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Conteúdo Recente por Samwise Cordoeiro

  1. S


    NEm sei o q q eu falo... hummm...q tal bem vinda? eh td bem então: Bem vinda e HP sux -=(o)=-=(o)=- "I have lost the will to live, simply nothing more to give. There is nothing more for me, need the end to set me free." Fade To Black - Metallica
  2. S


    A minha eh 56k discada e naum tah lenta naum! -=(o)=-=(o)=- "I have lost the will to live, simply nothing more to give. There is nothing more for me, need the end to set me free." Fade To Black - Metallica
  3. S

    Sites de imagens

    A do google é a que eu mais recomendo! -=(o)=-=(o)=- "I have lost the will to live, simply nothing more to give. There is nothing more for me, need the end to set me free." Fade To Black - Metallica
  4. S

    Férias pro Deriel

    Eu não sei naaaaaada de quenya e quanto a posts inuteis...eu nunca posto...ehehhehehe ^^" -=(o)=-=(o)=- "I have lost the will to live, simply nothing more to give. There is nothing more for me, need the end to set me free." Fade To Black - Metallica
  5. S

    O ataque das cascas de banana!!!!!

    Sei lah....sei lah....só isso a declarar -=(o)=-=(o)=- "I have lost the will to live, simply nothing more to give. There is nothing more for me, need the end to set me free." Fade To Black - Metallica
  6. S


    GALOOOOOOO!! Não fuji do hospicio nem o galo ganhou...na verdade o galo tá mal pacas...mas quer saber de algo? FDA-SE! -=(o)=-=(o)=- "I have lost the will to live, simply nothing more to give. There is nothing more for me, need the end to set me free." Fade To Black - Metallica
  7. S

    Crônicas da Guerra de Lodoss (Lodoss tō Senki, 1990)

    Vcs são muito exigentes...eu vejo o negocio e nem ligo... eu só vejo pra passar o tmp mesmo... -=(o)=-=(o)=- "I have lost the will to live, simply nothing more to give. There is nothing more for me, need the end to set me free." Fade To Black - Metallica
  8. S

    BOOK 1 de Folco Gamgee COMPLETO!

    No problem Fim! Sam e a Elfa?? q história eh essa?? -=(o)=-=(o)=- "I have lost the will to live, simply nothing more to give. There is nothing more for me, need the end to set me free." Fade To Black - Metallica
  9. S

    meu teste

    Tire i60 tb -=(o)=-=(o)=- "I have lost the will to live, simply nothing more to give. There is nothing more for me, need the end to set me free." Fade To Black - Metallica
  10. S

    Eu tb fiz um quiz!

    As perguntas q vc fez foram muuuuito dificeis... tirei 10 tb... -=(o)=-=(o)=- "I have lost the will to live, simply nothing more to give. There is nothing more for me, need the end to set me free." Fade To Black - Metallica
  11. S

    ¿ How much do you know about me ?

    Ah intaum vc eh o rodrigo -=(o)=-=(o)=- "I have lost the will to live, simply nothing more to give. There is nothing more for me, need the end to set me free." Fade To Black - Metallica
  12. S

    A melhor idade

    7 a 10...no school...no responsability! ____________________________________________________ -=(o)=-=(o)=- "I have lost the will to live, simply nothing more to give. There is nothing more for me, need the end to set me free." Fade To Black - Metallica
  13. S


    Tb acho machados ducarai -=(o)=-=(o)=- "I have lost the will to live, simply nothing more to give. There is nothing more for me, need the end to set me free." Fade To Black - Metallica
  14. S


    Puterão?? Kra eu tnhu 13 anos... -=(o)=-=(o)=- "I have lost the will to live, simply nothing more to give. There is nothing more for me, need the end to set me free." Fade To Black - Metallica
  15. S

    Batalhas? Só no Bar do Zé!!!

    relax -=(o)=-=(o)=- "I have lost the will to live, simply nothing more to give. There is nothing more for me, need the end to set me free." Fade To Black - Metallica

Valinor 2023

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