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Quarteto Fantástico (Fantastic Four, 2015)

Não assisti ainda mas pra mim tá parecendo ódio gratuito. Nem lançou nos principais mercados e tá parecendo que todo mundo já assistiu e tá pronto pra sair avaliando. Por exemplo no IMDB, nota 4.3, se você for checar as estatísticas das notas dadas vai ver que 35% delas são nota 1, e duvido muito que isso seja real. Pode ser ruim, mas nota 1?! Vamos ver daqui uns 2 meses, só daí dá pra saber a real situação do filme. Mas sinceramente não acho que seja a pior coisa do mundo como tão fazendo parecer. Me parece também que a Fox não se importa tanto com esse filme (só ver pelo orçamento) fizeram mesmo pra continuarem com os direitos de imagem.
'Fantastic Four' Director Josh Trank Blames Studio For Poor Reviews
Director claimed he had a "fantastic" version of the film a year ago that would have recieved great reviews that will now never be seen.

Josh Trank Tweeted that the final version of Fantastic Four was not his own and that his version would have gotten better reviews.

The Tweet, sent out on Thursday, but now deleted, claimed that Trank had a version that he was happy with a year ago and implied that the studio made changes and that his version will now never be seen, saying that's "the reality though."


The production of Fantastic Four was plagued with problems, with THR revealing back in May that Trank's behavior and unusual conduct on set was a cause of great concern among Fox chiefs.

Fonte: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/he...irector-josh-trank-813786?utm_source=facebook
Essa confusão toda me fez lembrar disso:

The Secret ‘Fantastic Four’ Film That No One Was Meant to See

AUGUST 6, 2015 | 01:27PM PT

Matthew Chernov

When audiences see 20th Century Fox’s “Fantastic Fouricon1.png” reboot this weekend, they’ll likely assume that it’s the third entry in the cinematic superhero saga. But a new documentary hopes to dispel that myth once and for all.

“Doomed: The Untold Story of Roger Corman’s The Fantastic Four” reveals the baffling circumstances that led to the filming of an unreleased 1994 feature film starring Marvel’s comic book quartet that was never meant to be seen publicly.

The story goes like this: In late 1992, three years after the success of Tim Burton’s “Batman,”producer Bernd Eichinger approached low-budget filmmaking maestro Roger Corman about making a movie based on the Fantastic Four. Eichinger, the German producer of “The Neverending Story,” had acquired rights to the superhero team’s story and needed to begin production immediately.

In short order, a professional cast and crew was assembled, sets and costumes were constructed and filming began at Corman’s Venice Beach studios and around Los Angeles. The speed of the production was extreme even by Corman’s standards, but the filmmakers believed this would be a major theatrical release and their efforts would be worth it.

The first hint of trouble came when Marvel’s Stan Lee was asked at a 1993 comic book convention about what he thought of the film in production.

“I don’t think much of it,” Lee commented dryly.

Principal photography wrapped in a speedy 28 days, but the film languished much longer in post-production, without any sign that the producers intended to actually finish it. Hoping to salvage their work, director Oley Sassone and editor Glenn Garland struggled to complete the movie in secret by borrowing rolls of film and cutting new footage on the sly.

The cast hired a publicist at their own expense to help promote the film, and a major public screening was eventually scheduled in 1994 at the Minnesota’s Mall of America. That premiere was cancelled at the last second, however, when the actors received a cease and desist order from the producers.

Virtually overnight, the 35mm negatives were confiscated and the film, much like the Invisible Girl herself, vanished. In time, the truth began to emerge. This version of “The Fantastic Four” wasn’t supposed to see the light of day. The plan was to purposefully shelve it from the very beginning.

The deal between Marvel and Eichinger’s Constantin Films was a purely contractual issue that allowed the producers to extend their option on the source material at a very low cost — as long as production began by December 31, 1992, after which Constantin would lose the rights. Corman himself may have been duped to some extent.

