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Polêmica- Os filmes de SdA são MELHORES do que o livro?

<<Re: Krull is Krapp
#23 Post by Paul MacLean » Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:15 pm
The LORD OF THE RINGS movies may be "better cinema" but I never want to see those films again. I can see myself watching KRULL again because there are aspects of it I love -- mostly, Horner's music -- more than anything in the LOTR films.
I don't even think they are "better cinema". They are definitely drawn from better narrative source material than Krull, but Krull's filmmakers did a far better job with that material than LOTR's filmmakers did with Tolkein's.
The analogy I make is that the LOTR movies are like filet mignon which has been very badly prepared. It may be taken from the choicest cut, but the finished meal is charred on the outside and raw on the inside. Krull is like a cheeseburger, but one prepared by a master chef, who draws on his culinary acumen to make it more than the sum of it's parts. It will never be more than a cheeseburger, but I'd rather eat that cheeseburger than the burned filet mignon.
I think some of the effects are brilliant, but I find elements of them unintentionally funny as Paul does, like the guy who runs off the edge of the castle (on fire!) in the third film (and they couldn't even find a real OCEAN to shoot at the end?).
Well no, because real oceans are so hard to find in New Zealand. :roll:
In any case, I look back at fantasy movies from the 80s -- like Krull, Clash of the Titans, The Dark Crystal, Legend, Ladyhawk, Highlander, et al, -- and they may have had serious narrative flaws, and had stilted or simplistic storylines, but they were FUN. They wore their flaws lightly. They were also beautifully shot and designed, and usually incredibly-well scored (well, except for Ladyhawk, but even that was still fun). Even Excalibur, which had a fairly dark tone, nevertheless exhibited a shimmering visual allure and and fantastical exuberance.
Fantasy films today are so serious and grim, because they all take a cues from LOTR and it's overly portentous tone and killjoy reverence. They're devoid of fun, they're devoid of beauty (LOTR has some of the most ugly photography in cinema history).
The only modern fantasy films I like are the Harry Potter movies, but I have to say even those have become more "LOTR" in style (the "Amblin"-esque style of the Columbus films giving way to more of that dreary, washed-out look).>>
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E eu AMO, SEMPRE AMEI!!! Li e reli mais de 7 vezes antes de ter terminado a primeira leitura do SdA.

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Verdade.... mas só até determinado ponto...


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Muito divertido mesmo sendo o oposto da minha opinião :

Olhando apenas para os filmes, a minha maior crítica ao Hobbit é a duração. Erraram a mão. Mesmo o primeiro filme que eu achei bem bom no geral, já está muito mais esticado do que deveria. Quando chega no último a coisa fica ridícula.

Justamente o número um da lista aí. Aí está argumentado de uma maneira meio jocosa intencionalmente contraprodutiva mas ainda assim é divertido ver o empenho em dar aquela contestada na opinião da maioria.
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Eu dou pontos pro Peter Jackson pela ambição da empreitada.

the hobbit thorin GIF

Coerente, por irônico que pareça, com a vontade do próprio Tolkien em reescrever o Hobbit pra dar mais sinergia com o SdA. Os capítulos reescritos estão no History of the Hobbit do John D. Rateliff. Um livro que, se bobear, jamais sairia sem a expectativa de uma nova saga trilogística centrada nos Hobbits pro cinema.

A comparação dos méritos e deméritos das versões literária e cinematográfica rendeu até tese aí

The Hobbit Adaptation: Literary Infidelity or True to the
Tolkien Spirit?
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Valinor 2023

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