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Volunteers Dig Deep to Restore Tolkien Mill


From the Birmingham Post:
Thirty five generous volunteers from Cadbury Trebor Bassett's Science and Technology Department have undertaken a gruelling environmental challenge at Sarehole Mill in an effort to preserve the popular attraction for future generations.

Working with Business in the Community Birmingham Cares, the main business-led employee volunteering programme in the UK, the team spent the day clearing blockages from the stream bed and digging a channel allowing the mill water to drain into the river. The challenge ensured that the mill's water wheel is no longer immersed in stagnant water, preventing it from rotting. The clearing of blockages reduced the level of the water around the wheel by nine inches.

The site in Hall Green, built in 1765, gained immortality after being mentioned in JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, and was a childhood haunt of the Birmingham born author in the 1890s. However, in recent years the stream draining the mill has become blocked with sediment, weeds and litter, causing a backlog of stagnant water. At the end of the challenge, the stream had started moving again.

The environment is one of the five key concerns of Cadbury Trebor Bassett's Community programme.

Stuart Dickerson of Cadbury Trebor Bassett said: "Sarehole Mill is one of the only working mills left on the River Col and it's a vital historical resource and tourist attraction in Birmingham, so we wanted to do our bit to make sure it was preserved for future generations to enjoy."


Valinor 2023

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