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Alan Moore lava suas mãos, diz o Ain't It Cool


Não sabia em qual seria mais adequado postar isso, se aqui ou na Cinema, mas já que envolve personagens de quadrinhos e Alan Moore, achei de bom tom tentar aqui mesmo. De qualquer jeito...

Hey Harry, Bristlehound here with my third latest and greatest report. This one is such a stunner I can't believe it, but you should because everyone is trying to cover it up.

After reviewing the script and casting of HELLBLAZER, Comic Kingpin Alan Moore has done the unthinkable. He's washed his hand of the entire debacle. That's right- he's instructed DC to NOT credit him as the creator of the character. And putting his money where his mouth is, he has instructed that the royalties that he was splitting with his co-creators goes EXCLUSIVELY to the artists, Veitch and Bissette.

Often we hear about an artist upset that his creation has been butchered but this is the first I can recall where the creator asked that both name and money be rejected. Moore is apparently so upset at the desecration done to Constantine by Producer Lauren Shuler Donner that he is stating that he will never support a film project based on his work again. DC Toady Paul Levitz is running around trying to get Moore to change his position, but Levitz is the one who had 30,000 copies of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen #5 pulped. The bad PR this move could create in the geek community is of grave concern to Warners and DC.

I say if they couldn't get Sting they should have got Ewan. With Neo, I ain't even renting. And if Alan Moore has washed his hands, we all should.

Eu pessoalmente achei o máximo, já estava desesperançoso quanto a boas adaptações de obras do Moore e assim esses produtores aprendem a deixar de ser picaretas (ou assim espero). Aliás, não estou certo de que vejo a necessidade para filmes de gibis do Alan Moore, já estou contente com o material original.

Foi criado pelo Alan Moore nas páginas de Monstro do Pântano e anos depois ganhou título próprio nas mãos do Garth Ennis, pelo que sei. Neil Gaiman, que eu saiba, o usou brevemente em Sandman e Livros de Magia.
oh, my bad
achei q ele tinha sido criado nos livros da magia ou sandman ^^
legal saber que tbm eh do moore
Coronel disse:
ahnnn e akela adaptaçao do Monstro do Pantano? ja ta em pos produçao acho
Na verdade, adaptação de Monstro do Pântano já exisste. E se não me engano são duas.
Vc deve ta confundindo com Homem-Coisa da Marvel, que saiu direto em DVD.

Valinor 2023

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