"Enquanto Harry luta contra um passado que se recusa a ficar onde pertence, o seu filho mais novo, Alvo, deve lidar com o peso de um legado familiar que nunca quis. Conforme o passado e o presente se fundem perigosamente, ambos pai e filho aprendem a incômoda verdade: algumas vezes, a escuridão vem de lugares inesperados."
Peça que virou livro, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child é a oitava obra oficial da série Harry Potter (sem contar, claro, animais fantásticos, contos de beedle o bardo, quadribol através dos tempos...).
Como Rowling assina o livro, ele é Canon. É a continuação oficial da história.
Porém, muitos dos fãs estão preferindo considerar essa trama uma mera fanfiction - eu inclusa.
No spoiler algumas das minhas impressões logo após terminar a leitura.
Esses são alguns problemas que detectei na peça em geral. Quero fazer um review completo, mas por enquanto menciono o texto de um leitor que achei na internet e com o qual concordo:
Errr, em resumo, se tu aí que está lendo está ansioso pelo livro, não esteja. E ao ler não leve muito a sério. E apesar de eu ter essa opinião, uma multidão amou o livro e até chorou. Eu só chorei lágrimas de sangue
Peça que virou livro, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child é a oitava obra oficial da série Harry Potter (sem contar, claro, animais fantásticos, contos de beedle o bardo, quadribol através dos tempos...).
Como Rowling assina o livro, ele é Canon. É a continuação oficial da história.
Porém, muitos dos fãs estão preferindo considerar essa trama uma mera fanfiction - eu inclusa.
No spoiler algumas das minhas impressões logo após terminar a leitura.
Cedric Delicious Diggory. Agora imaginem o Ludo Bagman apresentando ele assim na primeira tarefa do torneio tribruxo. E depois repetidamente repetindo o quanto Cedric era lindo, deixava ''a todos nós'' de joelhos moles e coisas do tipo. Ludo Bagman. Durante a luta do Cedric com o dragão.
Mais adiante um personagem diz que a forma de salvar o Cedric é humilhando ele, a ponto de ele não querer vencer o torneio (porque só sabotar ele faz ele se dedicar ainda mais para vencer). Então um dos protagonistas sugere inflar o Cedric com engorgio. E o outro responde ''brilliant! I'm engorgimpressed". (acho que nesse ponto tudo que eu pensei é ''acabe logo, vida cruel''
A cada solução tosca para problemas toscos que um personagem dava num diálogo ridículo, algum outro personagem elogiava o quão inteligente era a ideia. Só que não era. Era estúpida como todo o resto.
Mais estúpido que isso só quem gastou para ler essa @#$%¨¨
E isso que eu sequer comecei a falar da trama!
Mais adiante um personagem diz que a forma de salvar o Cedric é humilhando ele, a ponto de ele não querer vencer o torneio (porque só sabotar ele faz ele se dedicar ainda mais para vencer). Então um dos protagonistas sugere inflar o Cedric com engorgio. E o outro responde ''brilliant! I'm engorgimpressed". (acho que nesse ponto tudo que eu pensei é ''acabe logo, vida cruel''
A cada solução tosca para problemas toscos que um personagem dava num diálogo ridículo, algum outro personagem elogiava o quão inteligente era a ideia. Só que não era. Era estúpida como todo o resto.
Mais estúpido que isso só quem gastou para ler essa @#$%¨¨
E isso que eu sequer comecei a falar da trama!
Esses são alguns problemas que detectei na peça em geral. Quero fazer um review completo, mas por enquanto menciono o texto de um leitor que achei na internet e com o qual concordo:
Here are my reasons why it sucks (Not supposed to be like number one is the most important reason or anything, it's like whatever I come up with as I type).
1.) The fanfiction clichés in it, like... what? Voldemort and Bellatrix has a LOVE child even though Voldemort can't love!.
Their child, Delphini Riddle is a mary-sue cliché.
She knows a lot of magic without going to Hogwarts.
No one know of her to about years later, even though she was supposed to get her Hogwarts letter so obviously people would know about her.
2.) Ron literally was only there for the humor, but no way was he, in any shape or form, funny.
3.) Harry was portrayed as a bad father. Telling one of his kids that he sometimes wishes they weren't wanted is not the Harry we know and love! We know Harry has a bad temper but he would never say that. He grew up in a household where he was physically, mentally, and emotionally abused, he didn't have relatives that loved him, but he finally gets some and all of a sudden he wishes one of them weren't part of his family?
4.) Hermione all of a sudden becomes the Minister of Magic, like are they going to explain what happened to Kingsley Shacklebolt?
5.) Where df was Teddy Lupin?
