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Esse é para quem gosta de gatos!


The Persian is a relaxed observer. She quietly takes in the details of her surroundings and is happiest in her role as a spectator. The Persian will gladly accept affection, but does not often seek it out. Her loving and patient nature makes her an ideal housemate while her stress-free nature will allow her to make friends with whoever stops by. The Persian’s greatest past time is grooming her thick, tangle-prone fur, but it’s worth the effort, because she always looks fabulous!

Eu falei desse teste pra minha mãe e perguntei qual ela achava que tinha dado pra mim e ela acertou... Por que ninguém gosta de gatos persas?
É... pra falar a verdade nem ligo de ser um gato persa.... e tb não me importo com cores do pelo e dos olhos... mas tanto faz... na verdade só duas pessoas falaram que não queriam ser persas... :mrgreen: :oops:
Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian Forest Cat is strong and independent. She is reserved with newcomers but blossoms in the company of old friends. Confidently defending what is hers, she does not like strangers in her territory. Her luxurious coat is a lot to handle, and necessity dictates regular upkeep. An amazing athlete, the Norwegian Forest Cat thrives on physical activity, and no leap is too great or prey too quick for her to tackle. This huntress is clearly queen of her domain!

Então eu seria o Deriel? :eek: :lol:
olha que legal!! sou um:

The Ocicat is both playful and devoted. She may spring into action on a whim at any moment, or languidly pass an hour away in the lap of a loved one. The Ocicat is happiest with friends and struggles at being solitary for any period of time. Her exotic, no-fuss coat is a breeze to maintain, and looking her best comes easily. Inquisitive by nature, she gets into trouble from time to time. But any trouble is soon forgotten because she is off on a new adventure in a flash!
The Persian is a relaxed observer. She quietly takes in the details of her surroundings and is happiest in her role as a spectator. The Persian will gladly accept affection, but does not often seek it out. Her loving and patient nature makes her an ideal housemate while her stress-free nature will allow her to make friends with whoever stops by. The Persian’s greatest past time is grooming her thick, tangle-prone fur, but it’s worth the effort, because she always looks fabulous!


The Persian is a relaxed observer. She quietly takes in the details of her surroundings and is happiest in her role as a spectator. The Persian will gladly accept affection, but does not often seek it out. Her loving and patient nature makes her an ideal housemate while her stress-free nature will allow her to make friends with whoever stops by. The Persian’s greatest past time is grooming her thick, tangle-prone fur, but it’s worth the effort, because she always looks fabulous!

stress-free?????naum deu mto certo esse teste :lol:

The Persian is a relaxed observer. She quietly takes in the details of her surroundings and is happiest in her role as a spectator. The Persian will gladly accept affection, but does not often seek it out. Her loving and patient nature makes her an ideal housemate while her stress-free nature will allow her to make friends with whoever stops by. The Persian’s greatest past time is grooming her thick, tangle-prone fur, but it’s worth the effort, because she always looks fabulous!

:grinlove: :grinlove: :grinlove:

Valinor 2023

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