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Esquadrão Suicida (Suicide Squad, 2016)

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O que que há com esses trailers de filmes de heróis colocando músicas pop antigas em marcha lenta?

É muito pouco de Joker, mas aparentemente ele optou por usar um tom de voz e trejeitos na voz similares ao Ledger. Ainda mais comparando com a voz normal dele.
Esse argumento de que "foi a mesma coisa com o Ledger" vai ser usado até o dia do filme. Blz, tá certo.

Enfim, podia ter mais do Coringa. E achei bem furreca essa fala dele. #rabugento
eu insisto que aqui na valinor mesmo já com os trailers o pessoal já começou a mudar de ideia sobre o ledger - tipo, pagar pau mesmo antes de ver o filme. eu continuo achando o leto bem fuééém. "nhai, foi pouco que ele apareceu". arlequina tb aparece pouco e eu estou super de boa com a personagem, então aquela coisa: posso queimar a língua, mas por enquanto não vi nada de extraordinário. aliás, trailer via de regra serve para atiçar a curiosidade da pessoa para ver o filme, e esse é um que eu espero tranquilona sair em blu-ray, não vi nada ali que deixasse com qualquer vontade de assistir asap.

(a versão de I started a joke é interessante, mas senti uma pegada meio age of ultron com no strings on me, então fuééém, nada de novo.)
É esse Coringa também ainda não me convenceu. Eu gostei muito do teaser, mas mais pelo grupo em si e pelo filme que parece ter uma ação muito massa. Esse Coringa pra mim ainda tá muito "muleke" hahahaha
Mas, to naquelas: vou esperar pra ver.
Está confirmado que o Coringa será membro do Esquadrão?

EDIT: Never mind. Agora que eu vi que ele será o vilão.

Sobre o Leto, bom, é um tough act to follow. O Coringa do Ledger marcou todo mundo. No entanto, antes deles tínhamos como referência apenas o Coringa grotesco do Nicholson e o do Bátima da Feira da Fruta. :lol: Levou tempo para encontrar um ator que se encaixasse naquele ideal do Alan Moore de A Piada Mortal ou do Morte na Família. A turma só se convenceu mesmo do potencial do Ledger quando saiu aqueles trailers e teasers com aquela risada ou com o famoso good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Ainda assim, trailer é pra animar, mas tem uns que... É esperar pra ver mesmo.
Última edição:
A Arlequina tá uma gracinha. Mas isso não é o suficiente... O Joker tá um lixo, e isso é que importa.

90% do que importa em um universo da DC diz respeito a se o Batman ficou legal, se o Joker ficou legal e se o Superman ficou legal - nessa ordem. Zoaram com o Joker... Pronto, pode descartar todo o resto.

Não importa se eu já tô aceitando a Gal Gadot como Mulher Maravilha, ou se a Arlequina tá foda. Nem saiu o Bat vs Sup ainda, e já tô esperando o reboot em 2020, inspirado na série Arkham de games.
What We Learned From Obsessively Studying The New Suicide Squad Footage
Charlie Jane Anders
Filed to: SUICIDE SQUAD 7/14/15 4:49pm


Like we said the other day, the Suicide Squad footage that premiered at Comic-Con really was stupendous. And after poring over it for a whole 24 hours, we’ve noticed lots of fascinating details and easter eggs. Here’s our complete breakdown of everything you might have missed.

And yeah, this footage really does look kind of badass. Still have some reservations about the Joker, and still feeling like DC could have made a bigger splash in Hall H last weekend—but there’s no question this footage is a winner, overall, now that I’ve watched it a bunch of times.

Here’s what we saw in this trailer.

Meet the Squad

Floyd Lawton, aka Deadshot, is a sharpshooter who never misses (unless he wants to). He’s a familiar character from Arrow, and here he’s played by Will Smith.

Guessing this is a flashback to when Lawton was still a civilian, possibly with his family. (Note the girl to his right.)


In most versions of the character, his estranged family is a major factor in his backstory.

Here he is going to work, with his cool enhanced mask and eyepiece.

Harleen Quinzel, aka Harley Quinn, is a nut with amazing acrobatic skills, and has an on-again, off-again thing with the Joker. She somehow rigged up an aerialist thing in her cell.

Here she is in her full getup.


And again!

Pretty sure this is Killer Croc, aka Waylon Jones (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje), wearing a mouthpiece to keep him from biting anyone.

And here’s a way better look at him.

Here’s Enchantress (Cara Delevingne) bathing in black goop under a pentagram. She usually has magical powers, but she can’t always control them and they turn her psychotic.

More Enchantress.

This apparently is her origin story, where she first encounters some kind of mystical force that enabled her to turn into a murderous witch.

This is El Diablo (Jay Hernandez), who’s sometimes a good guy in the comics. Here, he seems sort of like a gang-banger.


Standing next to Deadshot there is Rick Flagg (Joel Kinnaman), who’s usually the one member of the Squad who’s a straight arrow—he’s their leader, tasked with keeping them from going off the rails. Good luck with that.

