• Caro Visitante, por que não gastar alguns segundos e criar uma Conta no Fórum Valinor? Desta forma, além de não ver este aviso novamente, poderá participar de nossa comunidade, inserir suas opiniões e sugestões, fazendo parte deste que é um maiores Fóruns de Discussão do Brasil! Aproveite e cadastre-se já!

1º de Maio por Snyder


Acabei de receber esse e-mail da Luci e resolvi compartilhar aqui com vocês. Em ingrêis.


Again time to remember our recent history...

May Day, for the Workers of the World

Let's drink a toast to all those farmers, workers, artists, and intellectuals of the last one hundred years who, without thought of fame or profit—not motivated by a thirst for power—whose motivations were compassionate and humanitarian— worked tirelessly in their dream of a world-wide socialist revolution. Who believed and hoped that a new world was dawning, and that their work would contribute to a society in which one class does not exploit another, where one ethnic group or one nation does not try to expand itself over another, and where men and women lived freely as equals. The people who nourished these hopes and dreams were sometimes foolishly blind to the opportunism of their own leadership, and many were led into ideological absurdities, but the great majority of them selflessly worked for socialism with the best of hearts. Their dreams proved futile, and "actually existing socialism" became a blight on the twentieth century almost equal to that of Nazism. What we have now is nervous third world fundamentalism and developed-world global greed. The failure of socialism is the tragedy of the 20th century, and on this day, May Day, at least, we should honor the memory of those who struggled for the dream of what socialism might have been. And begin a new way again.

The May Day of the Old Ways

Om Namo Maia

Eldest sister of the Pleiades,

Mother of Hermes,

Maia Majesta,

Goddess of newborn fawns,

Lady of wildflowers,

Mistress of wildfire,

Mother of springs,

Protect our forest,

Be kind to our crops.

This gatha, verse, for the Roman Goddess Maia has been part of the Moctezuma Ridge May Day celebration, along with a May Pole, for 37 years. It harks back to the very ancient pre-agricultural date that began the "ecological year", and later became the medieval day from which workers dated their contracts. In the nineteenth century it became a "Workers of the World" celebration. Starting the night before, it is known in the Celtic world as Beltane.

Gary S

¶ Rainbow people
Shakamuni Buddha said
Even in the age of mappo
These people will not disappear
It is the rainbow bloodline

— Uchida Bobbu

Para quem não sabe quem é o Gary Snyder, dá uma bizu aqui: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Snyder

Valinor 2023

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