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Girafa dá beijo de despedida em funcionário de zoo com doença terminal

Fúria da cidade

ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ

  • 21mar2014---um-funcionario-do-zoologico-de-diergaarde-blijdorp-em-rotterdam-holanda-que-sofre-com-cancer-em-estagio-terminal-pediu-para-ser-levado-ate-as-girafas-para-que-pudesse-se-despedir-e-1395403306136_615x300.jpg

    Assim que Mário se aproximou do viveiro, as girafas foram em sua direção e lhe deram um beijo
Um funcionário do zoológico de Diergaarde Blijdorp, em Roterdã (Holanda), que sofre com câncer em estágio terminal pediu para ser levado até o viveiro das girafas, para que pudesse se despedir, e ganhou um beijo de um dos animais, de acordo com reportagem do jornal "The Independent".

Mário (que não teve o sobrenome divulgado), 54, passou a maior parte de sua vida adulta limpando os cercados dos animais. Assim que se aproximou das girafas, elas vieram em sua direção e uma delas começou a beijá-lo.

Kees Veldboer, presidente da fundação Ambulância do Desejo (que realiza pedidos de doentes terminais), responsável por levar o paciente até o zoológico, afirmou que "os animais o reconheceram e perceberam que havia algo errado com ele. Foi um momento muito especial".



Primeiramente lindo gesto desta fundação holandesa de proporcionar um último desejo a um paciente terminal que enquanto trabalhou lá foi bastante dedicado ao serviço.

E o amor que os animais sentem é mais verdadeiro do que muitos imaginam.
o i09 fez um esquema de perguntas e respostas sobre o assunto:

Q: Is it adorable?
A: Yes.

Q: Does the giraffe actually understand something about the health of the zoo worker?
A: Maaaaaybe, but probably not. As this isn't a controlled experiment, we can't really know. There is evidence that giraffes recognize death in their own species - whether that would extend to our species is a question for which we don't yet have a good answer.

Q: Does the giraffe recognize that particular worker in the first place?
A: Possibly. According to the original news article in Dutch, helpfully translated by a Reddit user, the man routinely cleaned the giraffe enclosure. If that's the case, then the giraffe certainly knew the man. However, according to a translation of the article written by the non-profit organization itself, the man's job was to clean the zoo's aquarium; he simply enjoyed watching the giraffes. If he visited often enough, it is possible that the giraffes still recognized him.

A 2002 paper on facial recognition published in Science showed that extensive experience with another species is required to use memory to visually distinguish among multiple individuals. We humans find it trivial to distinguish among other humans, but it takes lots of practice to distinguish among a group of giraffes. Zoo giraffes certainly have extensive experience with our species. It is indeed plausible that the giraffe knew who Mario Eijs was.

Q: Are there other explanations for the behavior?
A: Of course. A far simpler explanation would be that the giraffe was naturally curious about the strange object with a person on it that suddenly appeared near the enclosure. Giraffes have no experience with hospital beds, and the giraffe could simply have been inspecting it. A reaction to a novel object would also explain the behavior.

Q: This man clearly had a relationship with this giraffe. Why are you trying to take that away?
A: Research published earlier this year found that just because people love their dogs, does not mean that their dogs necessarily love them back. Which is of course true for relationships among humans, too. That means that owner-dog relationships are actually far richer, more layered, and more complex than we may think! The same would apply to human-giraffe relationships as well. That this dying man received his wish to bid farewell to his favorite animals at the zoo is a beautiful thing. But we don't need to appeal to fantastical anthropomorphism in order to find beauty and awe in nature.
Por mais que existam cientistas renomados que tenham dedicado anos de sua vida estudando muitas coisas sobre o comportamento dos animais e tenham uma cartilha pronta de respostas pra quase tudo, pelo teor de algumas respostas não totalmente esclarecedoras que vi no link, ficou claro que eles sempre terão algo mais pra se estudar!

Valinor 2023

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