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Traduções das inscrições élficas nas armas


Também achei as traduções para o inglês das inscrições das armas dos filmes. Com a devida referência à fonte, aí estão:

Andúril Blade Inscription
Nányë Andúril i né Narsil i macil Elendilo.
Lercuvanten i móli Mordórëo.

Nahn-yay AHN-der-ill ee nay NAR-sill ee MAH-kill ell-ehn-DILL-oh.
Lair-koo-VAHN-ten ee mole-ee more-door-AY-oh.

I am Andúril who once was Narsil, sword of Elendil.
The slaves of Mordor shall flee from me.

Andúril Hilt Inscription
Narsil essenya, macil meletya;
Telchar carnéron Návarotesse

NAR-sill ess-EHN-ya, MAH-kill mell-EHT-yah;
TELL-khar kar-nare-on nah-VAR-oh-TEHSS-ay.

Narsil [is] my name, [a] mighty sword;
Telchar made me in Nogrod

Aiglos (Gil-Galad's spear) Inscription
Gil-galad ech vae vaegannen matha,
Aith heleg nín i orch gostatha;
Nin cíniel na nguruthos
Hon ess nín istatha:

GILL-gah-LAHD ekh vie vie-GAH-nehn MAH-thah,
ithe HELL-egg neen ee orkh gohst-AH-thah;
neen KIN-ee-ell nahn ger-OO-those,
hone ehss neen ist-AH-thah:

Gil-galad wields a well-made spear,
The Orc will fear my point of ice;
When he sees me, in fear of death
he will know my name:

Hadhafang (Arwen's sword) Inscription
Aen estar Hadhafang i chathol hen, thand arod dan i thang an i arwen, Idril i hel en aran Gond Dolen

Ine ESS-tar HAHTH-ah-FANG ee hah-thole hen, thahnd ARE-ohd dahn ee thang ahn ee are-wehn, IH-drill ee hell ehn are-ahn gohnd DOLE-ehn.
[It] is called Throng-cleaver this broadsword-blade, [a] defence noble against the [enemy] throng for [a] noble-lady, Idril, daughter of the king [of the] Hidden Rock.

Aragorn's Hunting Knife Inscription
Gûd daedheloth

Good dye-theh-lohth
Foe [of the] great-fear

Glamdring (Gandalf's sword) Inscription
Turgon aran Gondolin tortha gar a matha
i vegil Glamdring gûd dae[dhe]lo[th], dam an Glamhoth

TOOR-gohn are-ahn gohn-doh-linn tore-thah gar ah MAH-thah;
ee VEH-geel GLAHM-dring good dye-theh-loth, dahm ahn GLAHM-hoth.

Turgon King [of] Gondolin wields, has and holds
[the] sword Glamdring, Foe [of] Morgoth's realm, hammer to [the] Din-horde

Sting (Frodo and Bilbo's sword) Inscription
aegnas aen estar nin - dagnir in yngyl im

MYGE-nahs [hard G] ine ESS-tar neen - DAHG-near een in-gill eem
Sting is my name, I am the spiders bane

Fonte: www.arwen-undomiel.com/elvish/weapons.html

Valinor 2023

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