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Hello Kitty não é uma gatinha, é uma pessoa

Ok, seguindo a trilha de artigos, o original parece ser esse aqui, do LA Times:


Não parece erro de tradução não. Parece que a Sanrio teve uma mudança de opinião.

... mas ...

(sempre tem um né?)

No site oficial ou "official Hello Kitty fans site" (http://hello-kitty.sanriotown.com/) temos:

Hello Kitty is a cheerful and happy little girl with a heart of gold. She lives in London with her mama (Mary White), papa (George White), and her twin sister Mimmy. Hello Kitty loves to bake and she can make really delicious cookies. She learned her baking talents from her mama, who makes scrumptious apple pies that are enjoyed by the whole family.
Hello Kitty's hobbies include traveling, listening to music, reading, eating cookies and mama's apple pies, and making new friends. One of her most popular mottos is "You can never have too many friends."

Hello Kitty has a pet cat named Charmmy Kitty and a pet hamster named Sugar. Charmmy Kitty was a present from her papa, while Sugar was given to her by her childhood friend Dear Daniel.

Valinor 2023

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