Uma vez que o assunto apareceu no tópico sobre o Queda de Arthur acho que vale a pena demais incluir o link com destaque aqui no fórum pra essa página da Tolkien Gateway...Extremamente útil.

Obras e manuscritos inéditos de Tolkien-Tolkien Gateway

Seu filho, Christopher, diz que esteve a ponto de recusar a publicação de A queda de Artur até o último momento. Como tem feito nas últimas décadas, acabou cedendo aos desejos dos editores e do público. O dinheiro envolvido é enorme. Em 2009, Christopher exigiu na Justiça que a produtora New Line lhe pagasse US$ 220 milhões pelo direito de filmagem de O Hobbit. Não se sabe a que acordo chegaram. Basta dizer que a trilogia do O Senhor dos Anéis faturou mais de US$ 2 bilhões. Aos 88 anos, Christopher diz que está cansado de lidar com as obras inacabadas do pai. Afirma que não publicará mais nada. Mas ele tem três filhos, que também têm filhos. Enquanto contiver algo inédito, o baú do vovô terá de render.
Gozado...não vi nadica de nada parecido com isso nas minhas cópias...Nada indicando que o "CT não tem mais nada pra publicar", que "esteja cansado de lidar com as obras inacabadas do pai dele"ou que "o fez cedendo aos desejos dos editores e do público" ( o Christopher Tolkien? "ceder" ao clamor público? Hauhauhauhauhauhau), estando a ponto de recusar a publicação até a última hora... Na moral... Isso é lorota pura pelo que sei...Além do quê...Ainda há obras inacabadas pra publicar,INCLUSIVE a tradução em prosa completa pro inglês moderno do Beowulf e a tradução inacabada em poema da obra que quase foi publicada anos atrás. Pra não falar de Aotrou e Itroun e Sellic Spell que não estão "inacabados".
Obras e manuscritos inéditos de Tolkien-Tolkien Gateway
Index:Unpublished material
(Redirected from Unpublished)
Index:Unpublished material
This is a list of known Unpublished material by J.R.R. Tolkien. For a list of Tolkien's published writings, see Writings by J.R.R. Tolkien.
- Note 1: Entries which have no article of their own carry references, otherwise references are found under each article.
- Note 2: Material which is only rumoured (i.e., where no reference has been found in a reliable published source), questionable, disputed, or similiar, are enclosed with parentheses.
[edit] Essays, Notes, and Lectures
- 1 Essays, Notes, and Lectures
- 2 Fiction
- 3 Poetry
- 4 Letters
- 5 Linguistics (invented languages)
- 6 Miscellaneous
- 7 Translations and Editions
- 8 Notes
- 9 References
[edit] Fiction
- "The Beginnings of English Poetry" (talk to the Oxford High School for Girls)[1]
- "Celts and Teutons"
- "The Chill Barbarians of the North"
- Concerning ... 'The Hoard'
- Critique of "Distressing Tale of Thangobrind the Jeweler"
- Cushing Memorial Library and Archives collection
- Diplomatarium Islandicum manuscripts
- Elvish time (partially published)
- Essay concerning Smith of Wootton Major (partially published)
- "Francis Thompson" - paper on Francis Thompson, presented to the Exeter College Essay Club. (partially published)[2]
- Lecture on Dragons (partially published)
- Manuscript notes in Dictionary in Englysshe and Welshe
- Notes in Tolkien's copies of:
- (Cairo Studies in English)
- The New Testament in the Westminster Version of the Sacred Scriptures (Sands & Company Ltd 1947; contains "numerous notes and bibliographical amendments")[3]
- Portugais; phonétique et phonologie, morphologie, textes
- Probleme der Englischen Sprache und Kultur
- Songs for the Philologists (held at the Marquette University; annotations in pencil)[4]
- (Specimens Of Early English)
- Notes on etymology of 'Lydney'
- Notes on James Joyce
- Númenórean religion
- Papers relating to "English and Welsh"
- Review (written ca. 1934-1935) of "the Devonshire volumes published by the English Place-Name Society in 1931 and 1932".[5]
- "The Ulsterior Motive"
[edit] Poetry
- The End of Bovadium
- The King of the Green Dozen
- The Orgog
- Sellic Spell
- "The Brothers in Arms" (or "The Brothers-in-Arms")[6]
- "Companions of the Rose"[7]
- "Copernicus and Ptolemy" (or "Copernicus v. Ptolemy")[7]
- "The Dale-lands"[7]
[edit] Letters
- (Unknown "alliterative poem")
- Poem for Rosalind Ramage
- Tales and Songs of Bimble Bay
- "Completorium"[7]
- "From the many-willow'd margin of the immemorial Thames (second stanza) [add note in article]
- "The Grimness of the Sea" [add note in article]
- "The Horns of the Host of Doriath"[8]
- "Magna Dei Gloria"[9]
- "Tol Erresëa"
- "The Two Riders. Earlier versions"
- "Beowulf" . Unfinished verse Modern English.