Here’s Rick Flagg with some kind of love interest. Not sure who. (Update: According to Cara Delevingne’s Instagram, that’s her in this shot with him.)

This is Katana (Karen Fukuhara) with her magical sword that sucks out people’s souls and stores them in its blade. She’s sort of a hero, too, but has gotten stuck with the Squad for some reason.

Here she is without her mask. Seems like she’s trying to put the sword away.

Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney) is a sarcastic Australian whose gimmick is right there in his name.

And here’s Slipknot, whose power involves rope.

The actual leader of the Squad (as opposed to the figurehead Rick Flagg) is Amanda Waller (Viola Davis), who’s the most ruthless character in the DC Universe. Great lines here include “I put them in a hole, and then threw away the hole.” She’s an expert at getting people to do things they don’t want to... or so she claims.

That’s probably General Wade Eiling, who has a tendency to turn evil in a lot of stories. He becomes the Shaggy Man, or tries to gain superpowers some other way. He’s usually a nasty piece of work.

And here’s Belle Reve, the maximum security prison where the superpowered crazies are thrown away by Amanda Waller, who watches them from a high walkway.
Random Costumed Crazies

This appears to be one sequence where people dressed as babies, eyeball heads, goatheads, pandas, and fake Batman attack a facility of some sort.

Guessing these guys work for the Joker? Note the lab coats and institutional setting.

Here it looks almost industrial.

Yay fake Batman!
The Squad’s First Mission

Appears to be in London. (Update: Commenters point out it’s actually Toronto, where this movie is filmed.)

Toronto is a dark and dangerous place, full of menace.

Attacking some kind of office building


Guessing it doesn’t turn out so hot.
Prison Riot


This movie is rumored to feature (and possibly end with) some kind of riot and jailbreak. Note the guards with riot shields.

Certainly looks like Harley is getting one over on the guards.

Looks like El Diablo is doing something involving fire and water

And then getting flushed out a pipe
The Joker


Considering this movie isn’t really about him, there’s a lot of the Joker in this trailer. He’s definitely bringing a certain wacky menace to it.

Someone is leading the Joker into what looks like the same facility the costumed crazies were attacking.

The Joker and Harley drive off, with Batman on top of their car. Possibly a flashback? Also probably the only time we see Batman in this film.

This is widely assumed to be the moment when the Joker turns the innocent therapist Harleen Quinzel into the psychotic Harley Quinn—which could be pretty hard to watch.

I’m just guessing it’s Harley that he’s telling how he’s going to hurt her real, real bad.
Edit. Vi o post do Bruce.

E serio que 3 segundos já fizeram vocês não gostarem do personagem? Eu vou pagar pra ver, pq o antigo foi a mesma coisa quando saiu a foto do ledger, aí agora todo mundo paga pau.
This fan theory about Suicide Squad’s Joker is blowing up Reddit
Fonte: - http://fusion.net/ - Link para matéria - July 28, 2015 5:34 p.m.

Editor’s note: this post is FILLED with legitimate Batman-related spoilers, so read with caution.

In the nearly seventy years since he’s appeared in DC Comics, the Joker’s identity has been a long-running mystery. Even the Joker himself isn’t exactly sure of his origin.

Sometimes he’s a small-time criminal-turned-victim who falls into a vat of toxic chemicals that permanently bleaches his skin white, turns his hair green, and leaves his mouth forever red and disfigured. Sometimes he’s just a terrorist psychopath with no real backstory. It really depends on who’s writing him.

Right now, though, Reddit’s blowing up with a fan theory that the Suicide Squad‘s Joker, played by Jared Leto, is actually a twisted, psychotic version of Jason Todd, the second Robin. Let that wash over you for a second.

The key to understanding this theory, popularized by Reddit user Jason-G169, is watching the trailers for Suicide Squad and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and knowing a little bit about the Joker’s storied history of torturing people.

In both trailers there are a number of scenes that reference things that appear to have happened before either of the films take place. Of particular importance are these two shots featuring Ben Affleck as Batman:


In this scene we see a glimpse of Robin's suit, covered in what appears to be the Joker's writing.
Ver anexo screen-shot-2015-07-28-at-1-07-32-pm.png

Batman v Superman takes place in the same universe as Zack Snyder’sMan of Steel, but at an undetermined point in the future. In this world, Jason-G169 theorizes, Batman finallyteams up with Robin, though their partnership is cut short when Robin is murdered.

In the trailer, we briefly see a Robin suit in the Batcave that’s painted with the words: “HAHAHA, Joke’s on you, Batman.” Later in the trailer, Wayne unfolds a news clipping accusing him of letting his “family die.” The two sets of handwriting are awfully similar:


Someone sends Bruce a news clipping accusing him of letting his family die.
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Fans are assuming that the writing on Robin’s suit is the Joker’s because of its green-ish hue and the similarity between the “HAHA” and the “HAHA” tattoos that the new Joker has inked all over his body.

