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[RDR] Erros e Curiosidades

Siëlenor disse:
De repente, Sam aparece por trás e enfia a Ferroada na barriga do Orc, e a lâmina sai limpinha, sem nem UMA gotinha de sangue. Heheheh...

E por que deveria? A armadura de couro limpou tudo quando a espada perfura, mesmo que seja de dentro pra fora. :wink:

Ah sim. PJ era o Capitão do barco dos Corsários. Alguém mais reparou? :lol:
Lukaz Drakon disse:
Ah sim. PJ era o Capitão do barco dos Corsários. Alguém mais reparou? :lol:

Eu reparei!!! E viram os filhos dele assistindo o Faramir e os demais cavaleiros de Gondor saindo da cidade???

Tisf disse:
Eu digo quando a câmera pega ele por trás, pega o Gandalf por trás... de frente ele mexe sim :grinlove:

Sabe por quê? Simplesmente pelo fato daquilo ser um trailer. Obviamente ele não estava falando naquela hora, mas colocaram o som para que a idéia fosse transmitida.

No trailer d'As Duas Torres ouve-se a voz de Gandalf dizendo "One step of your journey is over, another begins" (ou algo assim), enquanto aparece uma das últimas cenas do filme aparece, apesar da fala ser dita no início do filme.

Não é uma falha. É um recurso! :wink:
Outro, escabroso por sinal:

Quando chegam ao Portão Negro, eles estão a cavalo. Quando vão atacar, os cavalos somem e eles saem correndo. :lol:
Lukaz Drakon disse:
Outro, escabroso por sinal:

Quando chegam ao Portão Negro, eles estão a cavalo. Quando vão atacar, os cavalos somem e eles saem correndo. :lol:

Escabroso?Magina,coisinha pouca...afinal,deviam ser só uns 500 cavalos,ninguém dá falta :lol:
Teve uma coisa que eu reparei, mas não sei se foi impressão minha:

O Eomer joga uma lança e "mata" um haradrim de capacete estranho que estava no lombo do Olifante.

Depois o Legolas sobe no Olifante e o cara do capacete estranho está lá.
.:Padme:. disse:
Teve uma coisa que eu reparei, mas não sei se foi impressão minha:

O Eomer joga uma lança e "mata" um haradrim de capacete estranho que estava no lombo do Olifante.

Depois o Legolas sobe no Olifante e o cara do capacete estranho está lá.

Acho que foi impressão sua... O haradrim que Eomer mata estava em outro olifante, não o mesmo no qual o Legolas subiu.. bom, pelo menos eu vi dessa maneira hehe


Eu tb estranhei o sumiço dos cavalos....mas pelo menos não foram todos que sumiram, pq eu me lembro de muitos cavalos na batalha mesmo assim...
ahn..eu posso estar errado mas...na hora que o frodo ta todo enrrolado na teia...jogado no chão...e com os olhos abertos..a camera afasta e aparece o sam levantando ele....e ele aparece de olhos fechados (será que é eu que to ficando loco?) e depois aparece de olhos abertos novamente no close...

alguem percebeu isso?? posso estar errado...e...eu não bebi nada antes de entrar no cinema hein :roll:
Hoje é dia 25, e adivinhem... EU VI O FILME!!!! E reparei em um erro: quando o Frodo foi capturado pelos Orcs, e está lá, deitado e pelado, um orc pega a espada e diz: "Vou fazer você sangrar como um porco". De repente, Sam aparece por trás e enfia a Ferroada na barriga do Orc, e a lâmina sai limpinha, sem nem UMA gotinha de sangue. Heheheh...

Isso pode não ser um erro. A Ferroada é um punhal élfico, que, de repente, não suja! :mrgreen:
Gamgy disse:
Eu tb estranhei o sumiço dos cavalos....mas pelo menos não foram todos que sumiram, pq eu me lembro de muitos cavalos na batalha mesmo assim...

