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When the love reviews itself

When the love reviews itself

When the love reviews itself
It doesn't know how to do.
He knows exactly how to look at her
but doesn't know how speak with her.

Who want to tell what is feeling
doesn't know what should tell it.
Speaks: seems to lie
keep silent: seems to forget.

Ah, but if she could guess,
if she could hear the look at,
And if a look at was enough,
To realize that someone is loving her!
But who feels so much, keeps silent;
Who want to tell how much feel
Remain without soul even can speak,
Remain alone, entirely!

But if this I could tell you
What I don't dare to tell you,
It Won't be necessary to do
Because I would be saying it right now...

(by Fernando Pessoa)

Valinor 2023

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