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Homem-Formiga (Ant-Man, 2015)

Qual sua nota para o filme?

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@Heberus Stormblade , http://collider.com/ant-man-script-credits-paul-rudd-edgar-wright/
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pior até (quase) que Thor 2.

Nenhum filme do Thor vale a pena até o momento.

Sobre o HdF3, como eu disse na época: eu gosto do Shane Black e já tinha notado que essa coisa de conspiração é a cara dele. Para mim funcionou, e remeteu bem aos arcos d'O Demônio na Garrafa e Extremis. Mas né, não dá pra agradar todo mundo.
No Collider tá dizendo que o Paul Rudd e o Adam McKay reescreveram a maioria do roteiro final do filme, assim constando como os roteiristas oficiais. Edgar Wright permanece como produtor executivo.
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bem-vindo à vida.
Thor é um lixo também. me pergunto o que Kenneth Branagh e Alan Taylor fumaram.

Kenneth Branagh anda uma droga ultimamente. Primeiro Thor. Depois Operação Sombra. Agora vai de Cinderella. P****, volta pros seus Shakespeare e reaprende a dirigir, c******! :lol:
Não sei da onde saiu a cena, mas achei legal.

Só pra entender: O Homem-Formiga está dentro ou fora do Universo Cinemático? Tem uma entrevista do Joss Whedon que me deu a entender que o HM está fora.
Só pra entender: O Homem-Formiga está dentro ou fora do Universo Cinemático? Tem uma entrevista do Joss Whedon que me deu a entender que o HM está fora.
Nada divulgado sobre o filme menciona uma associação aos demais filmes do universo, porém acredito que ele está no mesmo universo e só não fará grandes associações.

Ainda acredito que o Ultron será um projeto idealizado pelo Hank Pym e posto em prática pelo Homem de Ferro.
O joss disse q n.
Eu cacei este quote dele e não achei, onde você viu?

Acho estranho porque o Homem Formiga supostamente encerraria a segunda fase do MCU.

Vi este artigo que aponta diversos possíveis encontros no filme (mas é tudo rumor, então...)

Homem-Formiga é uma das apostas mais arriscadas da Marvel para o futuro. Sabemos bem pouco do roteiro ou dos personagens, mas sabemos menos ainda sobre como isso se ligará ao Universo Cinematográfico da Marvel. E agora, um artigo publicado no StarLog pode revelar como isso vai acontecer:

Já ouvimos falar de possíveis participações especiais de Hayley Atwell e John Slattery como Peggy Carter e Howard Stark, mas além disso, pouca coisa foi revelada. Entretanto, um artigo pode mostrar mais acerca dessas ligações. O site não tem uma reputação muito confiável, mas vamos então dar, nesse caso, o benefício da dúvida.

De acordo com o StarLog, Hank Pym são só encontrará Peggy Carter e Howard Stark nos anos 60. Supostamente, ele também encontrará “um jovem militar cabeça-quente chamado de Thaddeus ‘Thunderbolt’ Ross”, que foi interpretado em 2008 por William Hurt em O Incrível Hulk.

Mas isso não é tudo. O artigo estabelece que Vingadores: Era de Ultron irá levar aos eventos de Capitão América: Guerra Civil, e que o General Ross será um grande aliado de Tony Stark no filme, o que não é tão difícil de se imaginar. Aparentemente, Hank Pym será contatado pelo General na cena pós-crédito de Homem-Formiga, para recrutá-lo de modo que ajude no sistema de registro do Governo. O artigo também revela que a Viúva Negra será presa durante a Guerra Civil, o que levará o Homem-Formiga a libertá-la.

You’ve retconned Ultron’s origin. In the comics, Hank Pym – Ant-Man – creates Ultron. Here, it’s Tony and, to a lesser extent, Bruce.

Of all the heat I’ve ever taken, not having Hank Pym was one of the bigger things. But the fact of the matter was, Edgar had him first and by virtue of what Edgar was doing, there was no way for me to use him in this. I also thought it was a bridge too far. Ultron needs to be the brainchild of the Avengers, and in the world of the Avengers and the MCU, Tony Stark is that guy. Banner has elements of that guy – we don’t really think of him as being as irresponsible as Tony Stark, but the motherfucker tested gamma radiation on himself, with really terrible, way-worse-than-Tony-Stark results.

It didn’t make sense to introduce a third scientist, a third sciencetician, to do that. It was hard for me, because I grew up on the comics, to dump that, but at the end of the day, it’s a more interesting relationship between Tony and Ultron if Tony was once like, ‘You know what would be a really great idea?’ They’re doing what they always do – which is jump in headfirst, and then go, ‘Sorry, world!’ But you have to make it their responsibility without just making it their fault.
Uai, ele só está falando do fato de ser o Tony Stark com ajuda do Dr. Banner a terem criado o Ultron ao invés de ser o Hank Pym como é originalmente nos quadrinhos. Não vi nada mencionando que o Ant-Man não estará ligado aos demais filmes do MCU.
Uai, ele só está falando do fato de ser o Tony Stark com ajuda do Dr. Banner a terem criado o Ultron ao invés de ser o Hank Pym como é originalmente nos quadrinhos. Não vi nada mencionando que o Ant-Man não estará ligado aos demais filmes do MCU.