Toda essa cena no Marannon ficou meio estranha... minha aposta é que alguns pedaços foram cortados (para serem inseridos no DVD Extended), veja que o emissário de Sauron não aparece com as roupas e o colete de mithril do Frodo (que foi pego em Cirith Ungol).. No livro, o emissário aparece, mostra os pertences e propoem a rendição das raças livres.. Ao verem os itens de Frodo, Aragorn Gandalf e Cia. decidem atacar, um detalhe, no livro snme, eles ja atacam desesperados e chorando a perda de Frodo e Sam e se voces repararem bem, Gandalf ja esta chorando antes da explosão de Orodruin.. ou seja, muito provavelmente toda essa sequencia foi editada.


The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - 51 erros

Continuity: When Sam rescues Frodo in the tower and gives him back the ring, Frodo puts it around his neck and you can see it against his bare chest. The chain is noticably much longer and thicker than the one he's been wearing previously.

Continuity: During the scene where Theodin is dying. One of the shots after Eowyn has bent down, and the camera cuts outward, a giant Oliphant carcass is lying not 20 yards from Theodin. In every other shot, even the birds eye views, no Oliphant is anywhere near Theodin.

Continuity: Viggo's hair length changes dramatically from above shoulder length to below shoulder length and long enough to pull back "elf" style as he goes in to battle.

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where everyone is sleeping and Pippin gets up to take a peek at the Palantir, Pippins' back is briefly to the camera and you can see a boxlike shape under his shirt at his waistline. Perhaps a wireless microphone transmitter?

Continuity: When Frodo Sam and Gollum are inside Mount Doom, and Frodo and Gollum have just fallen off the edge, there is no way that Frodo could have grabbed hold of the ledge if you look at the way he falls off the path, meaning the angle and the distance away.

Continuity: Immediately after Frodo is attacked by Shelob, there is a scene where Sam pulls the webbing away from his face. Before the attack, Frodo's face was covered in dirt and smudges. However, Frodo has apparently found time in between being attacked and uncovered to wash himself, as although he is understandably pale, there is not a smudge to be seen.

Continuity: In the scene where Legolas is taking down the elephant, there's a shot of him reaching back to draw out arrows, then the shot switches to a different angle and they use a CGI character for Legolas, and he reaches back again to draw out arrows for shooting.

Continuity: Despite their dwindling, and rationed, food supply, Sam fails to lose any weight throughout TTT or ROTK. This actually lends credence to Gollum's claim that Sam was secretly stealing food.

Continuity: The mountain that Sam and Frodo came tumbling down outside the Black Gate in The Two Towers was gone when Aragorn and the rest show up there in Return of The King.

Continuity: At the end of the movie, when Sam and Frodo are helping Bilbo down to the dock where the elves are waiting, Frodo is on Bilbo's right, which means that Frodo is holding onto Bilbo with his left hand, the one that Gollum bit the finger off. Yet the finger is completely intact.

Revealing: You can see a severely wounded King Theoden lying partially under his horse on the Pelennor Fields after being attacked by the Witch King. The length of his legs are out of proportion, since you can see his waist above the horse's back, and a large part of his lower leg underneath the horse's belly.

Continuity: Near the end of the movie, when the four hobbits are seated at the bar, Frodo passes a green mug of ale to Sam, yet in the direct shot of Sam's face when he drinks, the mug is red.

Continuity: When Theoden is mortally wounded and the Witch King and mount are standing over him, you see the Witch King from a ground view which includes some view of Theoden's body. The Witch King commands his mount to feed on Theoden's openly vulnerable body, which does not appear to be squashed under his horse at that time. However, after Eowyn has slain the Witch King and she turns to say her last words to Theoden, there is a view from above of Theoden, now lying almost completely under his horse's body except for his upper chest.

Continuity: At the end when Gandalf says goodbye to the hobbits, there is shot of him holding his staff in his right hand. A ring can be seen on his finger. After Frodo says goodbye to the hobbits, Gandalf is shown again, only the ring is on his left hand.

Continuity: Strangely, Gimli switches positions with Legolas when they're leaving the Rohan camp for the Paths of the Dead. In the overhead shots, the dwarf's in front, and from the back shots, he's clinging on to Legolas' back.

