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EA anuncia The Battle for Middle-earth Anthology

Administração Valinor

<p align="justify"><img src="http://www.valinor.com.br/images/stories/categorias_noticias/jogos.jpg" border="0" alt="filmes" title="filmes" hspace="5" vspace="5" width="80" height="100" align="left" /><div align="justify">
A Eletronic Arts anunciou ontem &quot;The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for
Middle-earth Anthology&quot; para PC. O game trar&aacute; em uma &uacute;nica compila&ccedil;&atilde;o &quot;The Lord of the Rings:
The Battle for Middle-earth&quot;, &quot;The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for
Middle-earth II - Collector's Edition&quot; e&nbsp; &quot;The Lord of the Rings: The
Battle for Middle-earth II - The Rise of the Witch-King&quot;.
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Valinor 2023

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