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Tolerância Zero (The Believer, 2001)


Serenity Painted Death
Rotten Tomatoes disse:
Raised Jewish, Danny (Ryan Gosling) now runs with an anti-Semitic skinhead gang in Queens. Attending a meeting held by prominent self-proclaimed fascist Curtis Zampf (Billy Zane), Danny is noticed when he proposes killing Jews as a solution to society's problems. Danny's words create excitement not only for their racist content, but also for his articulate way of expressing himself and his knowledge of the Jewish faith. Zampf sees potential in Danny and takes him under his wing. Working with the enigmatic extremist, Danny meets the sadomasochistic Carla (Summer Phoenix). Between rough sexual encounters, Danny teaches Carla Hebrew and facts about Judaism. Carla becomes interested in the Jewish faith while Danny becomes disillusioned with his neo-Nazi lifestyle finding it as hypocritical as he found Judaism to be. Haunted by his past and questioning his own beliefs, Danny finds himself a prime suspect in the assassination of a respected Jewish figure.

Acabei de vê-lo. É um filme bastante intenso e com ótimas interpretações - especialmente do protagonista, Ryan Gosling, que brilha no filme ao dá vida a um personagem tão intrincado e cheio de contradições como Danny.

O filme foi premiado em vários festivais cinematográficos mundo afora, como Sundance, Strockholm, Independent Spirit Awards etc. Vejam.

Valinor 2023

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