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PC A Blurred Line 2.1 (RPG Maker)

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A Blurred Line é um jogo de RPG, foi desenvolvido por Lysander86 no RPG Maker 2000. Lançado originalmente em outubro de 2000, é considerado por muitos um dos maiores clássicos do RPG Maker. Estava programado para ser uma trilogia, mas só os dois primeiros jogos viram a luz do dia.

A história do jogo se passa no futuro. A energia do planeta estava prestes a se esgotar, até que foi criada a "Catch Colony", uma colônia extraplanetária que fornece uma quantidade quase ilimitada de energia para o planeta, ao custo de lotá-lo de fábricas necessárias para refinar essa energia.
Vou evitar dar detalhes específicos, pois cada momento da história é uma surpresa à parte, mesmo no começo. O enredo segue Talan, um funcionário de uma dessas fábricas, e sua história de fuga. Tudo começa calmo e com um tom de comédia, mas aos poucos, conforme os personagens vão amadurecendo, o enredo vai tomando um tom mais sério.
A história é sem dúvidas o maior atrativo de A Blurred Line, sendo cheia de reviravoltas (que nunca parecem forçadas). É fortemente guiada pelos personagens, que nunca estão lá apenas para "cobrir buracos": todo personagem tem sua hora de brilho.
O pacing do jogo é muito bom, sendo ele sempre composto de momentos de extrema agitação, seguidos de momentos de calma e reflexão.

O gameplay alterna entre batalhas em turnos e minigames. As batalhas começam difíceis, mas perto do final do jogo ficam um pouco mais fáceis, muito em conta da facilidade de se obter itens de cura.
Cada personagem controlável possui um jeito de jogar e habilidades próprias, o que ajuda a evitar que as batalhas se tornem muito repetitivas. Um deles, por exemplo, pode copiar habilidades dos inimigos, enquanto outro ganha habilidades diferentes conforme o equipamento.
Os minigames são variados, aparecem em momentos oportunos e vão desde dirigir em alta velocidade até escapar de uma simulação.

Gráficos e áudio:
Os gráficos e mapeamento não são dos melhores, mas passam longe de atrapalhar. No geral, combinam com o jogo e ajudam a manter a atmosfera do mesmo.
O áudio não se destaca muito, mas cumpre bem o seu papel de manter o clima do jogo, com músicas adequadas para todas as ocasiões.

Em resumo, A Blurred Line é um excelente jogo. Conta com uma história fantástica e gameplay variado, o que garante que nenhum momento de suas 6 horas de duração seja entediante.
É improvável que o jogo ganhe sua continuação num futuro próximo, já que não se tem notícias dela há um bom tempo.

Adaptado deste texto.

Página oficial do jogo
(com link para DOWNLOAD, 9,5 MB):



Uma outra resenha mais completa, em inglês:

A game that withstands the test of time.

Possibly the most popular RM2k game of all time, this game needs no introduction. Lysander’s legendary masterpiece has been an inspiration to an entire generation of amateur RPG designers. Whether you’re already a fan of this phenomenal game or experiencing it for the very first time, this game will inspire you.

In a sci-fi world that could possibly be a futuristic version of Earth, Talan has been framed for murder and is on the run from the all-powerful Agency. His demise seems certain, until he discovers a mysterious power that just might help him change the course of the world….but for good or ill?

Balance 4/5:
Early on, you might not think A Blurred Line has much to offer in the way of battles. Your protagonist, Talan, is quite weak and has only his standard melee attack to rely on for the first few combat areas. This can get stale quickly. But fear not, soon, Talan discovers the mysterious power of auras, a color-based skill system based loosely on the eastern elemental philosophy, as opposed to the classical western elements used in most games. Talan can absorb skills from his enemies to use in combat by absorbing their auras, and if he draws the same skill enough times, he will learn it permanently. This adds a fascinating element to random battles as some players will likely attempt to add as many skills as possible to Talan’s repertoire. Additionally, most enemies tend to allow you to draw exactly the right skills to defeat them with, meaning you’re never unprepared for a fight. Add in the useful skills of Talan’s allies, such as a Steal ability that only rarely fails, and you’ll quickly find yourself enjoying random encounters, a feat very few amateur games have pulled off. It’s of pleasing difficulty too, most enemy groups can be quickly dispatched once you know the proper skills to deal with them, but a few bosses will require a little more strategy to defeat.

Level Design 4/5:
While some of the graphics this game are of noticeably poor quality, detracting from what is otherwise a high-quality game, this is generally forgivable due to the inherent lack of science fiction graphics for PRG Maker. Aside from the fluctuating graphic quality, however, many of the levels are very solid, including some interesting mini-game events involving side characters not in your party, including a custom real time battle system that could be a whole game in itself. The few puzzles are generally well- thought out, and most areas have at least one side event going on, even minor ones such as finding a container to carry spring water for your personal use help break up the monotony of dungeons.

Characters 5/5:
Bursting with intriguing characters, The lead characters are engaging and likeable, the villains truly sinister without being cartoonishly evil, and even supporting characters can be incredibly sympathetic with only a very few lines. Although a large number of characters can ultimately end up in Talan’s party, all of them are given a fair chance to be developed and no-one feels left out. The characters abilities all vary widely making each seem unique both in and out of battle. Even seemingly one-shot or unimportant characters are given at least a few interesting lines.

Storyline 6/5:
The storytelling at work in this game is absolutely phenomenal. A Blurred Line examines the line between good and evil, and thus the player is given the viewpoints of characters on both sides of the conflict for a truly unique experience. The game begins at a climactic point in the story only to jump backwards in time to see the events leading up to this point, which is incredibly thought-provoking as this scene portrays your lead character in a fairly negative light, leading the player to wonder what could have driven him to these ends. Lysander also leaves just enough plot threads hanging to keep us intrigued, and these threads intersect and connect with each other in very interesting ways.

But there’s more! This game is non-linear and your decisions have very real consequences and effects. Even the decision of how Talan gets to work in his intro affects who will ultimately end up in his party later in the game. Other choices will lead to completely different dungeons, making each playthrough a very different experience, giving this game replay value almost unheard of in an RPG Maker game.

Music and Sound 4/5:
Drawing largely from the vast library of VGMusic, this game contains a wide range of high quality music with a consistency of style, and they are properly used to enhance the mood and amplify many dramatic scenes. The battle music can even be manipulated once Emily is in your party in case you were getting tired of that same song over and over.

Overall 4.5/5
There’s not much that can be said about this game that hasn’t been said before. This is a nearly perfect game in almost every respect. Although the thrilling conclusion of the story has yet to be told, and many despair that it ever will be, many still hold out hope that one day it will be completed, and should that day come it will no doubt take its rightful place as one of the greatest RPGs ever made.

Fonte: http://rpgmaker.net/games/92/reviews/520/

Valinor 2023

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