As minhas:
Nível 0
1.Ray of frost -conj: 1d3 de dano de gelo. Componentes: verbal/somatic/ Tempo de casting: 1 action. Range: close. DUration: instant. Saving throw: none. Spell resistance: y
2. Daze - ench: oponente perde um round.componentes: verbal, somatic, material. Casting time: 1 action. range: close. target: 1 person duration: 1 round, saving: will negates. sp. resistance: y
3.Open/close - trans:components: vsf. c. time: 1 action. range: close. target: coisa q nao pode ser aberta. duracao: instant. sav. throw: will nega. s. resistance: y
4. Detect magic - univ: components: vs. c. time: 1 action. range: 60 ft. area: 1/4 de um circulo. duração: concentration, até 1 minuto/level
saving: no s. resistance: n
Nível 1:
1. True strike - div: +20 no ataque. components: vf, c. time: 1 action, range: personal, target: you, duration: 1 ataque.
2. Magic Missile - evoc: 1d4+1 dano, + 1 missel /dois niveis acima do 1 (max +5). components: vs, casting time: 1 action range: 100 ft + 10 ft/level duration: instant, saving: none, spell resistance: y
3. Feather fall - trans: o alvo cai mais devagar e nao sofre dano.components: v. casting time: free action. range: close. target: qualquer coisa em queda livre em um raio de 10 ft, com peso maximo 300lb/level. Duracao : 1round/level. saving: will negates. spell resistance: y
4. Magic Weapon - trans: dá +1 pra arma. comp: v.s.df. casting time: 1 action. range: touch. duração: 1 minuto/level. saving: will nega, spell res: y
Nível 2:
1. Arcane lock - abjur:tranca a porta. o lançador não é afetado. pros outros entrar, é preciso um knock ou um dispell magic. dá +10 pro dc da porta. components: vsm. time: 1 action. range: touch. duration
ermanent saving: n resistance: n
2. See invisibility - div: components: vsm. casting time: 1 action. range: medium. area: cone. duration: 10 min/level. saving: n. resistance: n
3. Dark vision - trans: 60 ft. total escuridao.components: vsm. time: 1 action. range: touch. target: criature touched. duration: 1h/level. sav: n. spell y.
4. Knock- -trans: abre portas. até seladas com mágica. components: v. time: 1 action. range: medium. target: door, box ou chest. duration: instant. saving: no resistance: no
acho q é isso........
No! I ll never turn to the dark side!
I m a Jedi, like my father before me!