
Tolkien’s Collected Poems
HarperCollins having announced today that The Collected Poems of J.R.R. Tolkien will be published this September, we’re able to speak publicly about our next book for the first time since an editio…
Três volumes, 1600 páginas. Vai incluir todos os poemas inclusive os relacionados à Terra-média e também a tradução poética incompleta do Beowulf. Aquela que Christopher Tolkien não quis incluir na edição do Beowulf onde constou só a tradução em prosa.
Mais de 200 poemas e 60 deles completamente inéditos.

HarperCollins have announced the Collected Poems as a three-volume boxed set. The Amazon UK description gives its extent as 1,368 pages, which is close to the number in our typescript; in fact, the printed text will run to more than 1,600 pages. There are currently no plans for a de luxe edition, but we’re aiming for an elegant trade release. We have not yet heard about a U.S. edition.

The Collected Poems of J. R. R. Tolkien
Announcing today is a huge new collection of Tolkien Poems, to be released in September. More details will be added here as they become available. Press...

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