Continuity: When Frodo has been trapped in the spider's web, he escapes from it, and you see that he is all wrapped in it. Then he hits a large rock, and suddenly almost all the web is gone. Submitted by t_woods

Continuity: After Frodo has been wrapped in the spider web, Sam tries to rescue him and frees his face. In the next shots, the web is sometimes over Frodos chin and sometimes under it, although no one touched it. Submitted by VeraNeidlein

Continuity: When Sam first picks Frodo up over his shoulder, Frodo's positioned so that his head is over Sam's right shoulder. In the next shot his head is over Sam's left shoulder.

Continuity: During the scene between Denethor and Pippin in the Main Hall at Minas Tirith, Denethor is eating and has a red mark running down his chin. There is a shot from Pippin's perspective showing the right side of Denethor's chin with the mark. The next shot is from Denethor's left with Pippin in the background, and Denethor turns towards the camera and the mark is gone. The shot is then returned to Pippin's perspective, and the mark has returned for the rest of the scene.

Revealing: In the scene inside Mount Doom after Gollum bites Frodo's finger off and it appears they have both fallen into the lava, Sam looks over the edge of the cliff and sees Frodo hanging on. Sam offers his hand to help Frodo up and Frodo grabs Sam's hand and forearm with his left hand- the one with the missing finger. In the split second before the camera breaks away, you can plainly see Frodo's "missing" finger bent in half to give the appearance that it is gone, complete with the blood and gore seen just after the finger was bitten off initially.

Revealing: Early in the film, Frodo, Sam, and Gollum are camped out inside a diamond-shaped structure. When the structure is shown from the outside, the diamond appears taller and thinner than when shown from inside looking out. Submitted by Jon Nicholas

Continuity: In the scene where Gollum is grappling with an invisible Frodo in Mount Doom, there are no footprints on the ground when seen from the wide shot, nor are any being made as Frodo moves.

Continuity: When Gandalf and Pippin walk into the hall where Denethor is sitting, the back of Gandalf's cloak is clean and white. After Pippin offers his services to Denethor, Gandalf walks out on Denethor and when he turns around and starts to leave the bottom of Gandalf's cloak is much dirtier.

Continuity: In the scene where Legolas and Aragorn are talking outside the hall in Edoras, Legolas has a bump of some sort on his forehead. Just after he says "He is here", the bump disappears, never to be seen again.

Factual error: When the Nazgul flies past the orcs marching from the evil castle-like building by the stairs to Mordor, it flies very close to the orcs, with its beast flapping its mighty wings, probably creating large gusts of wind. Yet none of the torches being carried even flicker or blow.

Continuity: As Eowyn is hovering over her uncle just before his death, she has a black smudge over her right eye. In the last shot of the scene, the smudge is gone.

Continuity: In the scene where Sam discovers Frodo wrapped up by Shelob, Frodo's face is completely clean, but in the previous scenes it was dirty, and when Sam rescues Frodo later, it's dirty again.

Continuity: In one of the scenes with Arwen and Elrond in Rivendell, Arwen is sitting on a bed reading a book while Elrond talks to her. In one shot, the right hand page contains a picture that looks similar to the picture of the Gates of Moria from "Fellowship." In the shot directly following, we see the book just before Arwen drops it and the pages only show writing.

Continuity: At the end of the film where Gandalf leads Bilbo to the boat, the shot from Benind as Bilbo is walking toward Gandalf and then up the boat ramp, we see the head of the "Little Person" playing the small version of him. His head is actually in different proportion to the shots previously. The top of his head is considerably larger than before. Submitted by Contractkiller

Other: Right after the dead guys clear the battlefield, there are a few shots of the heroes and it is very smoky in the background. Through the smoke we can see rolling hills in the near background. The problem is, these are not supposed to be there, when we see all the overhead shots, it is an enormous flat plain with a river and a city, etc. It just doesn't match up. Submitted by Solomon Parker

Continuity: When Gandalf rides in to save Faramir he grabs a spear from a guard inside the door. However in a shot a few seconds after this both guards have vanished.

Continuity: After Deagol crawls out of the water he's is standing up on shore and his sweater appears to be bone dry. Only a few drips of water drop from the end of the sleeves.

Continuity: When Sam is fighting the giant spider, in a close up shot he backs away with the sword in his left hand, when we cut to the next, wider, shot, the sword is in his right hand.