Vc tem razão. Eu tinha lido a tradução dessa entrevista numa página no FB e agora percebi que a tradução ficou mal feita.
Gostei das cenas com as formigas ( :lol: ), mas é, ainda não fiquei impressionado. Imagino como seria se fosse nas mãos do Edgar Wright.
De todos os filmes da Marvel esse é o que assistirei com o nível mais baixo de expectativa. Até porque não lia os quadrinhos do homem-formiga, então será pra mim será uma das poucas vezes que tomarei contato com um personagem Marvel pela primeira vez vendo o filme antes.
How Ant-Man Got Made In The Face Of Impossible Odds
Germain Lussier
Filed to: ANT-MAN 7/15/15 1:00pm


Marvel’s latest film, Ant-Man, had everything going against it. A literal and culturally tiny character, a very public behind-the-scenes controversy, and the task of coming between two films starring The Avengers. Director Peyton Reed and producer Kevin Feige told us how they made the impossible happen.

In addition to connecting up to the other Marvel movies, this film has to do a lot of heavy lifting to establish its world. “[Ant-Man] is an origin story, but its structure is a heist movie,” Reed tells io9. “Most heist movies, however, don’t have their own onus of setting up all this internal logic. Introducing characters that have strong backstories and then also sort of explaining this technology—and then breaking down different types of ants. There’s a lot of information that has to be conveyed.”

Yes, Ant-Man has a lot to do. First and foremost, it has to set up the world of Ant-Man and making that story satisfying. Then, because of the film’s place between Avengers: Age of Ultronand Captain America: Civil War, Ant-Man also has to clearly connect to the other films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And it has to do all that without sacrificing the story.

“The cynical [people] in the world think we always come [at things] from the view of ‘Setting up setting up, it’s about the next movie.’ It’s quite the opposite,” said Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige. “All of that stuff is usually added as we go.”

“Marvel’s also painfully aware these other elements can’t run away with the movie,” Reed added. “They always have to serve the story. I think that’s something they’ve learned along the way that’s evolved, and it’s really important to them.”


Those added connections to the other Marvel films are one of the rumored reasons why co-writer Edgar Wright left the project as director. Reed, however, said many of the ideas Wright and co-writer Joe Cornish came up with are what got him so excited for the film in the first place.

“Edgar and Joe’s whole idea of keying off that Marvel Premiere [issue], to steal Ant-Man with Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) as the mentor and Scott Lang (Paul Rudd), I thought it was great!” said Reed. “A movie that drove toward a third act where the giant battle was in a little girl’s bedroom, these were all amazing, conceptual things. And the scripts were full of them. But I also felt like we could strengthen it. Deepen a lot of aspects of the movie. I felt that the movie being a heist movie needed to have even more heist movie tropes.”


As the film was written, shot and edited, it changed numerous times. It got to a point where star Corey Stoll admitted that his character, villain Darren Cross who becomes the Yellowjacket, had different motivations and levels of plot knowledge in various versions of the film.

“Even in the different edits, [the motivations] changed around,” said Stoll. “Marvel’s really known for getting a lot of coverage and doing a lot of takes. Sometimes when you’re shooting it, you’re like ‘We got this scene. What are we doing?’ And then you realize they’re going back and they’re really making the movie in post.”

Some of the most important scenes - the signature Marvel moments that take place in the end credits - were discovered in post too. We won’t spoil them yet but there are two. One that’s currently in the middle of the credits was originally supposed to happen in the movie and got moved back. Then the final scene at the very end was lifted from the still-in-production Civil War, the next place we’ll see Ant-Man. But that second one happened very late in the process and was not the original plan.


“There was a version that once Scott got the suit and had his first sort of shrinking experience he decided, ‘Okay: I’m going to start using this suit in kind of fucked up ways,’” Reed said. “There’s scenes where Michael Pena and David Dastmalchian and T.I. are at a casino, gambling and Scott’s in there sort of helping them win money. So we were going to do another tag scene that was in the vein of that. They were all sort of non sequitur tags. They were just going to be, literally, comedic.”

The cast, however, was mostly left in the dark for these decisions. Stoll said while he was curious about a lot of the teases and links between Ant-Man and other movies, Marvel producers kept their secrets.


“I speculated about it,” said Stoll. “It was always a funny thing when you’re behind the monitor with Peyton or Brad Winderbaum, our producer. I don’t know how much they know but I definitely was trying to press them for whatever information they had. Brad is the one who knew the most and he kept it very close to the vest.”

All will be revealed this weekend though when Ant-Man finally hits theaters. And from there, it just doesn’t stop. Marvel Studios is ending Phase Two and going straight into a massive Phase Three.

“I mean, first off I’m excited about Civil War,” Stoll said. “It almost seems like Age of Ultron’s just leading up to that, which is going to be even bigger. Then, I guess I don’t know if it’s Phase 4 but the Inhumans sounds crazy. It just seems like it’s a step even crazier than Guardians of the Galaxy in terms of weirdness and that’s exciting. Captain Marvel is also really exciting to me. I think it’s great to have finally a female superhero.”

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