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Notícias Umberto Eco morre aos 84 anos


Ent cara-de-pau
Detalhes na notícia do Guardian: http://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/feb/20/italian-author-umberto-eco-dies-aged-84
The Guardian disse:
Italian author Umberto Eco dies aged 84

The revered literary critic, author and essayist – most famous for 1980 novel The Name of the Rose – had been suffering from cancer

The novelist and intellectual Umberto Eco has died, aged 84, according to reports. Eco, who was perhaps best known for his 1980 work the Name of the Rose, was one of the world’s most revered literary names.

The author, who had been suffering from cancer, passed away at 9.30pm (8.30pm GMT) on Friday, La Repubblica said on its website.

He was the 1992-3 Norton professor at Harvard and taught semiotics at Bologna University and once suggested that writing novels was a mere part-time occupation, saying: “I am a philosopher; I write novels only on the weekends.”

The Name of the Rose was Eco’s first novel but he had been publishing works for more than 20 years beforehand.

He discussed his approach to writing in an interview at a Guardian Live event in London last year. “I don’t know what the reader expects,” he said. “I think that Barbara Cartland writes what the readers expect. I think an author should write what the reader does not expect. The problem is not to ask what they need, but to change them … to produce the kind of reader you want for each story.”

Eco was born in Alessandria, in the northern Italian region of Piedmont and went to a Salesian school. He developed an interest in medieval philosophy and literature and studied the subjects at the University of Turin in the 1950s. It was around that time that the he turned his back on the Catholic church.

He went on to work for the Italian broadcaster Rai and began to lecture at his alma mater. Eco’s first book – an extension of his doctoral thesis - was published in 1956. Six years later, he married the academic Renate Ramge.
Eu tinha vindo postar essa notícia na página dele do Autor da Semana até que constatei decepcionado que nunca fizeram uma pra ele é fiquei com preguiça de abrir um tópico. Rsrs

O mais vergonhoso de minha parte é que tenho uns quatro ou cinco livros dele aqui em casa e não li nenhum ainda. XD
Dele li somente O Cemitério de Praga e confesso que é uma leitura muito intelectual pra mim, altas referências que não entendi e não tive vontade de procurar.
Enfim, triste notícia um grande escritor contemporâneo morrer.
O Eco foi um verdadeiro erudito. Não aquele tipo de erudição patética de só consultar os "clássicos" -- sem qualquer instante de reflexão a respeito do que venha a ser isso. Ele transitava da alta pra baixa cultura, da vanguarda à cultura de massas com uma facilidade impressionante. Acho que todo mundo que gosta de ler quer ser o Umberto Eco um dia!
Também estou em dívida de ler as obras dele. Até agora só tive contato de forma indireta, através das adaptações para o cinema e teatro.

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