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Duvida Return of the King???

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alguem sabe o que devo fazer para terminar a fase "top of the wall" do jogo Return of the king (PC)???

eu sei que o Gandalf tem que defender varias partes da muralha......mas alguem pode me dizer qual é a sequencia?!....

quem puder ajudar...eu agradeço
Tem uma área espeçifica pra jogos Tolkenianos Bard. :wink:
Mas vou responder aqui:

Retirado de www.gamefaqs.com

"Minas Tirith - Top of the Wall

The main objective of this level is to kick down all the ladders with the O
button, and keep the fortress from being overrun. Look at the meter in the
upper-right hand corner. This is crucial. The line thingy is a layout of the
level. Whenever a bright red dot appears, it indicates that a ladder has
appeared there. The circle meter on the right is the overrun meter. You must
not let this meter fill. The trick is to ignore the enemies, and go straight
to kicking down the ladders whenever one appears. Always remember to keep
moving on this level.

Soon you will see a cutscene with trolls pushing huge
towers towards the castle. Stop whatever you are doing and go straight towards
the large blue dot on the map, and you'll see stairs. Climb up the stairs and
you'll see a catapult. Press R1 while over the blue circle. Wait for the
catapult to load, and press it again. That tower is now destroyed, but another
one is coming on the right side of the level. Run down the stairs and towards
the large, blinking, red dot on the right of your map. Make sure to kick down
ladders on the way. When you get to the right side of the level, take out the
approaching tower with your ranged attack. Once the tower falls, another one
is approaching on the left. Run back to the catapult, kicking any ladders on
the way. Launch the catapult. Suddenly a Fell Beast attacks. Shoot it a few
times with your ranged attack, and it will fall into the castle. Launch the
catapult one more time, and then run down the stairs.

A tower will automatically dock on the right side of the castle, but rubble
obstructs your path. Kick down the ladder (if there is one) and press R1 to
climb down on the ledge. Continue where you're supposed to go, until you are
able to climb back up (there may be a ladder you have to kick first). Once back
up on the main walkway, run towards the docked tower. Hit it with your ranged
attack until it falls. You will be shown a cutscene showing several cave trolls
ramming the main gate. Once back in control of Gandalf, run to your left. Run
up the tower you haven't climbed before. At the top is seven elfstones.
Run back down to the main walkway, and you will see an opening that used to be
guarded by two soldiers. Run through the opening and down the steps. Follow
in the same direction as the running soldiers, and soon you will be in the
courtyard. The level is finished."
Vc chega perto das escadas que vao aparecendo ai vc aperta ctrl na direcao da escada ele vai empurra a a escada ai quando vim aquela construcao com escada usa flecha contra ela..
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