6.) The scene with the Trolley Witch, over 191 years old, trying to stop Albus and Scorpius from leaving the Hogwarts Express with exploding Pumpkin Pastries and stuff. That part just screamed fanfiction.
7.) Cedric Diggory became a Death Eater because he got humiliated and laughed at by Hogwarts. Ummm... let's not forget what happened to Harry in books 1,2,3,4,5,6.
Sorcerer's Stone - Harry, Hermione, and Neville lost Gryffindor house 150 points so now Slytherin was in the lead for the House Cup. So the Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw houses all turned against them.
Chamber of Secrets - Mostly everyone believed that Harry was the Heir of Slytherin, going after Muggle-Borns. They made hissing noises at him and pointed at him whenever he walked passed them.
Prisoner of Azkaban - Draco Malfoy and his gang made fun of Harry because he fainted because of a Dementor.
Goblet of Fire - All houses (Except Gryffindor) turned against Harry because they thought he put his name in the Goblet of Fire to get more glory than he already has. Even Ron, his best friend turned against him.
Order of the Phoenix - Almost everyone turned against Harry because of what the Daily Prophet has been saying about him being an insane attention-seeker. Even Seamus Finnigan, his dorm mate, turned against him (Lavender Brown too but she's not as close to Harry.)
Half-Blood Prince - After Harry chose Dean to replace Katie for the Quidditch team, the Gryffindors got mad at him. Also, when he had to serve detention, missing the Quidditch game after he almost killed Draco Malfoy.
But did Harry James Potter turned dark? NO! So the reason Cedric became a Death Eater was the most ridiculous (Or should I say Riddikulus) reason ever. Harry had friends that stood by him, so did Cedric. Cedric's in Hufflepuff, he's loyal! He's also very noble.
8.) The time-turner all of a sudden has a 5 minute limit.
9.) There was no humor to me, it didn't make me laugh. I only smiled when Ginny told James to clean his damn room. In books 1-7, I've never read any of them without laughing.
10.) You'd think after everything that had happened the stereotype with Slytherin would've gone down a little, but people turned against Albus because he got Sorted into Slytherin, even his cousin, Rose turn against him.
11.) Wasn't even a shock that Delphini turned out to be the bad guy of how it continuously said in the script that Scorpius had his suspicions about her.
12.) Delphi is in Azkaban when she should be dead.
13.) People get on me about shipping Harry and Severus (It's not even canon) but Voldemort and Bellatrix are 25 years apart and their relationship is canon but no one bats an eye.
14.) The Cursed Child is like that God-awful Harry Potter fanfiction that has over like a million views called My Immortal.
Delphi is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way (Main character of that fanfic. o-o) who has long ebony black hair with purple streaks with red tips that reaches her mid-back.
15.) Delphini has blonde hair with blue tips even though both of her parents had jet-black hair, or in Voldemort's case, HAD jet-black hair. It never even said she dyed her hair or anything.
16.) Harry hates pigeons and is afraid of them, HE HAD A PET OWL FOR MERLIN'S SAKE! R.I.P Hedwig! :'( . He says they're "Nasty, pecky, dirty things.", he told Hedwig to keep pecking Hermione, Ron, and Sirius if they didn't give him any information.
17.) Harry's afraid of the dark and small spaces. In the Sorcerer's Stone Harry much rather have had his Hogwarts letter and stay in his dark, small cupboard under the stairs than having a larger sleeping area. Harry wasn't freaking out when he was with Rita Skeeter in the broom closet getting an interview.
18.) Voldemort day.
19.) Ron and Hermione rebel look.
20.) We know Snape was the good guy all along but the way they did it in the Cursed Child was a little extra.
21.) In the POA, Harry and Hermione had to wait hours to get back to their present time, why didn't Albus and Scorpius have to? Since when did the time-turner all of a sudden have a 5 minute limit? But I guess it was just for the plot.
22.) The Scorpius being Voldemort's child rumors make no sense WHEN IN THE BOOK IT SAID HE LOOKS A LOT LIKE DRACO!
23.) Why is Delphini the Cursed Child when she loves her heritage?
24.) Draco calls Harry an old man when they're the same age and Harry is younger than Draco.
26.) In the AU when Voldemort won why do the muggles still have a government?
27.) Harry speaking Parseltongue even though the Horcrux inside him allowing him to was destroyed....
28.) Why was Harry's scar hurting? It only hurts when Voldemort is near... but he was still dead. Also, Joanne said it was the Horcrux inside Harry trying to get out, but as we all know Harry is no longer a Horcrux.
29.) In the AU where Ron and Hermione never ended up together, all everyone cares about is Rose... WHAT ABOUT HUGO?!
