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Star Wars: Episódio III - A Vingança dos Sith (2005)

Samuel L. Jackson quer morte ''fantástica'' para Mace Windu

Qualquer ator ficaria emburrado em voltar a um estúdio de filmagem sabendo que seu personagem vai morrer. Mas não o simpático Samuel L. Jackson: mesmo ciente de que seu Jedi Mace Windu vai ter um trágico destino em ''Star Wars: Episódio III'', ele está louquinho para retornar à saga espacial.
Embora as filmagens tenham começado nesta segunda na Austrália, Jackson só vai para lá no próximo mês. Enquanto isso, tem dado entrevistas a várias publicações e compartilhou com o Boston Herald seus mórbidos desejos para a despedida de Windu.

''Eu simplesmente vou morrer, sabe?'', pergunta. ''Basicamente eu vou lá esperando por uma fantástica luta de sabres de luz com alguém que me aniquile da maneira apropriada. Você sabe, do modo que um Jedi do meu nível merece!''.

Apesar de seus 55 anos, Jackson diz que não se sente intimidado com as difíceis cenas cenas de ação de ''Star Wars'' que, além de exigirem bastante de seu físico, ainda o colocam muitas vezes para lutar contra o nada. Seu inimigo virtual só é inserido por computador na pós-produção.

''As seqüências de luta são as minhas favoritas. Elas são divertidas de serem preparadas e também de serem rodadas'', acredita. ''São uns daqueles raros instantes em 'Star Wars' em que você trabalha com outra pessoa, porque você não pode lutar esgrima sozinho. Mas a maioria das cenas parece ser realizada em pleno ar, com personagens gerados por computador''.

Fonte: E-Pipoca


Bom, coletei algumas coisas e descobri muita coisa. Mais até do que gostaria. Talvez seja a última vez que faço isso porque é sem graça saber como o filme será antes de assisti-lo.

Just in from Mr. McCallum...
"Will there be any new bad guys in this film of great importance, or will it simply be Dooku, Sidous and Vader?"
"Yes, expect someone serious."

Here's what he said about new planets...
"We'll see a lot of new worlds."

and here's what he said about Hayden's new size in relation to how much hes been working out...
"his arms are the size of my thighs... and my thighs are huge. "

DruDaMan: Will this movie contain more or less saber action than your typical Star Wars film, and could you address any rumors of a possible multi-level battle (saber, land, space) like in Episode I or VI?
Rick McCallum: Ep III definitively has the most lightsaber action of any Star Wars film.

Not_Applicable: Recently Hayden mentioned that Episode III would take place 10 years after AOTC, contrary to what you and others have stated in the past. Could you clarify this matter for inquiring minds?
Rick McCallum: Love your screen name! Hayden's wrong. It'll take place 3 years or so after Ep II.

Jedi Power - Galactic Voyage: Will we get to see an epic space battle in Episode III like that of the attack on the Death Stars in Episodes IV and VI?
Rick McCallum: Yes, right at the beginning of the movie.
Muito interessante...

Muftak: Rick, will we ever get to see Mace Windu in a lightsaber duel with a Sith lord?
Rick McCallum: Possibly.........................

Brother_Jacopus: Will actors like David Prowse and Warwick Davis be contacted for roles in Ep III?
Rick McCallum: No
Como eu achei que fosse. Hayden vai mesmo interpretar Vader.

DarthBubbleButt: When Ewan McGregor arrives on set in a few days, are you are George going to have a talk with him about all the negative things he's said in the press about the prequels?
Rick McCallum: No... you should hear what he says about his last movie.

Tusken_Raiders: Will there be scenes of Anakin doing evil things, a la the Tusken slaughter of Ep II?
Rick McCallum: Absolutely.

DarkJediSpizer: Will we see the emperor or Anakin make use of the darkside of the force...ex..lightning or chokes??
Rick McCallum: Yes, and even more.

Jedi_Kahn :
1. Will Mace turn to the Dark Side?
2. I didn't see Adi Gallia's name in the Ep III databank, though I also didn't see it in the rejected Jedi article, so is she in the movie?
3. How do you feel about people saying Boba will kill Mace?
Rick McCallum:
1. Can't answer.
2. Can't answer.
3. Can't answer.
Se ele não pode responder, algo está estranho...

A couple of tidbits today. Palpatine's blue and red guards will be back for Ep 3. They did fittings today for Neimoidian pilots. Wether or not these are fighter pilots (for the opening battle of the movie) remains to be seen. Also, on the webcam they had Hayden and Ewan doing lightsaber practice today. Ewan had a green practice saber and Hayden had red. It was sweet seeing Hayden weild the red saber. It was also apparent that he as buffed up a lot. He looked huge.


