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Questionário para fãs de Tolkien e SdA

Administração Valinor

<p align="justify"><img src="http://www.valinor.com.br/images/stories/categorias_noticias/midia.jpg" border="0" alt="filmes" title="filmes" hspace="5" vspace="5" width="80" height="100" align="left" /><p align="justify">
Dr. Lynnette Porter do Departamento de Humanidade/Ci&ecirc;ncias Sociais da Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University est&aacute; escrevendo um livro focado em &quot;O Senhor dos An&eacute;is&quot;. Como parte do projeto, disponibilizou um question&aacute;rio online, com perguntas sobre os livros de Tolkien, os filmes de Peter Jackson e o fandom tolkieniano. Respondendo ao question&aacute;rio, que &eacute; an&ocirc;nimo, voc&ecirc; contribui para a pesquisa. Interessado? <a href="http://thelostworldbook.com/lynnetteporter/lotrsurvey.htm" target="_blank">CLIQUE AQUI</a>! Vale lembrar que &eacute; em ingl&ecirc;s, e provavelmente o melhor seria dar respostas nesta l&iacute;ngua, para as (poucas) perguntas as quais deve-se escrever a resposta.
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"Please complete the survey only once. You should be 18 or older to participate."

Uns amigos meus tavam vendo uns site com a Angelina Joli que tinha isso tbé mas apesar de serem menore conseguiam entra =o então achei que não tinha problema, tá bom??!??!? =D

Enfim, não percebi muito bem o objectivo. Parece que querem medir o nosso nível de vício ou qualquer coisa assim. Provavelmente os resultados serão algo como: "Resultados mostram que 90% dos inquiridos já leram os livros mais de 5 vezes - isto revela a decadência cultural e prevalência de vícios pouco saudáveis em que está banhada a nossa sociedade!"

Enfim, ficou assim a minha:

Times Read: 5+
Times Seen: 5+
Most Recent Read: Within the Past Year but Not Month
Plan to Read the Book Again: Yes
Watched Film: Within Past Year but Not Month
Plan to watch all three films again: Yes
I Own: One or More Paperback I Own, one or more DVD versions of Peter Jackson’s adaptation of The Lord of the Rings, one or more soundtracks from Peter Jackson’s adaptation of The Lord of the Rings
My favorite character is (BOOK): Gandalf
Favorite Character, book, Because: He represents wisdom, compassion, dedication and selflessness.
My least favorite character is (BOOK): None, actually.
Least fav character in book because: All of them have a purpose in the history and have been carefully built by the autor, despite their negative atitudes and vicious behavior.
My favorite part of the book is : When the Rohirrim arrive at Minas Tirith during the Battle of Pelennor.
My favorite part of the book is (BECAUSE, book): It's very well written and is in my opinion the most thrilling part.
My favorite character is (MOVIE): Gandalf
My favorite character in the movie is because: The actor did a explendid job and the character is brilliantly portrayed.
Least favorite character (MOVIE): Gimli
Least Favorite movie character because: The character as been somewhat ridicularized.
My Favorite part of the trillogy (MOVIE): Minas Tirith
My Favorite Part of the Trilogy Movie is Because: Everything is beautiful, like the scenary and the soundtrack.
I regularly read LotR fanfiction.: Yes (aqui e nessas abaixo há um erro, eu não queria selecionar nenhuma mas cliquei sem querer, e quando tentei mudar ficaram todas marcadas wtf)
I occasionally read LotR fanfiction.: Yes
I both read and write LotR fanfiction: Yes
Are you a member of the Tolkien Society or American Tolkien Society? : NO
Have you attended at least one Tolkien-related meeting, book reading, or: YES
Have you attended at least one Lord of the Rings fan convention featurin: NO
Have you attended at least one scholarly panel about The Lord of the Rin: NO
Have you participated (e.g., as a speaker, in a costume or an art contes: YES
Have you seen The Lord of the Rings musical? : NO
Have you visited Tolkien-related sites in England: NO
Have you visited LotR filming locations in New Zealand? : NO
Do you plan to (re)visit England primarily to see Tolkien-related sites : YES
Do you plan to (re)visit New Zealand primarily to see LotR filming locat: YES
How many paid LotR-related tours (of any length, in England or New Zeala: 0
My interest in Lord of the Rings fandom is based primarily on my interes: Book
During the next 5 years, I expect that my interest and participation in : Increase
Última edição:

Valinor 2023

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