• Caro Visitante, por que não gastar alguns segundos e criar uma Conta no Fórum Valinor? Desta forma, além de não ver este aviso novamente, poderá participar de nossa comunidade, inserir suas opiniões e sugestões, fazendo parte deste que é um maiores Fóruns de Discussão do Brasil! Aproveite e cadastre-se já!

The Hobbit Film Coming Soon!


Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema have settled their lawsuit and have begun work on two films, The Hobbit, and a sequel set to be released in 2010 and 2011 respectively. We'll be posting all the information on our wiki as it comes to us: Peter Jackson's The Hobbit.

P.S. For those concerned about our lack of updates: we've been slaving away over our encyclopedia and working on building a new news system integrated into our wiki so fans can post and edit news items themselves. This should be launched and we'll let you know as soon as it is ready.


Valinor 2023

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