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Gondor na quarta era do sol

Jairo Anjos

Tenho uma dúvida, há muito que li a triologia de senhor dos anéis e acho que algo não ficou claro para mim.
Quando Elessar reunifica o reino de Gondor e Arnor, antigos territorios como Umbar ou Gondor do Sul voltam a pertencer ao reino de Gondor?
Depois que Aragorn recebeu a coroa e assumiu o posto de Alto Rei ele reconquistou as regiões que na qualidade de herdeiro de sangue Numenoriano (descendente de Elros irmão de Elrond, fundador de Númenor) lhe pertenciam por direito durante a extensão original na época de Elendil. Umbar em particular havia sido completamente derrotada e submetida.

The area encompassed by the Reunited Kingdom now encompassed the territory of the Two Kingdoms at their greatest extent. In the North, this included all the land between the River Lune and the Misty Mountains, and in the South included all the land between Dunland in the west, to the Far Harad southwards, to Rhûn in the east. The reborn kingdom continued on into the Fourth Age, with Eldarion eventually succeeding his father to the throne of this now empire-sized state.


The Reunited Kingdom of Arnor and Gondor is a fictional realm from J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth.

When Aragorn became King of Gondor at the end of the War of the Ring, he was also the descendant of the Kings of Arnor, and by right he was crowned High King of both Arnor and Gondor and Reunited the Two Kingdoms, which had politically split long ago. Using the resources of the victorious Gondor, Aragorn, taking the royal name King Elessar, rebuilt Arnor in the North.

With the defeat of Sauron and Mordor, the Reunited Kingdom of Aragorn was without question the dominant power of Northwest Middle-earth during his long reign.

During Aragorn's reign, the Reunited Kingdom expanded to retake all territories that had originally belonged to both Arnor and Gondor at their greatest extents, excluding only Rohan (the grant of which he renewed), and the Shire, the Druadan Forest, and Fangorn Forest (which became protectorates).

Additionally, during the 1st century of the Fourth Age Aragorn led the armies of the Reunited Kingdom in many successful military campaigns that retook the province of South Gondor (Harondor), re-established dominance over Rhovanion (Wilderland) eastwards to the Sea of Rhûn[citation needed], and conquered the Corsairs of Umbar, who had attacked Gondor during the War of the Ring. Umbar had originally been a Númenórean port and an important city of Gondor in ancient times before ultimately being conquered by the followers of Castamir following the Kin-strife, who distanced Umbar from Gondor and befriended Harad. Elessar finally reconquered the city, and the Reunited Kingdom stretched South along the coast from the Mouths of the Anduin River to the Haven of Umbar. Much of Harad was defeated and became tributary states.[citation needed] Aragorn was also held to be the protector of Dale (which included Esgaroth), and the Dwarf realm of Erebor,[citation needed] although these allies maintained their own rule and kings. Aragorn is assumed to have rebuilt the old northern capital of Annúminas.[1]

The only threats or rivals to the Reunited Kingdom into the Fourth Age would have been the Haradrim, who had not been subjugated, and the Easterlings.

Valinor 2023

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