- "The Brothers in Arms" (or The Brothers-inArms).
- "The Children of Hurin. Another version of The Children of Hurin, with the same title,unpublished, is in rhyming couplets.
- "Companions of the Rose".
- "Completorium. Earlier called Evening".
- "Consolatrix Afflictorum"
- "Copernicus and Ptolemy" (or Copernicus v. Ptolemy). Earlier called Dark.
- "Courage Speaks with the Love of Earth"
- "The Dale-lands". Earlier called The Dale Lands.
- "Dark Are the Clouds about the North"
- "Darkness on the Road"
- "A Dream of Coming Home"
- "Elf Alone". Earlier called The Lonely Harebell.
- "Ferrum et Sanguis"
- "From Iffley"
- "The Forest-walker". Earlier called The Forest Walker.
- "A Fragment of an Epic: Before Jerusalem Richard Makes an End of Speech".
- "G.B.S. Earlier called GBS".
- "The Grimness of the Sea".
- "The Horns of the Host of Doriath". An earlier version was called The Trumpets of Faery.
- "The Lonely Harebell"
- "Magna Dei Gloria"
- "May-day". Earlier called May Day, May Day in a Backward Year.
- "A Memory of Julyin England"
- "'Meolchwitum sind marmanstane'"
- "The Mermaid's Flute".
- "Monoceros, the Unicorn"
- "Morning"*"Morning Song". Earlier called Morning-song
- "Morning Tea"
- "The New Lemminkainen"
- "Noel". In the Annual of Our Lady’s School, Abingdon (near Oxford), 1936 95
- "Now and Ever"
- "Old Grabbler". One of the Tales and Songs of Bimble Bay. Earlier called Poor Old Grabbler.
- "Outside".
- "The Pool of the Dead Year"
- "Poor Old Grabbler"
- "The Bum-pus"
- "Reginhardus the Fox"
- "A Rime for My Boy"
- "The Ruined Enchanter: A Fairy Ballad"
- "The Shadow Man"
- "The Sirens"
- "Tol Eressea" An earlier version of The Lonely Isle.
- "A Song of Bimble Bay". One of the Tales and Songs of Bimble Bay.
- "Sparrow Song" (Bilink). Earlier called Sparrowsong.
- "Stella Vespertina". Earlier called Consolatrix Afflictorum.
- "Sunset in a Town".
- "The Swallow and the Traveller on the Plains". Earlier called Thoughts on Parade.
- "The Thatch of Poppies"
- "Vestr um Haf". Adapted as Bilbo's Last Song.
