• Caro Visitante, por que não gastar alguns segundos e criar uma Conta no Fórum Valinor? Desta forma, além de não ver este aviso novamente, poderá participar de nossa comunidade, inserir suas opiniões e sugestões, fazendo parte deste que é um maiores Fóruns de Discussão do Brasil! Aproveite e cadastre-se já!

Hora do rush matutino


Please understand...
Sleep and you'll get closer to heaven
Wake up and get ready for hell

Comb your hair, take a shower, brush your teeth
Here's some coffee, drink it
I made you a sandwich, taste it, there you go
Feeling well?
Maybe a little bit better
Come on, open your eyes
Let the light shine through
Hear the music? It's good for you
Come on, don't look at me like that
Tie your shoes, get the suitcase, don't forget your glasses
Read the paper yet?

The man who sits next to me at the office
The one I'm always telling you about
The one with the red tie
He says he's got no friends
That he's going to kill himself
Oh, come on, that's only a joke, it's only pretend
The car's waiting downstairs, the elevator is broken again
Look! you spilled coffee on your shirt
That's ok
I'm gonna be late
You seen my cigarretes?

By the bench
Sit down
Try not to cry
How do I tell her
How do I tell her the job ain't no longer mine?

Valinor 2023

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