Bom, coletei algumas coisas e descobri muita coisa. Mais até do que gostaria. Talvez seja a última vez que faço isso porque é sem graça saber como o filme será antes de assisti-lo.

Just in from Mr. McCallum...
"Will there be any new bad guys in this film of great importance, or will it simply be Dooku, Sidous and Vader?"
"Yes, expect someone serious."

Here's what he said about new planets...
"We'll see a lot of new worlds."

and here's what he said about Hayden's new size in relation to how much hes been working out...
"his arms are the size of my thighs... and my thighs are huge. "

DruDaMan: Will this movie contain more or less saber action than your typical Star Wars film, and could you address any rumors of a possible multi-level battle (saber, land, space) like in Episode I or VI?
Rick McCallum: Ep III definitively has the most lightsaber action of any Star Wars film.

Not_Applicable: Recently Hayden mentioned that Episode III would take place 10 years after AOTC, contrary to what you and others have stated in the past. Could you clarify this matter for inquiring minds?
Rick McCallum: Love your screen name! Hayden's wrong. It'll take place 3 years or so after Ep II.

Jedi Power - Galactic Voyage: Will we get to see an epic space battle in Episode III like that of the attack on the Death Stars in Episodes IV and VI?
Rick McCallum: Yes, right at the beginning of the movie.
Muito interessante...

Muftak: Rick, will we ever get to see Mace Windu in a lightsaber duel with a Sith lord?
Rick McCallum: Possibly.........................

Brother_Jacopus: Will actors like David Prowse and Warwick Davis be contacted for roles in Ep III?
Rick McCallum: No
Como eu achei que fosse. Hayden vai mesmo interpretar Vader.

DarthBubbleButt: When Ewan McGregor arrives on set in a few days, are you are George going to have a talk with him about all the negative things he's said in the press about the prequels?
Rick McCallum: No... you should hear what he says about his last movie.

Tusken_Raiders: Will there be scenes of Anakin doing evil things, a la the Tusken slaughter of Ep II?
Rick McCallum: Absolutely.

DarkJediSpizer: Will we see the emperor or Anakin make use of the darkside of the force...ex..lightning or chokes??
Rick McCallum: Yes, and even more.

Jedi_Kahn :
1. Will Mace turn to the Dark Side?
2. I didn't see Adi Gallia's name in the Ep III databank, though I also didn't see it in the rejected Jedi article, so is she in the movie?
3. How do you feel about people saying Boba will kill Mace?
Rick McCallum:
1. Can't answer.
2. Can't answer.
3. Can't answer.
Se ele não pode responder, algo está estranho...

A couple of tidbits today. Palpatine's blue and red guards will be back for Ep 3. They did fittings today for Neimoidian pilots. Wether or not these are fighter pilots (for the opening battle of the movie) remains to be seen. Also, on the webcam they had Hayden and Ewan doing lightsaber practice today. Ewan had a green practice saber and Hayden had red. It was sweet seeing Hayden weild the red saber. It was also apparent that he as buffed up a lot. He looked huge.


Bom, coletei algumas coisas e descobri muita coisa. Mais até do que gostaria. Talvez seja a última vez que faço isso porque é sem graça saber como o filme será antes de assisti-lo.

Just in from Mr. McCallum...
"Will there be any new bad guys in this film of great importance, or will it simply be Dooku, Sidous and Vader?"
"Yes, expect someone serious."

Here's what he said about new planets...
"We'll see a lot of new worlds."

and here's what he said about Hayden's new size in relation to how much hes been working out...
"his arms are the size of my thighs... and my thighs are huge. "

DruDaMan: Will this movie contain more or less saber action than your typical Star Wars film, and could you address any rumors of a possible multi-level battle (saber, land, space) like in Episode I or VI?
Rick McCallum: Ep III definitively has the most lightsaber action of any Star Wars film.

Not_Applicable: Recently Hayden mentioned that Episode III would take place 10 years after AOTC, contrary to what you and others have stated in the past. Could you clarify this matter for inquiring minds?
Rick McCallum: Love your screen name! Hayden's wrong. It'll take place 3 years or so after Ep II.

Jedi Power - Galactic Voyage: Will we get to see an epic space battle in Episode III like that of the attack on the Death Stars in Episodes IV and VI?
Rick McCallum: Yes, right at the beginning of the movie.
Muito interessante...