The cast and crew were stunned by the betrayal. They’d joined the project in good faith, but all the time and energy they’d invested was now pointless. Roger Corman’s “The Fantastic Four” was a lie that just happened to be filmed, and remains unreleased to this day. Although trailers were shown at conventions in 1993, the movie itself never arrived — Marvel exec Avi Arad had bought the film to prevent it being released and has said he had the negatives destroyed.

Marty Langford, the director and editor of “Doomed,” first learned of its existence in a 1993 issue of Film Threat magazine. “They ran an amazing cover story with the cast in full costume,” he said. “That was when my excitement really began.”

Eventually, a grainy bootleg copy of “The Fantastic Four” was leaked and began circulating among fans. Due to its extreme low budget and rushed shooting schedule, the film itself is often barely competent. Yet those limitations give it a cheesy charm all its own.

“I always thought there was a much bigger story there somewhere,” Langford said. “So after waiting 15 years for someone else to tell it, I decided to do it myself.”

As luck would have it, Langford’s childhood friend Mark Sikes was the casting assistant on the Corman film, and joined the documentary as executive producer. “Mark still had the original sign-in sheets for all the actors who auditioned for it,” Langford said. This included current Avenger Mark Ruffalo, who auditioned for the role of Dr. Doom.

Gathering the original cast proved easier than expected. “They were anxious to tell their story,” Langford said. “But it became clear during our interviews that some of them hadn’t completely healed from what happened back then.”

With the Fox reboot opening Friday, Marvel is taking a hands-off approach to the documentary. “We kept expecting they would sue us at some point, but it didn’t happen,” said Langford.

Langford and Sikes even reached out to Lee, who declined to be interviewed for their film. “They know we exist, but they’re taking the same stance that Disney took with ‘Escape From Tomorrow’ by ignoring us.”

The documentary, which American Cinematheque is screening in Los Angeles on Aug. 13, is distributed by Uncork’d Entertainment. An eventual Blu-ray, VOD and limited theatrical release is planned to coincide with the reboot’s video release sometime in January.

Langford’s ultimate goal is larger than his own film finding an audience, however. “Our hope is that all of this attention might convince Marvel that the market is more than ready for the original Fantastic Four movie to finally come out.”

Fonte: http://variety.com/2015/film/news/fantastic-four-movie-roger-corman-1201558173/

Não assisti ainda mas pra mim tá parecendo ódio gratuito. Nem lançou nos principais mercados e tá parecendo que todo mundo já assistiu e tá pronto pra sair avaliando. Por exemplo no IMDB, nota 4.3, se você for checar as estatísticas das notas dadas vai ver que 35% delas são nota 1, e duvido muito que isso seja real. Pode ser ruim, mas nota 1?! Vamos ver daqui uns 2 meses, só daí dá pra saber a real situação do filme. Mas sinceramente não acho que seja a pior coisa do mundo como tão fazendo parecer. Me parece também que a Fox não se importa tanto com esse filme (só ver pelo orçamento) fizeram mesmo pra continuarem com os direitos de imagem.
Nota 1 no IMDB não é exclusividade desse filme.
Praticamente todos os filmes tem milhares dessa nota vindos de algum grupo de fanáticats de outros filmes querendo abaixar as notas.
Por isso que o ranking do IMDb de notas não é 100% confiável, apesar de ter gratas surpresas.

'Fantastic Four' Director Josh Trank Blames Studio For Poor Reviews
Director claimed he had a "fantastic" version of the film a year ago that would have recieved great reviews that will now never be seen.

Josh Trank Tweeted that the final version of Fantastic Four was not his own and that his version would have gotten better reviews.

The Tweet, sent out on Thursday, but now deleted, claimed that Trank had a version that he was happy with a year ago and implied that the studio made changes and that his version will now never be seen, saying that's "the reality though."


The production of Fantastic Four was plagued with problems, with THR revealing back in May that Trank's behavior and unusual conduct on set was a cause of great concern among Fox chiefs.

