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É bom tomar cuidado para não gastar gold sem querer, agora aparece toda hora, quando perde uma batalha eles oferecem algum item para comprar, e nas roletas oferecem outra rodada:



  • roulette.jpg
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É bom tomar cuidado para não gastar gold sem querer, agora aparece toda hora, quando perde uma batalha eles oferecem algum item para comprar, e nas roletas oferecem outra rodada:


Hiohuahaiuhua... os caras são doidos demais... 5 gold pra um novo sorteio... 5 golds é só trocar por 10 CPs, não precisa correr risco com sorteio kkkkk gananciosos demais, se pusessem a 1 gold, iam lavar a cara de tanto ganhar $, além de tomar o gold de quem só ganha com lvl e missão^^
Noss ese try again por 5 gold ta de brinks ne? O_O


Boa observacao Gambit,,, porem quero pesquisas das pedras novas kct elas sao foda d+ o___0
Até o level 161, era preciso na faixa de 2600-2700 de XP pra passar de level (subindo aos poucos, quanto maior o level)... do 161 pro 162, foi pra 4000!! Oo
Até o level 161, era preciso na faixa de 2600-2700 de XP pra passar de level (subindo aos poucos, quanto maior o level)... do 161 pro 162, foi pra 4000!! Oo

Parece que se estabiliza em 4000 até o nivel 200 pelo menos... não sei se é assim acima desse nível... Muito longe de chegar no seu nivel... ainda sou 130 :mrgreen:
Nossa falaram e Eu não dei muita bola.
Tava com 87 cp, comprei Gambit e já to com 15.
Tá saindo mais facil na roleta :O

pra vc só se for pra mim só vem 1 cp e quando vem ainda.. só fico jogando a missao 1 pq sao 3 batalhas só mais rapido etal... e nada de cp :\
Nossa falaram e Eu não dei muita bola.
Tava com 87 cp, comprei Gambit e já to com 15.
Tá saindo mais facil na roleta :O

Chegou, enfim! Vem cá Gambit, é nóis! kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Também recrutei ele e comprei a roupa FF da IW Inf. e fique com somente 5 CP´s. Fiz 4 corridas, sendo uma chefe épico e ganhei 1 CP 2x, 5 CP´s e 10 CP´s. Nunca tinha ganhado tantos assim. Parece que tá mais fácil de sair mesmo. Tomará que continue assim.
Deixar anotado aqui as últimas atualizações:

Class Updates

* Infiltrators
o Updated class bonus
o Combat Reflexes
+ Counters single-target or AOE attacks
+ Increases damage done by 30%
+ While active, all attacks are Stealthy
# Do not provoke counter-attacks
# Cannot be intercepted by Protect abilities
+ Protect and counter effects do not work against Stealthy attacks
o Infiltrators now gain the Combat Reflexes buff both when attacking and when attacked by Tacticians

Hero Updates

1. Gambit - New Hero
* Class: Infiltrator
* Passive Ability “Wild Card”
o Chance to assist when an ally attacks or is attacked
o Grants one Kinetic Charge when Gambit assists via Wild Card
+ New Status “Kinetic Charge”
# Increases chance to critical hit
# Not consumed by Bo Roulette
# Can be applied up to 4 times
* Level 1 Action “Bo Roulette”
o Targets One Enemy
o Melee Attack
o Grants Gambit 1 - 3 applications of Kinetic Charge
* Level 2 Action “Ace of Spades”
o Targets One Enemy
o Ranged Attack
o Causes Exposed (Defense reduced by 25%)
o Kinetic Release - Consumes one Kinetic Charge to grant an extra turn
* Level 6 Action “Ragin’ Cajun”
o Targets One Enemy
o Melee Attack
o Kinetic Burst - Consumes all Kinetic Charges to deal extra damage
+ The more Kinetic Charges consumed, the more extra damage is applied
o Exploits Exposure - Deals extra damage against Exposed targets
o Deadly Crits - Deals extra damage on critical hits
* Level 9 Action “Royal Flush”
o Targets All Enemies
o Ranged Attack
o Remove Buffs - Removes beneficial status effects from the target
o Causes Exposed
o Deadly Crits

