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Web Based Nations States

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Re: Nations States (PC)

A number of well-dressed gentlemen wearing a varied assortment of swords is insisting that they be allowed to settle their private disputes on the field of honourable battle.

The Debate
"We must be permitted our inherent right to defend our honour through feats of arms!" exclaims Jennifer Love, a bewigged aristocrat sporting a particularly flamboyant swept-hilt rapier. "The right to duel is one found throughout history for the honourable settling of disputes and I must insist that my right to fight be recognised! The world would be so much better - and cheaper too - if conflicts of interest were sorted through trial by combat instead of trial by jury."

"Swords? Heavens, what dreadful things. All sharp and pointy - quite dangerous, you know," says Jean-Paul Hendrikson, an ardent pacifist. "Duelling ought to be banned! The best way to settle these kind of arguments are through trials, we all know that. If we go ahead with what these duelling nutters want then innocent people will die! It will be a sad day when people value money more than justice. Apart from lawyers, obviously."


Pensei realmente em permitir os duelos... mas achei melhor proibir, ahhaahaha
Re: Nations States (PC)

NationStates 2: Coming Soon!
by Max Barry

I know a bunch of you just choked on your wheat flakes, but it's true: NationStates 2 is happening. It's taken five years of discussion, plans, tears, hopes, trials, and floundering, but at last it's come together: I have the right people working on the right design.

Five years ago, I created this site, NationStates, in my spare time, never expecting it to find the popularity it has. I actually designed it to be a passing fancy, something you might find fun for a little while, then move on.

With NS2, the design from day one has been all about longer-term gameplay. While the core principles of NationStates haven't changed—micromanagement is still a dirty word, diplomacy is the focus, and customization rules—NS2 greatly expands your nation's ability to affect its world. It's all about giving you top-level control and letting you take your nation wherever the hell you want.

I'm thrilled about this. I hope you are, too. For more information, including an NS2 FAQ, check out www.nationstates2.com.

Re: Nations States (PC)

A good day to thee, milord," counters Jack Fellow, an amateur Medieval Faire actor dressed in period costume, "I would suggest that thou hasten thyself to spectate at the jousting competition this forenoon. Aye, quite a bout we have arrayed for thee this day. However, the whole affair could be much grander if only we received a few more gold crownes from the government. Aye, 'twould be a grand tourney of knightly skill and courage indeed!"

Re: Nations States (PC)

A good day to thee, milord," counters Jack Fellow, an amateur Medieval Faire actor dressed in period costume, "I would suggest that thou hasten thyself to spectate at the jousting competition this forenoon. Aye, quite a bout we have arrayed for thee this day. However, the whole affair could be much grander if only we received a few more gold crownes from the government. Aye, 'twould be a grand tourney of knightly skill and courage indeed!"


Pedindo financiamento para feiras medievais :D
Eu financiava ^^
Re: Nations States (PC)

Na verdade era numa Issue sobre dar titulos de nobreza e terras para os poderosos (que eu não dei)

Mas tinha essa opção, a primeira vez que eu li eu me matei rindo, porque li meio sem prestar atenção e não entendi porra nenhuma, hahaha
Re: Nations States (PC)

Peguei a pior questão do jogo essa semana, IMO. :|

The Issue

A medical report has detailed a twenty-fold increase in infection rates over the past ten years of the sexually transmitted disease VODAIS (Viral Overactive Dysfunction of the Auto-Immune System). People all over the nation are petitioning that the government do something about the epidemic.
The Debate

  1. "This situation is about to explode. At this rate, this epidemic could severely impact our economy, our way of life, and even our government," says Doctor Jazz Thiesen. "We must supply powerful drugs to all infected people, even if we have to produce and distribute it ourselves. We must also educate people on the dangers of VODAIS and supply condoms to all sexually active males. Sure, we'll need to divert tax money from the military to fund all this, but what good is a military if the soldiers are too sick to fight?"
  2. "If you supply condoms, you'll increase sexual promiscuity," scoffs religious leader Peggy Shiomi. "If you supply drugs, you'll risk creating an aura of invincibility which in turn increases sexual promiscuity. Sexual abstinence is 100% effective in preventing VODAIS infection. This knowledge must be taught at all schools and workplaces, and all other choices must be ridiculed. Make celibacy the only option!"
  3. "Supplying drugs and condoms will not stop VODAIS infections and forcing everyone to be celibate will be the slow death of New Drakon," whispers Health Minister Dave Hanover in a poorly-lit back room. "Segregating the infected people is the most effective method. Everybody in New Drakon must be tested for VODAIS. Then all the VODAIS positive people will be shipped to seperate gated communities away from the rest of us. If they need to mingle with uninfected people, then they must wear distinguishing badges that feature a Grim Reaper holding a skeletal Dragon."

Valinor 2023

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