30.) It said Petunia Dursley (Nee Evans) died but how? Did she ever have a funeral? If so did Harry go? What about Vernon and Dudley?
31.) Harry had no sass.
32.) Gryffindor colors are scarlet and gold not red and gold.
33.) All of a sudden the Sorting HAT can walk... why couldn't it just sit on its stool and sing the song?
34.) Blood Ball. (You could smell the fanfiction at that point.)
35.) Draco Malfoy and Ginny Potter (Nee Weasley), acted like they've never had friends when they were at Hogwarts. Ginny had Luna Lovegood and Colin Creevey (R.I.P. :'( ). Draco acted like all he had were Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe... um, he had Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, and Theodore Nott.
36.) Voldemort has seven Horcruxes (2 is one thing but 7 is going extreme in the Wizarding World), each part made parts of him inhuman. So how would he have had... that part... to make a child with Bellatrix? If he lost his nose, human skin, normal eye color, hair, ect. I'm pretty sure he would've lost that part as well. o-o
37.) Who made that prophecy Delphini told Scorpius and Albus about? What seer would she have gone to? I'm pretty sure it wasn't Sybill Trelawney and if Delphini was actually a seer, I'm done. That would just make her more of a mary-sue.
38.) Ginny's no rule about sugar... I'm done.
39.) Also, is Harry's boggart gonna be a pigeon now instead of a Dementor?
40.) Albus Potter kisses his aunt.
41.) I still can't get over the Trolley Witch, I can never look at her the same again when I watch the movies or read the books.
42.) What happened to, "All was well." ???
Tem esse review também com o qual concordo: http://www.mugglenet.com/2016/08/initial-reactions-harry-potter-cursed-child-rage-filled-catharsis/
1.) The fanfiction clichés in it, like... what? Voldemort and Bellatrix has a LOVE child even though Voldemort can't love!.
Their child, Delphini Riddle is a mary-sue cliché.
She knows a lot of magic without going to Hogwarts.
No one know of her to about years later, even though she was supposed to get her Hogwarts letter so obviously people would know about her.
2.) Ron literally was only there for the humor, but no way was he, in any shape or form, funny.
3.) Harry was portrayed as a bad father. Telling one of his kids that he sometimes wishes they weren't wanted is not the Harry we know and love! We know Harry has a bad temper but he would never say that. He grew up in a household where he was physically, mentally, and emotionally abused, he didn't have relatives that loved him, but he finally gets some and all of a sudden he wishes one of them weren't part of his family?
4.) Hermione all of a sudden becomes the Minister of Magic, like are they going to explain what happened to Kingsley Shacklebolt?
5.) Where df was Teddy Lupin?
6.) The scene with the Trolley Witch, over 191 years old, trying to stop Albus and Scorpius from leaving the Hogwarts Express with exploding Pumpkin Pastries and stuff. That part just screamed fanfiction.
7.) Cedric Diggory became a Death Eater because he got humiliated and laughed at by Hogwarts. Ummm... let's not forget what happened to Harry in books 1,2,3,4,5,6.
Sorcerer's Stone - Harry, Hermione, and Neville lost Gryffindor house 150 points so now Slytherin was in the lead for the House Cup. So the Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw houses all turned against them.
Chamber of Secrets - Mostly everyone believed that Harry was the Heir of Slytherin, going after Muggle-Borns. They made hissing noises at him and pointed at him whenever he walked passed them.
Prisoner of Azkaban - Draco Malfoy and his gang made fun of Harry because he fainted because of a Dementor.
Goblet of Fire - All houses (Except Gryffindor) turned against Harry because they thought he put his name in the Goblet of Fire to get more glory than he already has. Even Ron, his best friend turned against him.
Order of the Phoenix - Almost everyone turned against Harry because of what the Daily Prophet has been saying about him being an insane attention-seeker. Even Seamus Finnigan, his dorm mate, turned against him (Lavender Brown too but she's not as close to Harry.)
Half-Blood Prince - After Harry chose Dean to replace Katie for the Quidditch team, the Gryffindors got mad at him. Also, when he had to serve detention, missing the Quidditch game after he almost killed Draco Malfoy.
But did Harry James Potter turned dark? NO! So the reason Cedric became a Death Eater was the most ridiculous (Or should I say Riddikulus) reason ever. Harry had friends that stood by him, so did Cedric. Cedric's in Hufflepuff, he's loyal! He's also very noble.
8.) The time-turner all of a sudden has a 5 minute limit.
9.) There was no humor to me, it didn't make me laugh. I only smiled when Ginny told James to clean his damn room. In books 1-7, I've never read any of them without laughing.