Continuity: When Frodo is half naked in Cirith Ungol you first see him with webs over his head. Later they are gone. He couldn't have got rid of them as his hands were tied.

Revealing: In the scene after Frodo and Sam have been rescued and Frodo is in sick-bed, if you look at the finger that supposedly got bitten off by Gollum, it is folded under and bandaged. It's much to wide to be a bloody stub.

Other: The trebuchets shown during the battle at the White City defy the laws of physics. Firstly, some of the trebuchets have baskets attached directly to the end of the lever arm, which would cause the projectile to be embedded in the ground just a few feet in front of the trebuchet. Secondly, a trebuchet attempts to lunge forward when it's fired, but the trebuchets in the movie remain motionless even though there's nothing holding them down. Thirdly, the large projectiles shown landing in the battlefield would have required a humongous trebuchet to launch them, but all of the trebuchets shown in the movie are even smaller than the projectiles themselves (a trebuchet of the required size would be easily visible from nearly any viewing angle on the White City). Lastly, trebuchets are only useful as offensive weapons, used primarily to punch a whole in the fortress wall to allow the army to invade. They don't work as defensive weapons because the projectiles are small, and even if you did manage to target a single individual, he would see it coming and would have ample time to step to one side (a fact depicted in the film). The defensive weapon idea only works in the movie due to the oversize nature of the projectiles, and the idiotic behavior of the orcs of standing in large groups within trebuchet range and not moving until it's too late.

Continuity: In the second half of the film Frodo has a scar on his lower right cheek, close to his chin. Many times throughout the rest of the film the scar changes position and size on his cheek and also from his right cheek to his left cheek (most obviously on the slopes of mount doom when Sam is cradling his head).

Continuity: When Gollum drops the lembas from the ridge, you see the leaves it was wrapped in fluttering away, and the wafers fall roughly straight down. However, when Sam finds it later, the lembas is still mostly wrapped in the leaves, with only a few morsels broken off and laying around unwrapped.

Continuity: When Gollum accuses Sam of eating the lembas bread, the crumbs on his shoulder don't appear until the shot when Gollum brushes them away.

Continuity: In the scene where Frodo is stabbed by the huge spider and wrapped in its web, Sam thinks he's dead because he's not moving at all. From Sam's point of view Frodo's eyes are fixed wide open. A cut to a side view of Sam lifting Frodo shows Frodo's eyes shut. The next cut back to the original point of view shows Frodo's eyes back fixed open.

Continuity: In the scene where King Theoden is dying under his horse after Eowyn has slain the Witch King, there are three spots of mud on Theoden's right cheek that are so clear that they almost appear to be a tattoo. The camera cuts to Eowyn, then back to Theoden, and the spots on his face are faint, smudged, and in different locations. The camera cuts again from Theoden to Eowyn and back, and the spots are back to their original locations, pristine and unsmudged.

Continuity: When Aragorn, Legolas, Gandalf, Gimli etc, ride up to the gates of Mordor, the main characters go up to the gate on their own to demand it opens. The trails the horses leave on the way towards the gate are different to those that you see in the shot when they retreat after the gate has opened.

Revealing: In the first scene in Edoras (the capital city of Rohan). The first pan over Edoras: You can see the pan is shown in reverse, with the smoke going into the chimney and the fire at the end is burning backwards. The flags are fluttering oddly as well.

Continuity: In the final battle scene, when Aragorn and crew are creating a "diversion" outside the gates of Mordor, everyone is on horseback. Later in the scene, when Aragorn and the other warriors charge the enemy, they are on foot. Even if they did dismount, where are the horses?

Other: As Aragorn leads the army from Minas Tirith towards the Black Gates, look at "Pippin" sitting in front of Gandalf. Rather than the usual scale stand-in actor, it is a rather stiff dummy.

Other: When The Steward of Gondor is about to burn Faramir on the pyre, Gandalf dramatically bursts through the doors on Shadowfax. Look at the rider's face - it is obviously not Gandalf, but a double.

Continuity: In the scene in which Gollum frames Sam for eating all the lembas bread, when Frodo is telling Sam to leave, the tracks made by the tears on Sam's face change from shot to shot.