2. Invisible Woman
* Improved Actions
o Class: Infiltrator
o Passive Ability - “Invisibility”
+ 25% Chance to evade single-target attacks
+ If an attack is evaded in this way: grants a bonus to accuracy on her next attack.
o Level 1 Action “Force Spheres”
+ Targets One Enemy
+ Ranged Attack
+ Stealthy - does not trigger counter-attacks or protect abilities
+ Deadly Crits - Deals extra damage on critical hits
o Level 2 Action “Force Field”
+ Targets All Allies
+ Team Buff
+ Applies “Force Field”
# Absorbs damage
# Removed when attacking
o Level 6 Action “Force Volley”
+ Targets All Enemies
+ Ranged Attack
+ Stealthy
+ Deadly Crits
o Level 9 Action “Force Cage”
+ Targets One Enemy
+ Enemy Debuff
+ Applies “Force Cage”
# Can only use actions that target self
* If character does not have actions that target self, they lose a turn
# Can’t Protect or Counter attacks
# Can’t be hit by attacks
+ Subtle - Does not trigger most status effects
o Uses “Force Field” as her default counter
* New uniform - “Future Foundation Invisible Woman”
o Uniform classes available: Blaster & Infiltrator
o Uniform Passive “Reactive Shields”
+ Creates a shield when attacked
+ Does not overwrite other shields
# For those who want more shield with their shield, this ability does not replace Invisible Woman’s Force Field
+ Uniform Passive “Share the Future”
# Grants Reactive Shields to all teammates
+ Grants “Future Countdown” with two Future Foundation members
+ On round 4, grants “The Future is Now” - Increasing Attack and Accuracy by 35% for the remainder of the battle.
+ As of this update, Invisible Woman, Mr. Fantastic and Thing have Future Foundation alternate costumes.

3. Emma Frost
* Passive “Organic Diamond” no longer procs Diamond Form when another character Protects an attack
* Organic Diamond no longer defends against psychic attacks. This should help Emma vs. Emma fights.
* Several changes to Mental Anguish
o Is removed after any action that is not a Quick Action
+ This means if someone rests, but gets extra turns later, they will not have to rest those extra turns as well
+ This also means that if someone takes damage from the Mental Anguish, they will not take additional damage on extra turns
+ Still cannot be cleared by using a quick buff such as Hawkeye’s Pinpoint Target
o Now produces Mental Scarring if the target takes damage, making that target immune to Mental Anguish until their next turn
o Now deals consistent damage against targets with different health
* Unlock Potential now correctly removes debuffs only when first applied instead of preventing new debuffs from being applied

4. Thing
* Stonewall no longer protects against attacks that can’t be protected
* Toughness from Future Foundation Thing’s Tough Guy buff now caps at 20 stacks
o This is to solve an issue where very high stacks were causing damage increase rather than decrease
5. Rogue
* Ubiquitous Power (gained by using Absorb Power on a Generalist)
o Now increases Rogue’s stats more
* Infiltrator Power (gained by using Absorb Power on an Infiltrator)
o Updated to reflect the changes to Combat Reflexes
o Increases damage done by 30%
o All attacks are Stealthy
o Counters all attacks

6. Human Torch
* Fireproof no longer resists fire damage from Human Torch
o This should fix infinite PVP battles of Human Torch vs. Human Torch

Mission and Item Updates

* New tier of Isotope-8 added in the store
o Iso-8 “Crystals” require agent level 100 to purchase
* Defensive Experiment from the Pawn now caps at 20 stacks
* This is to solve an issue where very high stacks were causing damage increase rather than decrease
* Deploy and boss reward loot tables have been updated with better rewards! They are also more likely to drop level-appropriate gear and items for the agent
* Boss and Epic Boss rewards can now be spun repeatedly after the defeat of a boss
o Currently each respin costs 5 gold
o The player keeps all items won by each spin
* Spec Ops 2 extended till Monday
o Unstable Iso-8 was accidentally turned off. This has been restored and a link on the Marvel: Avengers Alliance app page was added where users can receive 50 Unstable Iso-8.

PVP Updates

* Updated matchmaking for PvP
o Ranked matches in PVP should now match players that are much closer in Rating
o This should usually fall within +/- 100 rating of the challenger
* PvP Battle Reports now display the last 30 fights. (Up from 15)
* PvP Battle Reports now show fights that have been initiated against you since you’ve logged in
o Previously, the player needed to refresh the client to update the Battle Reports
* PVP Ranked Daily Bonus XP now resets every night at the same time

User Interface Updates

* The tooltip for characters is now wider
* A majority of Statuses now properly display the correct number of turns a status lasts
o These were incorrectly reporting one more than the number of turns
o The actual duration for these statuses has not changed
Alguém tem notícias se as novas Isotope - 8 que surgiram serão disponibilizadas para pesquisa ou será estritamente adquirida através de ouro?

Valinor 2023

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