Audrey Hepburn, in which she said she had decided not to work for a while, but asked if he would consider her "again sometime".

The Hollywood Reporter said Spielberg would develop Napoleon in conjunction with Kubrick's family.

"The late filmmaker is famed for his obsessive perfectionism, so his estate should find comfort working in the able hands of Spielberg," it said.

O famoso projeto inacabado de Kubrick será realizado pelo Spielberg. Em vez de ser um projeto para um filme para cinema será uma série para televisão.
Seria mais um projeto de Kubrick que Spielberg colocaria em prática.

O Spielberg não tem me agradado 100% nos últimos trabalhos.
Mas sendo uma série de televisão, não acredito que o Spielberg vá dirigir todos os episódios, deve ser mais produtor talvez.

Re: Spielber levará para a telinha o grande projeto de Kubrick

Inteligência Artificial tá entre meus favoritos do Spielberg, mas realmente, a safra mais recente de filmes dele tem deixado a desejar, desde Munich.
Re: Spielber levará para a telinha o grande projeto de Kubrick

Isto é algo que eu gostaria de ver. Assisti AI e creio que a obra tem todo um sabor de Kubrick. Pelo visto Spielberg sabe trabalhar muito bem como estilo de Kubrick. E esse trabalho sobre Napoleão seria uma grande chance de podermos saborear um pouco mais da obra de S.K.

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