Continuity: In one of the final scenes of the movie, Frodo is writing in the book "There and Back Again," adding his own story. As he is finishing, he clutches the wound he received from one of the Nazgul in "The Fellowship of the Ring." In the hand that he uses clutch the wound, he still holds the quill pen. At the same time, Sam is entering Bag-End. When the camera angle changes, Frodo is still clutching the wound, but the pen has found its way into the ink jar.

Continuity: In the scene where Sam is returning the ring to Frodo in the orc tower, the number of fingers he has wrapped around the chain changes with each shot as the dialogue between the two characters progresses.

Continuity: In the final scene of the film, as Sam returns home and his children rush out to meet him, the cows in the background change position each time the camera goes back to Sam.

Other: In the scene where the fellowship prepares to make their final stand at the Black Gate, Gimli after speaking, coughs on his pipe smoke. Immediately in the next shot, which is much wider he is seen immediately smoothly exhaling a large amount of smoke. There was not enough time between his cough and the position of his body at that time to return to a calm and composed puffing position.

Alguem de bom coração traduza ae hehehe :pray: :lol:

Mais mesmo com erros, a trilogia eh inesquecivel! :mrgreen:


Credo...vcs não perdem tempo mesmo hein... 8O
Eu não percebi que o corsário era o PJ...era ele mesmo? :lol: Preciso ver esse filme de novo :grinlove:
Tá...realmente foi gritante o desaparecimento dos cavalos no Portão Negro, mas deve ter alguma explicação na versão extendida... :mrgreen:
Nem da pra fazer esse tipo de erro! Morannon foi picotada!!! nem esquente!

Umas fodas, do livro: Gandalf chega de frente pra Minas Tirith qnd devia chegar de lado!(ta certo, dá emoçãO! é um filme! 8-) ) No Morannon, aquela montanha que Gollum, Frodo e Sam vêem o Portão desapareceu!!!! :lol:

E por falar em erros, no momento em que a Éowin está de "papo" com o rei dos nazgúl o sujeito diz "você é uma TOLA! nenhum homem jamais..." e fala mais um tanto de coisa. Logo depois, a Éowin se revela dizendo que é uma mulher. Como ele sabia que o cavaleiro era mulher antes de ter tirado o helmo? Não sei se ficou bem explicado o que eu quis colocar aqui, mas acho que dá pra ter uma idéia do que estou querendo dizer.
Ok :D
Varda Melian disse:
E por falar em erros, no momento em que a Éowin está de "papo" com o rei dos nazgúl o sujeito diz "você é uma TOLA! nenhum homem jamais..." e fala mais um tanto de coisa. Logo depois, a Éowin se revela dizendo que é uma mulher. Como ele sabia que o cavaleiro era mulher antes de ter tirado o helmo? Não sei se ficou bem explicado o que eu quis colocar aqui, mas acho que dá pra ter uma idéia do que estou querendo dizer.
Ok :D

erro da tradutora ou do cara que legendou!
É que em ingles fica "You are a fool", sem dar idéia de ser homem ou mulher. Foi erro do tradutor, mas é mais por complicação da lingua portuguesa mesmo. :wink:
Mentha disse:
Eu reparei!!! E viram os filhos dele assistindo o Faramir e os demais cavaleiros de Gondor saindo da cidade???

Vendo SdA e ADT no dia 24 e RdR no dia 25, eu reparei que tem uma criança que aparece nos 3 filmes. Ela é uma das crianças hobbits ouvindo a história do Bilbo em SdA, uma das crianças refugiadas nas cavernas do Abismo de Helm em ADT, e em RdR ela é uma criança gondoriana se despendindo do Faramir. Por acaso essa criança é um dos filhos do PJ???
Lukaz Drakon disse:
Outro, escabroso por sinal:

Quando chegam ao Portão Negro, eles estão a cavalo. Quando vão atacar, os cavalos somem e eles saem correndo. :lol:

Acho que na VE vamos ver o que aconteceu com os cavalos. :aham:
Sim porque o Boca de Sauron chega a lutar com o Aragorn e mostra o colete de Mithril que pegou do Frodo na torre e diz que ele está morto. Por isso quando ele ataca grita: Por Frodo!!!!

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