10.) You'd think after everything that had happened the stereotype with Slytherin would've gone down a little, but people turned against Albus because he got Sorted into Slytherin, even his cousin, Rose turn against him.
11.) Wasn't even a shock that Delphini turned out to be the bad guy of how it continuously said in the script that Scorpius had his suspicions about her.
12.) Delphi is in Azkaban when she should be dead.
13.) People get on me about shipping Harry and Severus (It's not even canon) but Voldemort and Bellatrix are 25 years apart and their relationship is canon but no one bats an eye.
14.) The Cursed Child is like that God-awful Harry Potter fanfiction that has over like a million views called My Immortal.
Delphi is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way (Main character of that fanfic. o-o) who has long ebony black hair with purple streaks with red tips that reaches her mid-back.
15.) Delphini has blonde hair with blue tips even though both of her parents had jet-black hair, or in Voldemort's case, HAD jet-black hair. It never even said she dyed her hair or anything.
16.) Harry hates pigeons and is afraid of them, HE HAD A PET OWL FOR MERLIN'S SAKE! R.I.P Hedwig! :'( . He says they're "Nasty, pecky, dirty things.", he told Hedwig to keep pecking Hermione, Ron, and Sirius if they didn't give him any information.
17.) Harry's afraid of the dark and small spaces. In the Sorcerer's Stone Harry much rather have had his Hogwarts letter and stay in his dark, small cupboard under the stairs than having a larger sleeping area. Harry wasn't freaking out when he was with Rita Skeeter in the broom closet getting an interview.
18.) Voldemort day.
19.) Ron and Hermione rebel look.
20.) We know Snape was the good guy all along but the way they did it in the Cursed Child was a little extra.
21.) In the POA, Harry and Hermione had to wait hours to get back to their present time, why didn't Albus and Scorpius have to? Since when did the time-turner all of a sudden have a 5 minute limit? But I guess it was just for the plot.
22.) The Scorpius being Voldemort's child rumors make no sense WHEN IN THE BOOK IT SAID HE LOOKS A LOT LIKE DRACO!
23.) Why is Delphini the Cursed Child when she loves her heritage?
24.) Draco calls Harry an old man when they're the same age and Harry is younger than Draco.
26.) In the AU when Voldemort won why do the muggles still have a government?
27.) Harry speaking Parseltongue even though the Horcrux inside him allowing him to was destroyed....
28.) Why was Harry's scar hurting? It only hurts when Voldemort is near... but he was still dead. Also, Joanne said it was the Horcrux inside Harry trying to get out, but as we all know Harry is no longer a Horcrux.
29.) In the AU where Ron and Hermione never ended up together, all everyone cares about is Rose... WHAT ABOUT HUGO?!
30.) It said Petunia Dursley (Nee Evans) died but how? Did she ever have a funeral? If so did Harry go? What about Vernon and Dudley?
31.) Harry had no sass.
32.) Gryffindor colors are scarlet and gold not red and gold.
33.) All of a sudden the Sorting HAT can walk... why couldn't it just sit on its stool and sing the song?
34.) Blood Ball. (You could smell the fanfiction at that point.)
35.) Draco Malfoy and Ginny Potter (Nee Weasley), acted like they've never had friends when they were at Hogwarts. Ginny had Luna Lovegood and Colin Creevey (R.I.P. :'( ). Draco acted like all he had were Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe... um, he had Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, and Theodore Nott.
36.) Voldemort has seven Horcruxes (2 is one thing but 7 is going extreme in the Wizarding World), each part made parts of him inhuman. So how would he have had... that part... to make a child with Bellatrix? If he lost his nose, human skin, normal eye color, hair, ect. I'm pretty sure he would've lost that part as well. o-o
37.) Who made that prophecy Delphini told Scorpius and Albus about? What seer would she have gone to? I'm pretty sure it wasn't Sybill Trelawney and if Delphini was actually a seer, I'm done. That would just make her more of a mary-sue.
38.) Ginny's no rule about sugar... I'm done.
39.) Also, is Harry's boggart gonna be a pigeon now instead of a Dementor?
40.) Albus Potter kisses his aunt.
41.) I still can't get over the Trolley Witch, I can never look at her the same again when I watch the movies or read the books.
42.) What happened to, "All was well." ???
Tem esse review também com o qual concordo: http://www.mugglenet.com/2016/08/initial-reactions-harry-potter-cursed-child-rage-filled-catharsis/
Errr, em resumo, se tu aí que está lendo está ansioso pelo livro, não esteja. E ao ler não leve muito a sério. E apesar de eu ter essa opinião, uma multidão amou o livro e até chorou. Eu só chorei lágrimas de sangue

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