The implications of the newspaper clip get a little bit deeper and require that you’ve got some familiarity with the Batman comics. Batman frequently refers to his sidekicks and bat-themed teammates over the years as his “family.” For the most part, the family’s secret identities have remained just that: a secret.

If it’s the Joker that’s writing this note, though, how would he know to refer to the dead Robin as a member of his family? Moreover, what “joke” is Robin’s suit referring to? The simple answer is that the Joker killed Robin and is merely taunting Batman. The more interesting answer that Jason-G16 and other comic book fans want to believe: this Joker and that Robin are one in the same.


The Joker beating Jason Todd to death in 'Batman: A Death in the Family'
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In order for this theory to work, we’ve got to assume that a few different things are true. First, the Robin referenced in the film would actually have to be Jason Todd. In the comics and some of the more recent Arkhamvideo games, a particular instance where the Joker tortures and murders Jason Todd is explored for dramatic effect.

In 2000’s direct-to-DVD movie Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, however, the Joker stops short of killing Tim Drake (the third Robin) in favor of gruesomely torturing him and turning him into the Joker Jr.Drake, being mentally broken, laughs maniacally in front of a horrified Batman before ultimately shooting the Joker. Some ans of Jason-G16’s theory are rallying around the idea that Batman v Superman might draw from this particular interpretation of what drives Robin insane.

For this to be true, though, it would require that there actually be twoJokers–the one that tortures Jason Todd, and the one that becomes the “new” Joker (played by Jared Leto).

There are other potential clues that back the theory up. Below the new Joker’s left eye is a “J” tattoo that many believe is a reference to the “J” brand the Joker bestows upon Jason Todd in the recently released Arkham Knight.


Note the Joker brand beneath Jason's left eye compared to the J tattoo on the new Joker's face.
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Jared Leto as the new Joker.
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Also, Leto’s Joker appears to have a winged animal tattooed on his bicep that many are claiming is another callback to his previous life as Jason Todd.

On a deeply nerdy level, this fan theory is incredibly satisfying because it dovetails nicely with with how DC comics have dealt with the death of a Robin in the past. Jason Todd is the most high-profile Boy Wonder to have died and making him the new Joker would still allow forBatman v Superman to introduce Dick Grayson, the first Robin, who eventually went on to become the hero Nightwing.

Snyder’s son Eli is rumored to make a cameo as a Boy Wonder in his father’s upcoming film, though there’s no telling just which Robin he might be. Until March 25th, 2016, your guess is as good as ours.


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Então, já tinha visto esta teoria por aí. Acho que não é verdade e, se for, já estragou todo o universo cinematográfico da DC pra mim. E por uma razão simples: com essa mania de filmes/histórias/etc de origens, TODO MUNDO quer dar uma origem pro Coringa (vide Gotham), e ele é um personagem massa (dentre outros aspectos) justamente por NÃO ter uma origem, não ser "rastreável". Mesmo n'A Piada Mortal, o Moore não dá um nome pra ele. É um cara que se deu mal, pirou foda e virou o que é.

"ah, mas o Coringa sabe que o Batman é o Bruce". Desde o run do Morrison na revista Batman (2006-2009) que ele já deixa claro que o Coringa sabe disso. Recentemente, sob a batuta do Scott Snyder, no arco Morte da Família, isso também é deixado muito claro, então precedente tem.

E, uma coisa que eu acho que descredibiliza um pouco esta teoria e uma entrevista recente do Leto pra Empire onde ele diz: "Para me preparar para o personagem ouvi música gospel dos anos 1920 e pus na minha cabeça que o Coringa é mais velho que as pessoas imaginam." (Isso sem contar que o Leto é quase um ano mais velho q o Affleck, apesar de não aparentar, mas tb não significar muito).

tl;dr: não acredito nisso, muito também porque não gosto desta teoria. Acho que o Coringa é da idade do Batman e esse "j" na cara dele não tem nada a ver com o Todd.
Foda! Estou com altas expectativas (o que não é bom :lol:). Espero que no filme eles mantenham essa trilha mais ou menos pop ou sei lá que teve nos dois trailers, vai ser uma decepção chegar no filme e a trilha ser aquele mais do mesmo.
Acordei hoje e vi todo mundo falando super bem desse trailer. Expectativas foram lá em cima, claro, mas quando vi não achei isso tudo não... é bem montado e tal, mas sei lá.

Estou mais curioso pra ver esse filme do que de fato animado com ele, ao contrário de Batman vs Superman, que eu estou empolgadasso! :g:
Pára, Batman lidando com seres cósmicos, vilão troll das cavernas, Lex Luthor afetado.... :zzz:
Trailer épico. Mas não quer dizer que i filme vai ser bom tb, veremos...

E com relação a imagem do @Indu : bem legal pro pessoal saber melhor quem é quem, e podemos notar algumas diferenças tb, a katana, por exemplo, vai usar o uniforme mais parecido com o que ela usa nos novos 52...

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