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Teste - Que garota do Love Hina vc é?


Your integrity and sense of morals are as strong as a steel wall. Your honesty and pride give you honour, and your haste to defend the honour of good people make you worthy of being called a friend. But you harbour deep feelings of unworthiness, and hide them beneath layers of outward strength and discipline. Because of this, you have a hard time allowing others to call you a friend, and find much of your discontentment turn into frustration. Try to understand that by letting others in, you eliminate much of your frustration and improve your true self-image.

Adorei! :grinlove:
A Motoko pode não ser a minha preferida, mas é uma das personagens que eu mais gosto... talvez pq eu fosse bastante parecida com ela qdo era amis nova, então, qdo vi a série pela primeira vez, acabei me identificando um pouco... ahnn.... de acordo com esse teste, eu não mudei mto, não.... :oops:

You're responsible, sweet, gentle and lovable! You have a loving heart, a great respect for all creatures (human, great and small), and the ability to see the thing that makes each individual special. However, you tend to overlook the things that make you special, and thus, putting you in a position to be pushed around by others. Take some time everyday to reflect on your qualities, and see that you don't have to please everyone and still be loved for who you are.

Eu sou meigo ou não sou? :oops: :mrgreen: :anjo:

Assim... tem a Kanako nesse teste? :eh: :disgusti:

* Athos ao som de Credence - Have You Ever Seen The Rain *
Eu sou a Mitsune... :eek:
Que bizonho, vários homens fazendo esse teste... Eu hein... :roll:
Your integrity and sense of morals are as strong as a steel wall. Your honesty and pride give you honour, and your haste to defend the honour of good people make you worthy of being called a friend. But you harbour deep feelings of unworthiness, and hide them beneath layers of outward strength and discipline. Because of this, you have a hard time allowing others to call you a friend, and find much of your discontentment turn into frustration. Try to understand that by letting others in, you eliminate much of your frustration and improve your true self-image.


minha cara tb, esses testes até que dão certo ^^

Haruka-san! Logo a personagem q eu mais admiro, não só pke eh mais experiente e sempre ajuda nas horas certas, mas tbmpke ela tem um namorado gato como o Seta-san!!!!! :lol: :grinlove:

<P><IMG SRC="http://members.lycos.co.uk/powersugoi/quiz/lovehina/lovehina_haruka.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=211 ALT="Which Love Hina Girl Are You?"><BR>Simply knowing you are there gives others a sense of security and continuity. You are a woman of few words and much wisdom, and the capacity to see beyond the surface that others are distracted by. However, you tend to find distractions for yourself to keep you from thinking about the bad times in your life. Try to solve your problems as soon as you can, so you can live life in genuine happiness.<BR><A HREF="http://powersugoi.net/quiz/lovehina.php" TARGET="_top">Which Love Hina Girl Are You?</A></P>
Naum sei pq fiz isso, soh hómi....mais deu shinobu, tah certo,amu elah
You're responsible, sweet, gentle and lovable! You have a loving heart, a great respect for all creatures (human, great and small), and the ability to see the thing that makes each individual special. However, you tend to overlook the things that make you special, and thus, putting you in a position to be pushed around by others. Take some time everyday to reflect on your qualities, and see that you don't have to please everyone and still be loved for who you are

"A woman trapped in a girl's body (or a girl trapped in a woman's mind?), you are bursting with inspiration, dreams and abilities! You hold the simple belief that nothing can stand in your way, giving you the courage to move forward and pursue your desires. However, because your view of the world is so simple, you often overlook life's necessary little details. Don't get too swept away by your dreams that you forget to look at what's right in front of you."

Bleh, eu prefiro a Naru... ^^
Linkin Legolas disse:
eu nunca assisti nem li o Mangá de Love Hina naum, mas de qualquer jeito eu sou a.... Ai Me Deus, Não pode ser!!!! 8O eu sou a URASHIMA HAKURA!!!!! Ai não!!!! :eek: :o?: quem é Urashima Hakura, isso é bom ou é ruim?! :o?:

VC eh a kanako ou o Keitarô...num sei...de qualquer forma acho q eh a Kanako...

Well-endowed both in mind and in body, you don't hesitate to use both to your advantage! Your confidence and sense of humour make you a pleasure to be around. You're crafty, clever and cute - a formula that would bring any man to his knees! But while your wit and charisma are definite assets, others may not be able to keep up with your resourceful intelligence. Take care not to overwhelm people with your treasures.
Heruost disse:
Ai.. To gostando de ver os homens desse fórum se revelando e soltando a franga... :mrgreen: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
fala serio, quem vio love hina e não entrar aqui pelomenos pra dar uma olhada ou contribuir com um post pra aumentar a divulgasão, é pq é loko
Não...não vou falar de rayearth ( esse eu posso ver em casa), mas alguém se lembra ( pelo menos do nome) de um desenho que tinha uma menina lorinha com um gatinho e o gato dela come um peixe que a vilã ( uma duquesa acho) tinha escondido um anel valiosissimo dentro. dai eles queriam pegar o gato e abrir a barriga dele para tirar o anel e ela vivia fugindo deles junto com o gato?? Esse realmente marcou minha infância...
Sou Otohime Mutsumi


(Oh dear! Are you even sure you answered the questions correctly?) Underneath your confused exterior, you hold fast to your certainties and seek to find the truth about the things you don't know. While you may not be brimming with confidence and energy, you are content with who you are and accepting of both your faults and the faults of others. But while those around you love you deep down, they may find your nonchalance somewhat infuriating. Try to put a bit more thought into what you are doing, and be more aware of your surroundings.

People aren't sure what to make of you. You show both your mischevious and tomboyish side, and your more sensitive and vulnerable side at seemingly random times. But you're good at heart, practical and down-to-earth, "unfettered by foolish dreams". Sometimes the confusion of growing up makes you want to run away and seek the security you crave, but why not learn to take comfort in the people around you rather than turning away from them instead?

Huhuhuhu fiquei surpresa pq eu sempre me achei identica com a Mitsune

Valinor 2023

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