Fonte: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/he...irector-josh-trank-813786?utm_source=facebook
Sempre que produtor resolve brigar com diretor e meter a mão forte na obra costuma dar merda.
Dá pra entender porque continuam fazendo isso?
Tipo dirigente de futebol que ficar querendo escalar jogador contrariando o técnico.
Mão forte de produtor só serve se o diretor também está no barco aceitando fazer projeto de estúdio.
Sempre que produtor resolve brigar com diretor e meter a mão forte na obra costuma dar merda.

O Simon Kinberg também está a frente de Star Wars e parece ter sido o responsável por tirar o Josh Frank da franquia. Acha que não há um pouco de verdade nas declarações da equipe de produção, FUSA? (Talvez o cara tenha tido um surto com toda a pressão sendo feita em cima do trabalho dele. Vi alguns posts onde o pessoal falava que dá pra ver claramente onde o filme soava como nas entrevistas de Frank e onde ele se tornava algo distinto, ou seja, as partes que foram filmadas a mais ou refilmadas.)

Mão forte de produtor só serve se o diretor também está no barco aceitando fazer projeto de estúdio.

Boa. Daí que eu sempre falo pro pessoal, tem que ver onde é um diretor autoral e um diretor for hire. O problema é produtor tentar transformar o primeiro no segundo - recentemente notado com Sam Raimi em Homem-Aranha 3, Jon Favreau em Homem de Ferro 2, Joss Whedon em A Era de Ultron e Edgar Wright em Homem Formiga.
E a trama fica cada vez mais complexa:

Trank’s tweet suggests that those reshoots are the cause of the film’s robustly negative critical response. And that assertion is supported by a series of tweets from one of the film’s other screenwriters, Jeremy Slater, who is credited for writing the movie along with Trank and producer Simon Kinberg. (Representatives for studio 20th Century Fox did not immediately respond to a request for comment.)

There's not a ton of my stuff left in the movie (mostly the 1st act), but I'll always be honored that I got to play in such a cool sandbox. 9:30 PM - 6 Aug 2015

It’s up to you to decide whether or not we succeeded. But I hope you give the film a chance. And I hope you like what you see. 9:31 PM - 6 Aug 2015

Fonte: http://www.buzzfeed.com/adambvary/fantastic-four-director-says-he-made-fantastic-version#.iav9WQRNvM
Só sei que do jeito que tá... Olha, tá realmente zoado. Assisti hoje mais só pra acompanhar o flame. E não estão errados.

Eles passam uma parte enorme do filme naquele lenga-lenga de antes-dos-poderes, o que é um negócio irritante pois eles não conseguem trabalhar isso bem. Ficam com um papo meio sci-fi o tempo todo que não consegue captar o leitor pois, de resto, é algo irritante: você não constrói sci-fi com hipóteses científicas plausíveis, mas, antes de tudo, com uma estrutura narrativa eficiente capaz de gerar e manter um conflito. Você não vê nada disso o filme todo. As personagens todas são jogadas e não são desenvolvidas -- mas não são desenvolvidas não por falta de espaço ou sei lá; por incompetência mesmo. Isso sem contar as partes previsíveis e a decepção que não foram as cenas propriamente de ação. A cena final, por exemplo, o clímax do filme. Gente, que diabo. O negócio ficou vergonhoso DEMAIS...

O que eles fizeram foi: "olhem como somos uma equipe desunida. Vejam, o dr. Destino. Vamos bater nele; mas como somos uma equipe desunida, vai ser cada um no seu quadrado." Aí, óbvio, o dr. Destino bate e imobiliza cada um deles. O telespectador já sabe o que vai acontecer: vão sair dessa imobilização e vão se unir como equipe. Mas só que você pensa que vão ter mais alguns minutos disso, sabe? Sei lá. Só que não.

"Agora somos uma equipe unida. Vamos montar um plano. Montamos? Ótimo. Vamos pô-lo em execução." E pimba. Magicamente o dr. Destino, que tá muito overpower nesse filme, é morto. Tipo: são dois movimentos, cara. É como se você estivesse jogando um RPG e aí, na hora da luta com o chefão final, o chefão final te ataca, você quase perde todo seu HP, mas aí você usa um ataque especial seu e...

E só.


P.S.: "telespectador". lol


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