[edit] Linguistics (invented languages)
[edit] Miscellaneous
- (athelas/asëa etymology (1970s))
- Book of the Foxrook (partially published)
- Common Eldarin pronominal elements (grammatical description; partially published)[10][note 1]
- Discussion of Quenya demonstrative and relative pronouns (partially published; dating from the 1940s)[11]
- "Homophonic stems" (partially published; ca. 1968, typescript text)[12]
- "Lyenna" inscription (1968)
- Mágol
- "Late essay", ca. 1966-70 (partially published)
- Noldorin Grammar[13]
- Pronominal endings (1950s)[14]
- Specimens of Tolkien's invented languages in tengwar-type script from the 1930s (might appear in "future issues of Parma Eldalamberon")[15]
- (Taliska)
[edit] Translations and Editions
- The Book of Ishness (partially published)
- Cigar bill (3 March 1972)
- Collection at the University of Leeds (includes letter Arthur Ransome 15 December 1937 and transcriptions into Tengwar of parts of this and Ransome's letter)[16][17]
- Collection of Simonne d'Ardenne (includes letters, lecture notes, etc.; only a tengwar inscription from the collection published)[18]
- The Diaries of J.R.R. Tolkien (partially published)
- English to Anglo-Saxon Dictionary
- "A few minor items" related to the Father Christmas letters ("verso inscriptions", "a couple of plainer envelopes ... and a couple of brief notes")[19]
- "Index questions" (Glossary-index) (partially published)
- Oxford University visitor's page
- "The Sword of the Stone manuscript"
- Beowulf
- the "Clarendon Chaucer"
- "Gunnar's End". [Translation of brief passage from the Norse Atlakviða into Old English verse.][20]
- The Owl and the Nightingale
- Pwyll Prince of Dyved
- (Die Walküre)
[edit] References
- ↑ This manuscript appears to be included with the published "Quenya Pronominal Elements" (cf. J.R.R. Tolkien, "Five Late Quenya Volitive Inscriptions" (edited by Carl F. Hostetter), in Vinyar Tengwar, Number 49, June 2007, p. 50).
- ↑ Christina Scull, Wayne G. Hammond, "Addenda and Corrigenda to The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide (2006) Vol. 1: Chronology" , Hammond& (accessed 19 May 2012)
- ↑ J.R.R. Tolkien; Douglas A. Anderson, (ed.), (2002) The Annotated Hobbit: Revised and Expanded Edition, p. 205
- ↑ Pieter Collier, "#001343 - The New Testament in the Westminster Version of the Sacred Scriptures, Signed By J.R.R. Tolkien" , Tolkien Library (accessed 14 December 2013)
- ↑ Dimitra Fimi, Post at The Tolkien Society page, dated 17 May 2013 at Facebook (accessed 17 May 2013)
- ↑ Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull (2006), The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: I. Chronology, p. 172
- ↑ Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull (2006), The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: I. Chronology, p. 842
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull (2006), The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: I. Chronology, p. 843
- ↑ Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull (2006), The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: I. Chronology, p. 848
- ↑ Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull (2006), The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: I. Chronology, p. 850
- ↑ J.R.R. Tolkien, "Words, Phrases and Passages in Various Tongues in The Lord of the Rings", in Parma Eldalamberon XVII (edited by Christopher Gilson), p. 14
- ↑ J.R.R. Tolkien, "Early Elvish Poetry and Pre-Fëanorian Alphabets", in Parma Eldalamberon XVI (edited by Christopher Gilson, Arden R. Smith, Patrick H. Wynne, Carl F. Hostetter and Bill Welden), pp. 96-7
- ↑ J.R.R. Tolkien, "Eldarin Hands, Fingers & Numerals and Related Writings — Part Three" (edited by Patrick H. Wynne), in Vinyar Tengwar, Number 49, June 2007, p. 14
- ↑ J.R.R. Tolkien, "Words, Phrases and Passages in Various Tongues in The Lord of the Rings", in Parma Eldalamberon XVII (edited by Christopher Gilson), p. 44
- ↑ J.R.R. Tolkien, "The 'Túrin Wrapper'" (edited by Carl F. Hostetter), in Vinyar Tengwar, Number 50, March 2013, p. 21
- ↑ J.R.R. Tolkien, "The Qenya Alphabet", in Parma Eldalamberon XX (edited by Arden R. Smith), p. 5
- ↑ Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull (2006), The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: I. Chronology, pp. 207-8
- ↑ "Tolkien: "Sales are not very great"" dated 16 October 2012, University of Leeds (accessed 21 October 2012)
- ↑ Nathalie Kotowski, "Letter to the Editor", in Vinyar Tengwar 23 (1992), p. 16
- ↑ Wayne G. Hammond, Christina Scull, "The ‘Father Christmas’ Letters (comments section)" dated 21 November 2012, Hammond& (accessed 24 March 2013)
- ↑ Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull (eds), The Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion, p. 847
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