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Que personagem do Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X) vc é?

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Mais alguns testes, simples mais dá pra divertir...



You are Seijiro Hiko!
You're a drunk, rude, self-conceited, bad-ass that's frequently called 'Master'. Women fall for you but you use them for some more sake. Stupid drunk.

oro? rs....
então tá! :)

You're a loner. You're completely OBLIVIOUS to just about anything except "being the strongest". By the way, your friends are dead. Let them rest

You are Misao Makimachi!
You're a weasel girl with a short temper. You have connections that would make the government jealous. You're not that great of a fighter but you can kick Yahiko's butt!

You are Seijiro Hiko!
You're a drunk, rude, self-conceited, bad-ass that's frequently called 'Master'. Women fall for you but you use them for some more sake. Stupid drunk.

Fala Sério.. :? Eu queria ser o Sano! Vou fazer esse troço de novo!

EdItado: Fiz de novo e olha só o que deu:


Some people may call you a bum, they're probably right. You're quick to start a fight and you always seem to be broke. You're an amateur but you're learning. But you're still a bum.

Agora sim! :clap:


You're severly under-estimated and constantly bossed around by ugly girls. You have a short temper and you are always seeking to prove your self. Take some advice: get a real sword!
So predictable! eu sabia que eu seria megumi Takani antes mesmo de fazer esse teste (aliás deviam colocar mais perguntas, mais alternativas, sabe?)

Sou o Himura:


You're a kind and gentle person with a dark past that haunts you. But you find happiness in your friends and by protecting the weak and oppressed. Let's face it. You kick ass!
Some people may call you a bum, they're probably right. You're quick to start a fight and you always seem to be broke. You're an amateur but you're learning. But you're still a bum.

Algumas pessoas podem te chamar de vagabundo, elas provavelmente estão certas. Você tende a começar brigas e parece sempre estar quebrado. Você é um amador mas está aprendendo. Mas você ainda é um vagabundo.


Só podia ser... Mr. Sagara. Sanosuke Sagara... O Sanosuke "Beber Sakê Até Cair" Sagara. O Sanosuke "Quebro Pedras Nas Minhas Mãos" Sagara. Droga. Fala sério. Eu queria era ter pêgo o Aoshi, ou o Yahiko. Até mesmo o Kenshin. Tudo menos o Sanosuke... :disgusti:

Bom, fazer o que. Pelo menos eu sou foda e uso uma espada que normalmente só 3 pessoas juntas poderiam levantar. Ó, pobres mortais. 8-)

You're cool-headed and logical, but dangerous to anyone you deem as "evil". You're a vicious fighter that can't let go of your target. Sounds more like a pitbull than a wolf. Hmmm...

Nada mal.

You're a decent fighter, but you have your 'feminine' side (which makes you really, really, REALLY MOODY).
You're a great sensei, but you can't cook to save your life.
Good thing you have Kenshin! ^-^x

:lol: q legalzis! Bem q algo me dizia q ia sair ela pra mim... :roll: :lol:
You're a kind and gentle person with a dark past that haunts you. But you find happiness in your friends and by protecting the weak and oppressed. Let's face it. You kick ass!


Qualé :disgusti: eu nunca seria o Kenshin... Ele é muito... hm... sei lá, arrependido :eek: eu hein...

* Athos ao som de Edguy - Theater of Salvation *

You're a loner. You're completely OBLIVIOUS to just about anything except "being the strongest". By the way, your friends are dead. Let them rest.

opa sou a Loner.... gostei do teste......

pra ficar perfeito ..ele é vilão???
NeoDeSampa _=F*U*S*A*=_ disse:

You're a loner. You're completely OBLIVIOUS to just about anything except "being the strongest". By the way, your friends are dead. Let them rest.

opa sou a Loner.... gostei do teste......

pra ficar perfeito ..ele é vilão???

Sim e não... O Aoshi é meio pancada da cabeça e acaba cometendo atos de vilania deliberada por conta de suas neuroses, cismas e recalques... Mas depois volta pros eixos a maneira de uma mulher de malandro...
You're cool-headed and logical, but dangerous to anyone you deem as "evil". You're a vicious fighter that can't let go of your target. Sounds more like a pitbull than a wolf. Hmmm...


Lindo, lindo, lindo. Ele é muito gostoso, muito gostoso, muito gostoso!! :grinlove:
Adorei!!! :mrgreen: Tudo a vê!!
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Valinor 2023

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