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Artigo sobre o filme 1 - AJUDA


Estou estudando ingles no canada e um dos meus trabalhos e um artigo sobre LOTR, especificamente sobre o primeiro filme. Ele esta em ingles, o que eu preciso e apenas alguns feedbacks sobre. Agradeco se alguem puder responder, segue o texto:

Here Comes the Ring

For the suspicious of some fans and the happiness of others, Tolkien’s most famous book, the Lord of the Rings, has come from pages to screen. Read by more than one hundred million people, the three-part-epic has finally become a movie by the hands of director Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema.

This task was not easy. More than 2400 people in production team worked in the wonderful landscapes of New Zealand to create the magical world of Tolkien. Elves, dwarfs, unbelievable creatures, cities and entire armies were made in one of the most expensive movies produced in Hollywood.

The One Ring, lost for centuries, was found by Bilbo, a Hobbit, small and quiet creatures that live in the shire. Some years later the ring passed to Frodo, his heir. The One Ring was made in the fires of mountain Doom, by the hands of evil Sauron himself and can be used just for him. He needs this ring to cover all lands with shadow and flame. Defeated by men and elves in the past, he has returned and is seeking the ring, all his will is turned to find it. A fellowship formed by one elf, one dwarf, one man and three hobbits is lead by Frodo, the Ring bearer, to the fires of mountain Doom, in the heart of Sauron’s lands, where the Ring can be destroyed forever and ever.

The first part of the epic, the Fellowship of the Ring, strikes the theaters with the promise of bringing the unimaginable world that for decades had a profound effect on generations of readers. The special effects were well done, make-up and scenery are also wonderful. Elijah Wood, as Frodo, fit so well as the character that you can really think you’re in Middle Earth, the place where the whole story happens. The same goes for Ian McKellen, as Gandalf, Liv Tyler, as Arwen, and Vigo Mortesen, as Aragorn, the last king of men.

The Fellowship of the Ring is more than another epic cliché; it’s a deep story where goodness beats evil and love still alive. Let your dreams go high.
lucsantos disse:
Estou estudando ingles no canada e um dos meus trabalhos e um artigo sobre LOTR, especificamente sobre o primeiro filme. Ele esta em ingles, o que eu preciso e apenas alguns feedbacks sobre.
Eu poderia tentar ajudar se soubesse o que é um feedback. :mrgreen:
Achei legal o seu artigo. Alguns comentários...

lucsantos disse:
one of the most expensive movies produced in Hollywood.

Eu realmente não sei as cifras, mas SdA foi mesmo um dos fimes mais caros? Lembro que era bastante dinheiro sim, mas talvez relativamente "barato" se considerarmos que eram três filmes.

lucsantos disse:
The One Ring, lost for centuries, was found by Bilbo, a Hobbit, small and quiet creatures that live in the shire.

Talvez fosse melhor dizer que ele foi encontrado por Gollum, e depois passou a Bilbo...

lucsantos disse:
The One Ring was made in the fires of mountain Doom

Não é "mountain", é "mount".

lucsantos disse:
A fellowship formed by one elf, one dwarf, one man and three hobbits is lead by Frodo

Você esqueceu de mencionar Gandalf. E eram dois homens: Aragorn e Boromir.

lucsantos disse:
The Fellowship of the Ring is more than another epic cliché; it’s a deep story where goodness beats evil and love still alive. Let your dreams go high.

Gostei deste final. Ficou bem bonito! (Não seria "love IS still alive"?)

Valinor 2023

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