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  1. R

    Notícias RPG RPG - Star Wars - Star Wars Miniatures Errata

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    Notícias RPG Order of the Stick - 648: A Dish Best Served With +1d6 Cold Damage

    http://www.GiantITP.com/comics/oots0648.html More...
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    Notícias RPG RPG - D&D - Monster Manual 2 Excerpts: Remorhaz

    In today’s Monster Manual 2 preview, we present a returning elite brute and elemental beast: the remorhaz! Mais...
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    Notícias RPG RPG - D&D - Dragon 374 Galleries

    This month in Dragon, we look at building hybrid characters, new familiars, and an arcane academy; here now are a full set of the illustrations from Dragon 374! Mais...
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    Notícias RPG RPG - D&D - D&D Miniatures Gallery: Player's Handbook Heroes

    Player's Handbook Heroes, Set 1 miniatures are available now, and inspiring adventurers everywhere to achieve new heights of dashingness and panache. Check out the complete gallery here, before making your trip to the store. Mais...
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    Notícias RPG RPG - D&D - D&D Fiction: Black Crusade Chapter 14

    He nursed the finest ale his meager pouch could afford—coincidentally, also the cheapest swill the establishment had to offer—and gritted his teeth against the urge to rise up and strike down everyone around him until the afternoon descended into blessed silence. Mais...
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    Notícias RPG RPG - D&D - Monster Manual 2 Excerpts: Pod Demon

    In today’s Monster Manual 2 preview, we introduce a new demon -- the pod demon and its podspawn! Mais...
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    Notícias RPG RPG - D&D - D&D Alumni: Dave Arneson

    Handle Blackmoor at your own risk. Even a brief perusal can infect the reader with the desire to do heroic deeds, cast mighty magical spells, and seek to wrest treasure from hideous monsters. Mais...
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    Notícias RPG RPG - D&D - Bear With Me

    Position Wanted: loving, supportive bear seeks wizard to make him feel alive. Enjoys travel, being outdoors (but not afraid to go underground), and vicarious adventure. Contact Oso de la Fez. Mais...
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    Notícias RPG RPG - D&D - April 2009 Character Builder & Compendium News

    The monthly update for the Character Builder and Compendium is coming on April 28. Here’s a summary of the new data and features for these applications.... (More) Mais...
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    Notícias RPG RPG - D&D - Dragon 374: Court of Stars

    A new feature debuts this month with Court of Stars: The Prince of Frost. The Prince rules in the Feywild as one of its most powerful denizens, surrounded by a devoted court and guarded by his blade of ice. Mais...
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    Notícias RPG RPG - D&D - Dangerous Delves Preview 3

    The beholder has been called the "eye tyrant" since way back in the original Monster Manual. As the years go by, this stone-cold killer has only gotten meaner, tougher, and uglier. But you should see his friends. Mais...
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    Notícias RPG RPG - D&D - Dragon 374: Wilden Playtest

    The wilden regard all of nature as their home. They gather where the borders between the Feywild and the natural world are thinnest, where it's anybody’s guess where wilderness ends and wilden community begins. Mais...
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    Notícias RPG RPG - Magic - Timmy, Johnny, and Spike

    Our three favorite players Mais...

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