Muftak: Rick, will we ever get to see Mace Windu in a lightsaber duel with a Sith lord?
Rick McCallum: Possibly.........................

Brother_Jacopus: Will actors like David Prowse and Warwick Davis be contacted for roles in Ep III?
Rick McCallum: No
Como eu achei que fosse. Hayden vai mesmo interpretar Vader.

DarthBubbleButt: When Ewan McGregor arrives on set in a few days, are you are George going to have a talk with him about all the negative things he's said in the press about the prequels?
Rick McCallum: No... you should hear what he says about his last movie.

Tusken_Raiders: Will there be scenes of Anakin doing evil things, a la the Tusken slaughter of Ep II?
Rick McCallum: Absolutely.

DarkJediSpizer: Will we see the emperor or Anakin make use of the darkside of the force...ex..lightning or chokes??
Rick McCallum: Yes, and even more.

Jedi_Kahn :
1. Will Mace turn to the Dark Side?
2. I didn't see Adi Gallia's name in the Ep III databank, though I also didn't see it in the rejected Jedi article, so is she in the movie?
3. How do you feel about people saying Boba will kill Mace?
Rick McCallum:
1. Can't answer.
2. Can't answer.
3. Can't answer.
Se ele não pode responder, algo está estranho...

A couple of tidbits today. Palpatine's blue and red guards will be back for Ep 3. They did fittings today for Neimoidian pilots. Wether or not these are fighter pilots (for the opening battle of the movie) remains to be seen. Also, on the webcam they had Hayden and Ewan doing lightsaber practice today. Ewan had a green practice saber and Hayden had red. It was sweet seeing Hayden weild the red saber. It was also apparent that he as buffed up a lot. He looked huge.
spoilers interessantes..... acho estranho perguntarem se o mace vai pro lado negro se ele naum aparece na trilogia clássica..... ele com certeza vai morer nesse filme.....
spoilers interessantes..... acho estranho perguntarem se o mace vai pro lado negro se ele naum aparece na trilogia clássica..... ele com certeza vai morer nesse filme.....
spoilers interessantes..... acho estranho perguntarem se o mace vai pro lado negro se ele naum aparece na trilogia clássica..... ele com certeza vai morer nesse filme.....
Ecthelion disse:
realmente, o bechara está correto! (Jesus, olha só o q eu disse, q sacrilégio :lol: )
Mark Hamill e a Carrie Fisher eram atores medianos e SW c;lassico nao perde nada com isso.... :wink:

Claro q perde, se eles fossem otimos atores pode ter certeza q o filme seria melhor.
Fosco Cachopardo disse:
Ecthelion disse:
realmente, o bechara está correto! (Jesus, olha só o q eu disse, q sacrilégio :lol: )
Mark Hamill e a Carrie Fisher eram atores medianos e SW c;lassico nao perde nada com isso.... :wink:

Claro q perde, se eles fossem otimos atores pode ter certeza q o filme seria melhor.

Poderiam nao ser tao carismaticos :wink:
Ecthelion disse:
ps. se o Boba Fett matar o Mace Windu vai ser uma vergonha p os Jedis.... :evil: :disgusti:
GL disse que Mace terá uma morte digna. Não deve ser por Boba não.

Acho que vi dizer que Boba não vai participar desse episódio. Ainda bem, porque senão só faltaria os ewoks, Jabba e Lando pra completar a festa. :?

E acho que vi dizer também que Jar Jar terá um papel ainda menor do que no Episódio II no filme novo.
Ecthelion disse:
ps. se o Boba Fett matar o Mace Windu vai ser uma vergonha p os Jedis.... :evil: :disgusti:
GL disse que Mace terá uma morte digna. Não deve ser por Boba não.

Acho que vi dizer que Boba não vai participar desse episódio. Ainda bem, porque senão só faltaria os ewoks, Jabba e Lando pra completar a festa. :?

E acho que vi dizer também que Jar Jar terá um papel ainda menor do que no Episódio II no filme novo.
Episódio III

Ecthelion disse:
ps. se o Boba Fett matar o Mace Windu vai ser uma vergonha p os Jedis.... :evil: :disgusti:
GL disse que Mace terá uma morte digna. Não deve ser por Boba não.

Acho que vi dizer que Boba não vai participar desse episódio. Ainda bem, porque senão só faltaria os ewoks, Jabba e Lando pra completar a festa. :?

E acho que vi dizer também que Jar Jar terá um papel ainda menor do que no Episódio II no filme novo.

Valinor 2023

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